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texas skeeter

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Everything posted by texas skeeter

  1. Um, last time i checked its NOT your job to protect EVERYONE on this site or the planet!!! and YEAH,lets buy more insurance?? and i do believe we are adults here. and more importantly we all know the laws here and who could be liable for what!! ALL THE JACK-A$$ LAWYERS in this country have taught us that!! so again, why make the comment?? who made you "The Benelli Forum Site Lawyer"?? again your comments about an OBVIOUS LIABILITY ruin it for others!! not to mention AGAIN your way of thinking HAS RUINED this country!!!! people tinkered and sold dangerous stuff/inventions from their garage in the last century, and it was just as dangerous then and people werent sue happy back then. but then came your way of thinking and F-CKED IT ALL UP!! thanks buddy!! .at least we know where you stand. OH, and again its NOT your JOB to protect me!!
  2. YES i do!! and when MADMAX time comes, and the way this administration is going it looks like sooner than later i will have enough to try and keep my family safer!! and you'd be amazed at the sh-t i have for prepairdness.
  3. ONCE AGAIN!! YOU decided to buy the experimental parts!! and from a little guy who made them in his garage not some big corporation. that being said, YOU would be taking a chance by CHOOSING to buy the part. so if you got injured you'd sue him?? key word, EXPERIMENTAL!! the sad part is, that YOU EVEN THINK THIS WAY!!!! even knowing all the facts about these pistons!!! not to mention its PEOPLE LIKE YOU THAT RUIN IT FOR EVERYBODY ELSE!!! with the comments you make and scareing possibly new inventions/ ideas from the little garage tinkerer!! YEAH, LETS JUST SCARE THE SH-T OUT OF ALL OF THEM, so NO-ONE will EVER take a chance and invent or recreate sh-t again!!! the days of the innovative little guy that made this country great is OVER!!! because people like you and the SUE HAPPY way you think!!!! and you ruin it for some of us on this site that want these parts with your stupid comments. thanks dude!!
  4. see thats part of the reason this country is so F-CKED UP!! because everyone wants to blame EVERYONE ELSE and not be accountable for their OWN actions!! one would CHOOSE to purchase an experimental item, thus meaning no one else to blame!! i personaly would sign a release form to ease ones mind.
  5. i have 4 vests!! 1 for each of my family members!!
  6. I dont even know if Panabax really wants to even sell any. im sure hoping he does, we shall see.
  7. there's a couple for sale on http://www.gunbroker.com good luck
  8. this was truely a stupid question. if i had a chance to make my gun legal or just keep taking it to the range illegally, it only seems logical one would choose Uh LEGAL!! i like my collapsible stock, and will take a chance on new pistons. cause i can afford to. you are the one whom seems narrow minded especially when its someone else trying the new pistons.
  9. seriously M, please elaborate on what could be dangerous with the piston not working. cause if it stopped, the gas would still escape therefore no pressure and if it didnt come all the way back, oh wow the bolt didnt cycle only meaning the gun wouldnt fire. i do want U.S. made pistons to make my gun truely legal with my c-stock. not to mention the 3 guys i know making them are testing the sh-t out of them and wouldnt sell them if they didnt work in their own gun. you make it seem like using pistons other than the manufacturers are gonna make the gun blow-up.
  10. Um, last time i checked EVERYONE here is an ADULT therefore can make their own decisions. and as far as the gun messing up, if it does due to the newly aquired pistons ill put the original pistons back in it or just buy a new gun!! and what DANGER can there possibly be????? oh, wow the gun dont work!! they are just pistons that go back and forth!! ooooh, i bought some pistons a guy made, they either work or they dont. there's NOOOOO need to try and scare everyone to death!!!!!!!!
  11. YEP, thats why. the U.S. guns dont come with a full length mag tube.
  12. um NO, c-stocks are legal in TEXAS!! sorry Hookie!!
  13. hey Camel, whats it for? and why does it seem to only be sent to the other countries and not the U.S.?
  14. its funny, after all the nova guys asking for the c-stock, no one knows if their tube is notched or not for it to even work.......
  15. nice c-stock!! Hm Hm, i think thats the ATF knocking on your front door!!
  16. HEY UNCLE FESTER good to see you still around!! now go away!! until you can provide us with some more chica,chica bow wow pictures!!
  17. OH NO, I DIDNT MAKE THESE PISTONS!! these came from another member!! but he'll get out some more info on them soon. TS
  18. does the laws there limit round capacity on the Benelli m4's? and thus the limiter?? cause if not, im pretty sure guys here have been looking for that type of limiter if you dont need it.
  19. what state or country do you live in? cause that isnt supposed to be in a Benelli m4 here. it looks like a limiter for one of benelli's other hunting line guns and was possibly accidentally put in your gun. im sure there are quite a few guys here that would kill for that limiter as ive heard they are hard to come by. you didnt pull out a mag tube spring??
  20. what kind of m4 is it, Bushmaster?? cause there isnt any stock benelli m4's with that part in it anywhere!!
  21. no worries brutha, i was just curious. i had a 2-rndr ext. on mine when i lived there, i figured F-CK em!!
  22. im sure he's busy like the rest of us. he'll post something once he's done his testing. i patiently await!!
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