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Opening Day


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Yesterday, October 13, was opening day here in Massachusetts for upland birds. Took my little 20 guage Monty out for a walk and pushed a woodcock out of some heavy brush near a swampy area. Naturally I missed. Those little birds are fast! Later I flushed a hen pheasent from a field near a wood line (hens are legal on WMA areas) and that pheasent was no more than 15 yards out and climbing for the clouds when I got her. My light weight Monty and a load of 7+1/2 is all it took. Monday I'll see if I can find some quail. Does anybody else have any opening day stories? I love opening day :-)



Cape Cod

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I miss hunting pheasants.I used to take my Ithaca m37 16ga. out and walk for miles up and down the Deleware River in Pa. bumping into grouse and woodcock along the way.It was nice because you could walk and talk to your closest friends and also get an exciting hunt in, or you could go alone and find yourself and leave your worries down by the river.


Best of luck this season.

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It wasnt opening day but still pretty fun.


A friend and I took our kids out goose hunting so two ten year old girls and a five year old little boy all out to a cut soybean field at 5 AM. Then throw in my yellow lab Tread just for good measures.


At the end of the day we got our 2 goose limit each, all finished by 10:00. The best thing is the kids got to see everything, they saw geese land in the decoys and they saw birds shot from the sky (no ground swatting here) calling and flag waiving. My son laid between my friend and I in the decoy spread while the girls where tucked away in some nearby cover, despite the cold and muddy conditions everyone said they had fun.


First time I ever fired the gun with my little guy in the blind, he thinks this whole hunting thing is pretty cool and cant wait for next time. The girls will go anytime you ask and said they like this better than the mall - cool.


I think we have their interest now.

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  • 4 weeks later...

i prefer after seasons been open a few weeks. we dont have many quail in n.central texas too many fireants.pheasents are nearly non existant.but i do love dove season. the problem is i limit out too fast on opening day. i can get 14 birds in an hour on a good day.i like when them micro F-16,s get about 100ft in the air movin about 70mph.:D

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i prefer after seasons been open a few weeks. we dont have many quail in n.central texas too many fireants.pheasents are nearly non existant.but i do love dove season. the problem is i limit out too fast on opening day. i can get 14 birds in an hour on a good day.i like when them micro F-16,s get about 100ft in the air movin about 70mph.:D



you shoot a duck out of season by your worried about a bag limit.

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  • 3 weeks later...
i prefer after seasons been open a few weeks. we dont have many quail in n.central texas too many fireants.pheasents are nearly non existant.but i do love dove season. the problem is i limit out too fast on opening day. i can get 14 birds in an hour on a good day.i like when them micro F-16,s get about 100ft in the air movin about 70mph.:D

But the limit is twelve here in Texas (not 14).

Edited by MontefeltroPro
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