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texas skeeter

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Everything posted by texas skeeter

  1. i fully agree with your point on the creeps too!! its amazing how many problems can be solved quickly with a slug!!
  2. its funny you say that SD!! the local sherrif here will sign anything. and when he's finished he says, "when we going shooting and we're using your ammo"?
  3. nobody had or needed to bring in the media when and if putting the dog down. cop saw a dog, gets out his nelli, rifled slug in the head!! no media needed, the only reason they showed up was cause a big scene was made about it.
  4. why didnt the authorities in CRAZIFORNIA just shoot that loose/stray dog in that water drainage canal?? why waste all those resources on a stray dog?? um, isnt the state broke?? and you know the owner of the dog wont come forward, cause the state would most likely charge them for the rescue!!
  5. well if you'd be so kind to send me some maple leaf gold coins, ill be glad to get you any parts you need!!
  6. hey dont mind ZEE!! he's as old as dirt and doesnt know what he's doing half the time anymore!! not to mention, he drops almost everything nowadays!!
  7. this is, truely a beautiful saying!! thats probably why TRIJICON put it on their optic!! thinking, "buy our optic and send the bad guy to his maker!!
  8. heck ZEE, you should see the 1981 john wayne commemorative 32-40 i just bought yesterday!! :Dill send you some pics.
  9. thats some good eyes there for an ole flyboy!! hey Z, what was it like to be a test pilot for the WRIGHT BROTHERS??
  10. oh HOOKSTA, quit posting this pic!! we all know ya cant hit the side of the barn with it!!
  11. i was thinking the same thing. but probably like me, he's doing his research first!!
  12. CASH is absolutely right!! SO WHAT!! this is typical "lets just report trival news" when we have bigger better and more important topics around our hurting country to report!!!! who gives 2 sh-ts what is printed on some gun optic?? and the STUPID LIBTARD media wonders??? why their losing $$$ and ratings!!
  13. YUP!!! texas is the same way!! i can walk into a store with cash, and leave 15 min's later with a shotgun, rifle or even a hand gun and a truck load of ammo!! oh, and hi-caps mags as well!! so once again, lets just nuke CRAZIFORNIA & LOSER YORK from orbit!! after we send the GOOD PEOPLE of those horrific states a warning first of course!!
  14. hey CAMELTOE!! how much was your OEM mag tube in your country? and how long did you have to wait for it? TS
  15. hey ZEE!! i didnt think VEGAS was around in 1892??
  16. NOTHING!!! BENELLI is still in business!!! and it just goes to show you how LIBTARDS dont even have the support of their own liberal owned businesses to help keep them afloat!! another GREAT DAY this week!!!!
  17. yeah employees, so they have to like me and sometimes i do forget an item when heading off to the range. but in your case, your camera can sit in your NEVER BEEN FIRED GUN MUSEUM and therefore never miss a chance at a pic!! but we still love ya and the great pics M!!
  18. hey REAPER, since i seem to be the only one who can pull up these pics, send me your email in a pm and ill send them to you. TS
  19. try another browser??? why would i do that?? i can see them, you guys cant!! maybe you need to try another browser.
  20. YEPPERS, all done and home now!! had a great day w/ a few friends blasting our newly made LIBTARD targets!!! it was lots of fun. the sh-tty part was, i forgot the digi camera. so we'll go again soon!!
  21. well color me CRAZY!!! cause i can still see them all!!
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