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texas skeeter

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Everything posted by texas skeeter

  1. only thing i ride anymore are my 2 kawi 850 standup jetski's. i cant stand the NO-SKILL sitdowns!!
  2. hey GB, what kind of motor sports do you partake in??
  3. i think 5. ill test that theory and get back to ya.
  4. hey K-Fed, i wonder why tugboats price quote disappeared????? it vanished as in SHAZAAM!!!!!!!
  5. i was funnin with the new guy!! im sure he's figured it out by now.
  6. HEY!!! Jabbathehut or what ever you call yourself, quit posting that islam rubbish around here!! i dont mind the Buhda thing, oh wait, wrong guy!! i meant ALLIBOBBA and the forty thieves!!
  7. Yes Sir Taly, im gonna build one here real soon. after i finish my 12ga. silencer project!! but when im ready, i know where to get the m25 receiver and the JAE stock. everything else i still have to research and figure out which parts to use. ill hit you and Hooky up for that info. did you read my pm to you??
  8. I paid 199$ for mine!! you got hosed!!
  9. thanks for all the info Taly and Hooky!! but can anyone explain the difference between the M1a and the M14?
  10. boy you aint kidding HOOKY!!
  11. yeah that was my intention after reading up on that m1a/m14 site you directed me towards. and thanks Taylaboy for the heads up!! TS
  12. why would one buy a SNT, put a collapsible stock on it, and then sell it??? the point is to actually have a nova setup that not many others have. and some of us around here can actually afford them!!
  13. well i gave up on the sbe limited edition stuff due to my research and locating team member is a big SLACKER at locating the items!! so ive moved on to more tactical applied weapons!!
  14. well HOOKY do you think someone sells just the super match barrel and receivergroup with trigger assy only? stock, sights obviously not needed. and the heavy super match barrel is better than the match or national match barrel? heavy is better medium right?? im still learning about this springfield stuff obviously!!
  15. thanks for the info GB, but ill have to pass. A- i dont really like bolt guns and B- i likey semi or full auto weapons!!
  16. dang Hooky!! you just talked me into another rifle. im definately gonna get the JAE swat black stock, but which m1 fits in it best?? im leaning towards the m1a super match grade .308. are the 2 compatible by any chance? the only reason i lean towards the super match grade is it most likely has matched parts that makes it more accurate. what are your thoughts?? i also am looking into a schmidt & bender scope for it.
  17. and they have videos on this site actually showing it being used on a saiga 12ga. and how loud it actually is.
  18. hey M, is this a pic of the insane asylum they let you out of?? or did you actually escape??
  19. if i put some gold leaf on it, it'll then look like M1014's abused/ ex-safe queens!!
  20. Nope benelli is not importing them. but a very few guys get them and sell them occasionally on gunbroker. matter of fact there is one on GB right now sitting @ 699$ smackaroos!! go get it K-FED!!
  21. nope not me, Novacaine is the Novaking!!
  22. yeah, but the big brother carries more rounds and is just overall made tougher!! you dont see our U.S. Marines carrying a lil brother nova now do you??
  23. actually Camel, im still waiting for my new hybrid urban camo fatigues to come in. and then i can get the pics up. and as for that exsoskeleton whatever the heck it is, no ghostbusters sh-t is needed around here!!
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