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texas skeeter

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Everything posted by texas skeeter

  1. DAMN!!! can trijicon price their sh-t any more expensive??? this is probably the smallest optic they make, and 670$ or more for it???
  2. and also, hey M1014 whats the deal with that SG and that 50" barrel/bi-pod??? goodness, why not just get a barret 50 cal??
  3. L'dMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. and in my opinion, the 1980 look with the brown montecarlo stock is even more ugly!! BLACK SYNTHETIC is where its at in this day in age for defensive sg's. and if your into benelli hunting guns, M1014 has SOME NICE PICS all over this board!! by the way, why the heck hasnt he posted his pics here yet!!
  5. nice looking sling. but it needs to be in a pic on an m4!! and it needs to be BLACK. i dont ask for much, just EVERYTHING!!
  6. no pics of any of this conversation of sling options= FAIL!!
  7. L'dMAO again!! and F#%K the prius!!i'd drive a tank to work if i could afford one!! no more traffic either. just run them over or just blow them up!!
  8. heck NOVA, 30-30 levers are all over the place and relatively cheap. you should be able to pick one up for 400-600$. they have my stainless marlin 30-30 but not the limited edition NRA for 550$ i believe on G.B.its the exact same gun minus the engravings.and today was the first day i have ever shot a 30-30. and have to say, they are fun to shoot and very accurate.
  9. yeah but im not er,um, hum,hum 922 um er compliant with the way my m4 is set up right now. but would like to be someday just for sh-ts and giggles!! and U.S. made pistons would fix that, cause i still havent seen or wanted any of the after market handguards yet!!
  10. L'dMAO M!! now STOP TASING ME BRO!!
  11. eBlow sucks DOOKEY!! but be that as it may, just list your gun related items as airsoft stuff and they usually sail thru freely. besides, ebay has a hard time now keeping up on ending the "OOH DREADED GUN PARTS!!" auctions lately. TS
  12. HEY M, as much as i love your gobble gobble guns, there's no way this gun is better/badder than the posted entry m4!!
  13. yeah, but think about it UNO. if you did buy a set made, you could try and beat the sh-t out of them yourself!!
  14. CLOSE, BUT NO CIGAR!! mine come handloaded from a vietnam vet here local in the DFW area. and my load is slightly different. 1- lg ball and 9 pellets to follow. TS
  15. shredders= 1-.68 cal ball at tip and 9-00 pellets to follow
  16. went to the range today and played around instead of working!! heres my findings on various ammo at 10 yds. on 12" targets.the 10 yd lane is all the range would let me use due to the Dpt of Home Land Security had a gazillion agents qualifying and hogging up the whole range!!
  17. just making a point M. not all hunters have the need or time to pickup every twig/leaf by hand as well as polish their deer stand to a bright shine!! and im fresh out of crack and need to go the sto and git mo!! and furthermore, i love TUCKER!! just like a brother!!
  18. damn UNO, go easy on the brutha!! all i can say at this point is, at least PANABAX is trying to come up with parts to help with the stupid laws/rules governing our nelli m4's. and heck, he sure looks to be a pretty talented guy from the pics. that said, he also at least is doing a better job than some of the bigger tactical aftermarket parts companies that are'nt even doing sh-t trying to make ANYTHING!! thats at least anything worth us actually wanting to buy and put on our nellis!! there isnt even a decent foregrip made in the USA yet that everyone just has to have for the m4. and that seems like it would be the easiest part to recreate!! tubes and sidearmor rails, thats it, thats all that is any good so far!! i have a feeling panabax will perfect this piston if all goes well. and when he does, "whos the BEEEACH now?":D
  19. ive been plenty of times. and most guys around here dont babysit the trail to their stand. not to mention their stand is a ways from their trucks. so yes, they make noise enough for deer to hear getting to their stands. so once again, if one made noise getting into position in their stand, racking the first round aint gonna scare the deer any worse. ive done it plenty of times, settled in, got into stealth mode and POW, deer meat for dinner!!
  20. patience is a virtue!! importing tactical parts for benelli isnt going to get any easier and will most likely get to a point where they wont come in at all. think about it, benelli doesnt make hardly squat on these tac-part sales here. look who they ONLY sale to now. so why even bother in the future? they sell more guns. not to mention alot of companies are dropping lines of products in this bad economic time and are trying to figure out how to cut costs that dont pay off. and lets be real, most of the gun laws in this country over the past decade have gotten tougher/more restricted than the other way around. ill just hang on to mine and some day down the road they'll sell for the most they ever have.
  21. if they work, im in for a set!! no matter what the cost!!
  22. UM, A-I do believe shotguns have safeties, and B- one made all that noise walking to their stand climbing into the stand, and now they worry about racking the first round?? not to mention, you dont walk to your stand with a loaded gun? what if you happen upon a good shot before arriving at said stand??
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