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texas skeeter

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Everything posted by texas skeeter

  1. come on NOVACANE, theyre 6 - 4!! not bad considering. what team do you like?
  2. DAMN!!! gotta admit, this thing is purdy!!!!!
  3. YUP, thats usually how few made weapons eventually become very valuable!! LIMITED EDITION!!
  4. just throwin some love around!! in a good mood, my PACKERS won again!!
  5. GETTING BACK TO YOUR QUESTION. look at it this way, your limited edition nelli w/ flag is worth approx 1600-1700. and the c-stock adds another lets say 600. put it on gunbroker w/ starting bid of 1950 w/ pics and ill bet you will probably get 2100-2200 for it when it closes. ive sold alot of guns and this is just my 2 cents!! besides, regular m4 sells for 1500 avg and id rather have the flag as i do cause they'll NEVER make the flag receiver again.
  6. nope, cause you need new shoes!
  7. damn that scares me ZEE!! that means soon im gonna have to take some sort of pills to keep my sanity as you do!!
  8. YEAH, no SH-T UNO!!! and those sneaky LAMEAR$$ LIBTARDS are gonna cram it down our throats with that stupid nuclear option now with only 51 votes here soon cause they cant pass it legitimately!! not to mention EVERY poll shows that the people dont want it!! but they dont care, its about them NOT the people!!!!
  9. well why does someone who's not an LEO or any type job of that nature need anything tactical?? cause its cool!! think about it, every avg joe shmo gun nut, wants ALL the tactical stuff any military, leo,cia etc has on their weapons!!! aint gonna lie, I DO!! i dont shoot at people for a living. im a refrigeration service technician. but maybe some day ill have to shoot at a disgruntled refrigerator!!
  10. yeah, your m4 is the SH-T with it!!!!!!!
  11. thanks cpt HOOK!! ill wait then for my sidearmor rail. and sorry if i hijacked your thread SARGE!!
  12. UNO and HOOKSTA, do the mesa side saddles really tear up the existing top receiver screw holes that much? and why? TS
  13. every time i see your site name, it keeps reminding me of the word, CAMELTOE!!
  14. i did hear this week from an cabelas employee who looked older than dirt itself, that S&B ammo was a cleaner shooting ammo than most.
  15. hunting deer with a shotgun? round these parts we use claymores and trip wire for the deer while sitting in the airconditioned deerstand stand drinking beer while waiting for the KABOOM!! shotguns are for 2-legged awnry creatures lurking round our barns!!
  16. just bought the pair of these sights. looking forward to getting my cussing on when they get here. and practice shooting in the dark once completed!!
  17. definately not post any pics or links!! ive got my own hooksta for that!!
  18. who's this "we" you speak of? UNO and i are still waiting to see the pics of the busted up benelli anodizing machine.
  19. how bout a link for us computer challenged fuddyduddies!! yeah,yeah,yeah, i know, ya cant teach an old dog new tricks!!
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