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texas skeeter

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Everything posted by texas skeeter

  1. thats probably because the state is broke/bankrupt and can only afford to buy their officers rocks and sticks to protect themselves!!
  2. to be honest, the weather is ALL cali has left!!! EVERYTHING else is F#$KED-UP!!! END OF STORY!! and what kind of loopholes are you speaking of? 30 rd pmags NOT LEGAL, heck, every item i mentioned is NOT LEGAL THERE!! but you DO have, lots of illegal aliens sucking the state dry, libtard pollockticians sucking the state dry, taxes sucking the state dry, one of the highest unemployment rates and entitlement programs all sucking the state dry!! oh, and all those LAME-A$$ LAWS THEY PASS!! so other than the the great weather, WHY ELSE LIVE THERE????? crazifornia will never be what it once was/used to be again!!
  3. come on now PANABAX, you know we all want to be different!! so i have to give it a try!!
  4. hey BB, texas is a great place to live. i wish i had moved here 20 yrs ago!! i too lived all of my 43 yrs of life in CRAZIFORNIA except for the last 3 yrs. and texas ROCKS!! no i cant help you with the weather cause it gets very hot here for at least 4 months, and yes you could find acreage with trees and a stream here in north texas. but the perks, well let me tell you!! this state loves conservative taxpayers, the majority of politicians here are conservatives!! the economy is one of the top 5 best in the country, housing prices are 1/3 of MEXIFORNIA's, lots of open land everywhere, great hunting everywhere, fully automatic guns ARE LEGAL!!! silencers are legal, 30 RD, heck 100 rd mags are legal!! bazooka's, grenades, claymores, tanks are all legal here!!! THATS RIGHT, LEGAL!!! im not even sure what is not legal here!! hope this info helps and good luck!! TS
  5. well ive said it before and ill say it again. i dont even worry about that STUPID 922 whatever right now!! cause i dont even take my gun to the range that often and if i ever do have to use it during MAD MAX TIME, who's even gonna care at that point!! i would like it to be 922'd, and if i have to wait for enough GOOD aftermarket parts to get there then so be it.
  6. can i see your badge please!!!
  7. i gotta leave for work now, but im gonna call DSA today and see if its actually in stock and how long to get it. otherwise if they're on backorder ill have to look around the web tonight. ill let you know. or if you find it in stock, let me know. TS
  8. also from further looking at some pics, i might not have to cut anything. its looks like the top section of the B&T could possibly not have to be screwed on and have just enough clearance for the S.A. rail. lets hope it works!!
  9. YES, can do!! seeings how i badger everyone else for pics!! but it might be a month or so due to the owner of the local machine shop is on a hunting trip in africa for the next month i believe.
  10. oooooooops!! i dont know how but double post.
  11. you wouldnt regret it CASH!!! i left CRAZIFORNIA 3 yrs ago with my family this february after 40yrs of living there. the state has finally imploded and isnt the same or ever will be again! i voted conservative/independant for yrs and it didnt help. the LIBTARDS just decided to run that state right off the cliff!! AH TEXAS, where bazooka's hang in the rear window of your TANK!!
  12. gonna have a local machine shop cut it once i measure where to comfortably cut and have the right spacing. and only because i dont have a precision machine shop in my garage like PANABAX!!
  13. i cant just type yes, not enough letters. so yes!!
  14. after seeing PANABAX'S cut down KZ grip it got me to thinking about the brugger & thomet cut down with my sidearmor rail. any thoughts before i order the B&T and go hannibal lector on it?? TS
  15. well if it turns out to be true, then GOOD FOR BENELLI!!! gun manufacturers need to take action against these STUPID/CRAZY states that are just going crazy with anti-gun laws!! and maybe just maybe the citizens will think twice about who they vote into office there!! because if states have the majority of liberal politicians, well that must mean thats what the people wanted and they voted themselves right out of the guns!! cause i dont see many conservative states passing the same stupid laws!!
  16. hey that aint the window at the book depository is it??
  17. it just looks like you cannot wrap your fingers or hand around it and thats the whole point with a vfg. i use a gps vfg. grip and bi-pod = win/win!!
  18. or an SBE with a rosewood montecarlo stock and spider web print like the weatherby!!
  19. thanks U, and thats what alot of people say. but the fact still remains, trij's prices are waaaaaaaaaaay higher than anyone else's!! i can understand higher prices due to proven reliability, but they act as if the parts are made of gold!!
  20. hey STRANGE, how are you supposed to hold this FG?? stick a finger through the triangulated hole? it doesnt look very comfortable or ergo by the pics. can you post another pic of you holding it? thanks TS
  21. well then, since you dont like the camo or black you wont be getting an SBE any time soon will you?? its just that some here get sick and tired of people coming to this site and complaining or whining about how benelli doesnt make the gun THEY want!! and maybe if one was a little more tactful with their gun design advice, maybe just maybe benelli would make you the gun of your dreams!!
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