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texas skeeter

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Everything posted by texas skeeter

  1. YUP!! and until i get my parts, his doorbell will stay on "Auto-RePush"!!
  2. i know i saw that, pretty funny!!
  3. Ahhhhhhhhh, you got me on that one!! BUT, my guns ARE NOT registered in the great state of Texas!! therefore they wouldnt even think of coming to my house!! Ah, I love this state!!
  4. thanks so much for the info, TS
  5. Yup, you are right and wrong. the guns were confiscated in New Orleans but not in Texas. but then again, look who ran New Orleans at that time!!
  6. thats awesome info there!! now if you could just apply that concept to some newly U.S. made nelli m4 pistons that would be even better!! OOPS, did i say that??
  7. i wonder if we can "auto-repush" his doorbell!!
  8. all registered what?? we dont have those type of CRAZIFORNIA LAWS here!!
  9. depends on what/which model the vest is. they have a bunch of B.A. on FEEBAY and the internet for price referencing.
  10. Yup, i can hardly wait for the bolt knob as well!!
  11. Oh really?? ask all the Leo's, Mili's, Security guards etc that have been shot in their vests and are still alive today!! i'll bet they'd call you something not very nice!!
  12. Yeah, it seems to be a pattern with me lately!!
  13. i waited giving everyone plenty of time to buy it. so i bought it, and off to never neverland it goes!! oh CR-P, now i gotta buy a SNT!!
  14. you could always buy the m4 trigger guard pin, and the best part is it comes with the rest of the gun!!
  15. i had to beat up the seller on the price for a bit!!
  16. get yourself a collapsible stock for it like i did!!
  17. NOPE DOOK, i hit the buy-it-now button and still to this day the seller has not contacted me. i thought about letting the site know, but why waste the time.
  18. SOLD!!! and its going onto a brandnew SNT and put in the ole safe to collect dust!!
  19. see what debating can do?? we actually agreed on something!! and if you truely think about it, LAWYERS are the #1 reason this country is failing!! think about it, are'nt most all DEMOCRAT POLITICIANS lawyers as well??
  20. just to clarify here lil buddy, you call it argueing and i call it debating. we can all have and add our own personal opinions. thats what these forums are about as well as getting technical gun info. but to keep throwing liablility bombs does no one any good is all i was trying to say. and you truely must be a lawyer because every time you make a comment in this thread, its about injury, liablility and lawsuits. one way of thinking and LAWYERS that HAVE ruined this country-FACT!! i look at things obviously different than you, i look for the positives that the part I chose to buy will work. and if by chance it didnt work and at the remote possibility i got injured, well no lawsuits from me due to i would hold myself accountable for making a stupid decision!! but i do agree, not everyone thinks the same way. and that is a shame. kinda goes back to my point, "HEY, lets just blame everybody else and then sue them".
  21. notice i didnt call you any names there lil buddy!! and ill admit you are right about the liabilty aspect, but why scare the little tinkerer is all i am trying to say!! again, it isnt your job to protect the world!! we are supposed to be accountable for our own actions!! hey Bowman, just out of curiousity, did you vote for that whole "hope and change" thingy?? cause if you did, it sure would explain some things about your way of thinking!!
  22. you just made my point!!!!!!!!!!! WHO ON GODS GREEN EARTH EVEN ASKED YOU TO GET INTO THEIR BUSINESS??????NO-ONE!! they did not ask you to protect them!!! this is exactly what im saying, YOU and your type getting into everyone elses business whether they asked for your help or not!!! just like our govnmnt is doing!! another reason this country aint what it used to be. oh, and i didnt lie about anything there big guy!! and ill bet more members here will agree with me than you on this subject. you dont see any comments here agreeing with you do you??
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