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Q; describe how this is 'Auto' regulating.


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While working at the range on my bench trying to get various factory loads to give me an acceptable group, (still an unmet goal) all of the rounds fed and extracted flawlessly - until it came to some HP .308 WINCH 190 GR HPBT MATCH GRADE. Suddenly the action started failing to strip the top round out of the (pyramidal) magazine. Occasionally( 1/15 ) it would - but obviously there was not enough residual energy to fully cycle the bolt/ carrier/ spring.


Unlike the FN, Galils and a bunch of other gas piston operated auto feeders there is no adjustability to the amount of gas porting - ???


[ 10-05-2006, 09:52 PM: Message edited by: drcam ]

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My SBE had a some issues when it was new with the lighter loads. Some people told me there is a break in period. The more I shoot the better it got. I Dont know if the R1 needs a little break in or not but I wouldnt be suprised if it does better on the light stuff once it gets broke in.

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AaronE, who said anything about the light stuff?




I'm thinking that auto-regulating means that there is no need for user adjustability. You know, like "auto-regulating".


Did you switch back to other loads and not experience problems?

If so, the answer seems simple enough... don't shoot the Winchesters.


How many rounds are you firing between cleanings?

The R1 is not a mil spec rifle, and it requires some TLC to perform properly.

it's not designed to fast cycle clip after clip, and it's not designed to shoot box after box of ammo with no care.

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Originally posted by drcam:

While working at the range on my bench trying to get various factory loads to give me an acceptable group, (still an unmet goal) all of the rounds fed and extracted flawlessly - until it came to some HP .308 WINCH 190 GR HPBT MATCH GRADE. Suddenly the action started failing to strip the top round out of the (pyramidal) magazine. Occasionally( 1/15 ) it would - but obviously there was not enough residual energy to fully cycle the bolt/ carrier/ spring.


Unlike the FN, Galils and a bunch of other gas piston operated auto feeders there is no adjustability to the amount of gas porting - ???

I don’t know if the “HP” in your post stands for “High Power” or not, but if it does, the R1 does not like them. Though it is auto regulated, it isn’t designed for Hi power loads. Actually that concerns any autoloader.
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Try adjusting the wings of the magazine. My R1 did the same thing every once in a while. I looked at the rounds and found scrapes on the cases. I was able to match the scrapes to the magazine wings - bent them out a bit and Viola! no more mis-feeds.


Now, it still may relate to the energy bled off by the gas port system that has something to do with failure to strip a round. Keep in mind it is an entire system (the Argo gas system) - not just an isolated portion of it. Any part of that system that pulls the cycle out of operating parameters may cause a malfunction in another part, e.g. not enough (or too much) energy bled off from a given round and a "tight" magazine might lead to a failure to strip/feed.


Good luck,



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I had some military loads as described above - HP seemed to be the brand name . Berdan primed.

Interestingly the boxes specify .308 as I mentioned in my first post. However the head stamps show 7.62x 51

- an interesting factory disconnect that makes me wonder if they are foriegn manf. for some NATO country?


When I switch back to commercial loads function is OK.


I shoot about 30 - 50 rds per session - and clean my babies whenever thay get used.

Thanks for the input- and help . This BB stuff is kinda new to me - but very helpful.




[ 10-10-2006, 08:40 PM: Message edited by: drcam ]

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