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texas skeeter

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Everything posted by texas skeeter

  1. HEY TUCKEY, where'd ya get this family picture above of my brother JEB, AUNT FLO and my MAMA-SISTER???
  2. haha you're wrong!! i dropped out after 4th grade!! and my mama-sister is busy pregnant w' our 12th kid together!! waco aint got nothin on me!! ^_^
  3. hey TUCKEY, its your brother just happy as SH-T he could lend a hand to help SOCIALIZE this country!!
  4. hey O'TUCKA, where did your mom and dad have this picture of them taken at??
  5. which quiz?? where every answer = conservatives or republicans!! heck if i had time to make a LIB/SOCIALIST quiz regarding YOUR administration for just the last year alone, the answers would contain, LIES, double standards, constitution breaking, corruption, chicago politics where the politicians there have a 50 % chance of being investigated, weakening our countrys security/defenses, quad-gazillioning our national debt 4 times BUSH'S 8 yrs, taxing the F_CK out of EVERYONE who actually pay taxes and not to mention the LAMEST president/administration this country will ever see!! but i am creating a list for a buddy's book to include 100 stupiest things OBUMMER has said or done in just the 1st yr of office!! ill post it here O'TUCKA once its completed and fact checked!! ok little buddy??
  6. hey HOOKY, or anyone for that matter, whats the going rate for this kz forearm/ rail syst?? and where to get it the cheapest?? m4JOHNNY boy is lookin!! is 199$ a good price for the pic rail and forearm??
  7. DUDE just give it up all already!! i think the USPS stopped mailing anything to the "REPUBLIC OF CALI-KAZICSTAN-FORNIA"!!
  8. hey AUGY, could'nt you just have it cut down?? it looks to be much easier than cutting an m4 barrel. and since you cant find one.
  9. yeah i know DUGGAN!! and he wont admit his BUYERS REMORSE!! but there's still hope for him to get over his LIBTARDNESS!!
  10. well last time i held my breath over KIPS awesome products, i turned BLUE!! dont know brother!!
  11. hey Cody, did you notice in this listing he says the barrel is super nice to new?? it looks like this barrel had been thrown down a mine shaft and then run over by a tractor!! a real BEAUTY?????
  12. Look Tucker, ive found you some Liagra for your old age!! i was just thinkin bout cha!!
  13. well since we've seen your BEAUTIFUL nellis, lets see your 1911'S!! im sure you have at least a 1 of 1 never been fired gold plated 1911 safe queen!! ^_^
  14. WOW!!, so i guess the above description fits THIS thread to a T?? due to the fact you claim to be a better person yet you name call and put down many in it????? TYPICAL LIBTARDS!!
  15. oh not at all CAMEL!! my neighbor needed one for his m4 and i was waiting for a B&T foregrip that was on backorder for a while, and sold him mine. wouldnt ya know it, i came across my B&T and now need to order another S.A. rail. TS
  16. just got home from work, long fricken day!! and you're right CASH, it is the one that the guy had the screws removed to get it apart. but he has all the parts and says its in mint condition. and since i sold my sidearmor rail to my neighbor 2 weeks ago not knowing id come up on a B&T so soon, i need to order another one and get this project completed. i'll post pics when done. skeet
  17. hey TUCKER, you do realize you've just proven yourself to be one of the BIGGEST hypocrites on this site!! you whined and eluded to my political thread had no bearing and did not belong in this forum and requested for it to be removed yet you take part extensively in another political thread??? sounds just like the CLOWN you voted for. the "do as i say and not as i do" guy!!
  18. well i got my B&T hanguard finally!! won it on G.B. tonight for 175$. gonna start the chop job soon. will get pics up when finished.
  19. you've got nice hands TUCKER!! now why dont you show us a pic of OBUMMER reading his teleprompter for EVERY SPEECH!!! now thats a REAL LOSER!!!!
  20. YUP!! the crybabies cried about it, and shazaam it got deleted!! more liberals just trying to SILENCE THE TRUTH!!
  21. thanks so very much for the time and effort for these awesome pics!! ive never seen so many bagged animals in one thread!! thanks again.
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