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Home defense + sporting gun


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Originally posted by The_Gun_Guy:

originally posted by Jon Ramsey:


Your wife sounds just like my mom.


As for me I just got a new semi-auto 12 gauge for my wife..... It was the best trade I ever made.


Seriously, my wife has all most as many shotguns as I do.

Alright If you mean what I think you mean "it's not fitt'n to be said" children could read that later! was that really necessary?


If that is not what you meant than I am sincerely sorry and pretend that the text isn't really there. Ummm..... Ok. I'm not sure what you think I meant. But If I meant what you think I meant then I apologize, as it was not my intent to offend.....


However! If what you thought I meant is in fact not what I meant, and what I actually meant was something else entirely, then we should both pretend that this entire conversation never took place. Know what I mean??? :eek:


Now for a few quick message to our friends in the communist occupied state of California.


The chair is against the wall.

I repeat. The chair is against the wall.


John has a long mustache.

I repeat. John has a long mustache.

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I live in a 3rd world country and prpepare for 3 situations. First, a non pro intruder trying to rob the house in which case sit still and absolutely quiet until and if intruder is point blank. I keep a Beretta .40 and a surefire light in holsters on the bedrail. Second, a pro group of intruders/attackers entering or attacking to rob or kidnap. In this case a shotgun with buckshot with integral light, start shooting and close distance. I have had several attempted intrusions in the past few years and take this all pretty serious... pre thought lines of fire/attack and extra shells and clips strategically placed throughout home. Third is a non pro outdoors screwing around with my car or looking for petty theft. In this case a harsh warning, sound of shell racking into chamber and surefire light into face. My living space is in the second level and storage and carport on ground level. First level of protection and alert is an australian cattle dog on the balcony at each of the two primary entrances. But for shotgun purchase my opinion is shorter is better and practice until handling and firing is instinctive. If you need to be thinking in the real moment of need, your'e screwed.


If anyone's wondering how to tell the difference between pro's and non pro, here in central america the pros come in hard using shock and surprise.. the non-pros try sneaking around.

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