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Upland this weekend


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Howdy all,


My first post in the forums, glad to be here and look forward to posting lots more!


Going for pheasant this weekend with a new Stoeger Condor I bought today and am pretty stoked about it!! A new shotgun, a bird dog that don't point, and lots of friends... life isn't any better.


Does anyone here have the 26" Condor here?

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Well, not too much to report for pheasants, however, did ok for quail with 4. I will definitely need to make time for the range and practice with the new shotgun.


We jumped a nice sized rooster and wouldn't you know the the safety works!! :( laughed for a while with that one...


The dog was useless as ever...


I need to post a little more to get the photo to work...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I shoot a 26" Condor. It has been trouble-free. When new I took the stock off and flushed out the mechanism and a lot of sooty black powder came out. Other than that I just lube the heck out of it and shoot, shoot, shoot! A lot of people complain about the fit and finish on these, but maybe they have improved them, because I just don't see that problem on mine. It's definitely not as nice as a $1500.00 o/u, but it's $1200.00 cheaper!

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I agree, for the price, you certainly can't go wrong. I had a great time shooting with it and look forward to another 6 or so weeks of pheasant/quail hunting. I just picked up a box of the load I was shooting for a steal, Federal Game load 7 1/2, easy shooting...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Been out twice in the past month myself. Western Kansas near Ness City on the weekend of the 16/17/18 November. Hunted Friday afternoon, Saturday, and Sunday morning. Waaaay too hot to be pheasant hunting. Way too hot to be mid-November. But between 7 of us, we bagged 15 roosters. I had 2 solo kills plus at least 3 where I "contributed."


Went out yesterday near Atchison KS, on State land that requires a drawing to hunt. Bagged one rooster, plus two bobwhite quail, one male, one female.


Good hunting, and waaaay better than being in an office at work, that's for sure.


I use a 28" Condor I've had since January of 2001. This gun has helped me bag many, many pheasants.


Frankly, it has a trigger like a Daisy Red Rider, and that's AFTER I did some polishing on the mechanism to make it better than it was. But it fits me reasonably well, and it keeps going bang when I pull the trigger.



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This year I used a new Winchester Traditional Elegance O/U 26” that I got on clearance this spring. It is light and is great as a carry gun, but use the M2 with the limiter removed when blocking.


In two trips this year, 8 – 10 (depending on the day) or use got 80 pheasant in three days.

The second trip 5 of use got 24 pheasant and 4 partridges in 4 days.

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These hunts were on private land in Soth Dakota, they had a great hatch, rian in August to provide great cover. The number of pheasant are insane. One day (you can't start hunting until 10:00 AM) we had 10 guys and rooster number 30 hit the ground at 1:20.


If you love to hunt pheasant, South Dakota is the place to go.

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