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texas skeeter

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Everything posted by texas skeeter

  1. Yeah, hold yer breath and wait!! actually i found out that its a bunch of hogwash they're gonna bring in the snt c-stocks. i think Novacaine was smoking something he shouldnt have been!!
  2. ill post pics once the snt shows up and i get the stock installed. but just to let you know, there is ANOTHER nova c-stock on G.B. as i type this!!! all it takes is about 700$
  3. to be honest i only have 1 single point for my ar15 and have never used it. cause when i go to the range, i lay about 10 or so out to shoot and dont really need a sling cause im not holding any one for any lengthy period of time. im contemplating one for my m4 though.
  4. what does that have to do with pics here??? M, you're getting more crazy by the day!!
  5. i dont condone ANY of the actions of those CRAZY PEOPLE either!! that being said, every group of whatever orginization has very few CRAZY EXTREMISTS that claim to be a part of that said group!! and as a whole, ill bet the percentage is a very low margin considering the size of group!! and as far as what the politicians get for selling out/ throwing their constituants under the bus regarding this STUPID/OVER TAXED lets give healthcare to the slackers of this country and let the middle class pay for it bill, well then so be it!! because most all politicans these days ARE NOT listening to the people of this country whom have put them into office!! most ALL of the polls show the people DO WANT healthcare reform, BUT NOT this bill or whats in it!!!!! they want to start over and put something together that makes sense!! if this bill was soooooo great, then WHY does the democratic leaders HAVE TO BRIBE their own party members to vote for it???? yeah , remember OBUMMERS lil buddy BILL AYERS??? YEAH HE ACTUALLY did blow sh-t up!!!! AND never went to prison for it!!!
  6. thats good news, now all the people that wanted one can get them at a good price.
  7. nice pics Johnny boy!!
  8. WTF???? if it wasnt for what "the tea party people" started in the early yrs of this country, we'd still be run by the ENGLISH!!!!! and look now, the same sh-t is happening all over AGAIN!! OVER-TAXATION!! OBVIOUSLY you watch MSNBC/CNN......
  9. ive bought the SNT, and wondering if the benelli OEM P#80201 2 rd ext tube will fit on the super nova tactical?? and also if it does fit, does it actually need the cheesey barrel clamp that comes with it?? i also remember seeing someone posting other after market barrel clamps. what were they and by whom? thanks for any help. TS
  10. i L'dOL there JOHN!! and i better not see any channel-lock marks on either of the new tubes!!
  11. and then on into the safe this plastic SG go's!!
  12. found and bought a Super Nova Tactical today for 400$ shipped. ill post pics when i get the c-stock on it. TS
  13. this thread FAILS without pics!!
  14. yeah i do!! but come to find out i dont think the nova c-stock will go onto that 14" entry nova i want to buy!!!! or am i wrong?? will it?? cause HK also says it wont as well. TS
  15. nice pics!! so what else do you take pics of on that Chica Chica Bow Wowm bed spread??
  16. SuperDuck, you are my hero!! Yup, this is the one im gonna buy!! calling them today!! thanks dude!!
  17. thanks for the info 007!! but they'll want too much for a SG with 2 barrels. not to mention it wont be used for hunting, really only defense. heck ill probably never even shoot it.
  18. now that is FUNNY there Ohio!! and nice Sheppy!!
  19. i dont know what to tell you about the play in your fore-end, but you could have at least used a Hottie in a thong w/ big UU to display the weapon in your video. after all you live in Malibu dont you??
  20. i think you got one of the Tawain made replicas!!
  21. you dont have to be sorry Duggy, im just busting your chops like the smart-a$$ iam!!
  22. Seriously?? its called a joke. you know, like making fun of the dipsh-t who keeps calling him!! i have'nt even put my order in yet. and if you've paid attention, ive stated im waiting to order until the bolt handles are available.
  23. i need a super nova tactical, anyone got one for sale? im looking for the 18" barrel and ghost ring sights. but i dont need the pg stock. let me know, TS
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