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texas skeeter

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Everything posted by texas skeeter

  1. and LEFTY, if you also want or need ANY help or advice putting together your own AR, let me know. i can help w/ any aspect of the build if you need it. ive put waaaaaay too many of them together and have made all the mistakes/bad decisions already!! let me know, skeeter
  2. WELL said DUGGAN!! i agree, i also dont see any mad max sh-t anytime soon, but one can NEVER be too careful!!!
  3. ZEE, i think you'd better just send me that ole m4 ya got there!! you're gettin a little on in yrs and i wouldnt want you to break an ARM OR SHOULDER SHOOTING IT!!
  4. one can NEVER be too cautious!!!
  5. damn good advice DUGGAN!! everyone should follow it. especially w/ this LOUSY administration!!!
  6. im pretty sure magpul doesnt make 20 rd pmags w/ windows. but shoot them 30 rounders straight this weekend ya old flyboy!!
  7. the moral to this thread is, why buy a used/preowned rifle for the same price as new?!!! i dont care who ya are, thats just STUPID!!
  8. yeah, and watching pigs fly is possible too??
  9. damn-it!!! someone made me laugh again!!!
  10. and im STILL laughing at this comment!!!!!!! this sh-t is funny, i dont care who you are!!
  11. i believe the above caption qualifies this rifle as a SAFE QUEEN!! and dont yell at me, im just trying to lighten up the mood!!
  12. i do have to say, DUGGAN you got BEEEEACH slapped!!!!! OUCH!! but we still love you!!
  13. YUP!! i gotta go with UNO on this one!! and i'd much rather have my pmags over anyones charging handle!! but i still want one of those DC-TI CH's, wink,wink UNO!!
  14. and just to set the record straight, skeeter's first, hooksta you're second and ???? is third etc........ after our fearless leader UNO gets his of course!!!
  15. you've always had a friend in ME!!! and YES, @ 10$ over your cost i will take 1 if avail!!
  16. well ill take 1 as well if he has more than 1 left. let me know BUDDY!!
  17. links/pics of a tornado brush?? many thanks from a grateful hillbilly!! ts
  18. hey kitten shooter, love the name!!! im a dog man myself!!!
  19. yeah but this is some MEAN SH-T!! and the way the libtards are going, it will be illegal sometime soon!! so im getting some while the getting is good!! cause if they cant stop the guns, they'll go after the ammo!!
  20. yeah, but one's not gonna shoot this stuff everyday. its only for JOE STUPID climbing in your bedroom window!!
  21. im still laughing!!! OHIO!!
  22. FUNNY READ!! but if the above doesnt do it, you either need to go back to the range for more practice or there were too many of them!!
  23. im trying!! reserve not met!! sending him an email for how much. gonna steal it if i can !!
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