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texas skeeter

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Everything posted by texas skeeter

  1. any chance they have the ccm pad? i kinda like it better.
  2. i did send them a return email, and what do you know, no response! im very busy providing for my family, i dont have time for B.S. and im sure they are an honest and way too busy company. but my point is, WHY LIST AN ITEM FOR SALE IF YOU DO NOT HAVE IT IN STOCK!! and why is it acceptable as of lately for the customer to always have to catch, straighten out and be burdened with such business practices??? thats all im trying to say "G". and to warn fellow benellians here about how they do business. i could have had the item in my hands right now had i bought it somewhere that has it it stock!! last but not least, my gripe isnt so much the high shipping cause i agreed to pay it. but being that high, you'd think they'd ship the item a little faster??? moral to my story,, quit being soo greedy and hire more people to help udate your site if you're too busy to do it!! which is usually the excuse.. TS
  3. it would be hard to do what?? radioactive what?? form what?? oops, i just put them in an envelope and mailed them direct!! if they catch them then so be it, but i doubt they would!!
  4. yeah i understood what you meant. i just typed the wrong color/white. and no i'd also stay w/ green in front and back. i dont want my nelli looking like a bag of skittles!!
  5. i bought the CCM bolt release pad this past sunday, paid w/ C.C. and this is the email i got today. "we have these on order and hope to have them soon. we will ship as soon as they arrive. your order has been placed in the following status, on backorder. thanks Patti"also shipping was 9.95 for a part the size of a nickel. WTF???:mad: what ever happened to having sh-t in stock or at least putting in the item for sale description, "out of stock"!! not to mention it takes 5 days to tell you they dont have it?????? if i ordered it from another site that has it, i'd have it already!!!!! WTF??????????? I TRUELY HATE BAD CUSTOMER SERVICE!!!!!
  6. oh HECK NOOOOOOO!!! that would be BU-FUGLY!!! stay with white.if you like, i can send the sights i just took off my m4 to them and get them done. and when they come back to me, i can mail them to you and you just mail yours to me once you've received mine. and just pay me thru paypal if that helps you out?? TS
  7. hey CAMEL!! If i had it to do over again, id go the route your talking about. these sites are great, but the white ring from the other process is larger and does help better in the day. you can still these mepro's good but not as well as w/ a white ring. i still might go the other way and sell these. TS
  8. hey STRANGE, its funny, the nut cost more than the protection guard!! and THANKS!!
  9. hey G-money-DIAZ, i dont have this stock. heck i dont even own a nova!! i stole this picture from a duggan post from 3 yrs ago or so!! im the one who wants 20 of these stocks from your buddys family in germany or where ever they are from. TS
  10. AND, after all these people have read this, still no answer??
  11. dang-it HOOKA, thats not the answer i was looking for.
  12. hey G-MONEY-DIAZ, did you make the call yet?? where's my c-stocks??
  13. YUP!! and ill sell everybody one if G-MONEY-DIAZ will get them for me!!
  14. there sure is alot of bling bling to/on these guns!! yo sure yo not from any hood M?? cause dats alot of BLING!!
  15. NOPE!! the 5 was too small and the 6 was too big. and the funniest part of it all, the 5.5 was a little loose!! it didnt have the fit of a normal size wrench to its sized nut. go figure!! the actual size seems to be 5.25mm.
  16. start a thread here asking for orders. give it a few weeks and you'll have your answer. not to mention FEEBAY and GUNBROKER, they would sell like hotcakes!! especially the nova collapsible stocks!! better yet, ill be your first order, ill take 20 of each!!
  17. heck, if BENELLI had an actual store over there and sold to the public, id fly over and buy nova & m4 c-stocks and mail them home to me!! and then SHAAZAAM!! happy fellow benellians!!! for a small profit of course!!
  18. hey G, it is NOT, i repeat NOT illegal to send those benelli parts to the U.S.!! i used to think it was, but was proven WRONG and thats a good thing!!! you could make some good money bringing in those parts in from your buddys family over there!! not to mention make alot of members here happy!! lots of members here would buy them!! TS
  19. can anyone tell me where to get a new front post sight 2-finned protective cover/housing for my m4?? mine got scraped up pretty good a while back from my 4 yr. old knocking it over. TS
  20. what gets me, is how come fellow members from other than the U.S. here on this site wont at least try and get/send a few over here!! supposedly they are not illegal!! so WTF??? why no love from other countries that CAN get them from benelli??? i know for sure certain members here WOULD PAY whatever the going rate for them!! TS
  21. and the 5.5mm wrench is the right size!! got it at sears in an ignition wrench set for 20$. thanks all for info!!
  22. SH-T, UH OH IS RIGHT!!! caught red handed w/ the sherrifs 16 yr old daughter!! great detectiving HK!!!!
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