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texas skeeter

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Everything posted by texas skeeter

  1. still laughing my arss off!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. NOPE!! i dont live in KRAZIFORNIA, i live in the U.S. still where REAL ar15's are legal!!
  3. so you vote for a MORON and then you RUN when things are'nt going so well??? typical dumocrat!!
  4. i have to admit ZEE, this has been a very entertaining thread to follow!!! thankyou!!!
  5. here we go with another RACE BAITER!!! and as far as your facts, FACT-YES president SPENDBAMA has been on his apology tour ever since he took office!! FACT- the people that voted OBUMMER into the whitehouse are the ones who in NO WAY checked the facts on WHO was more qualified. SARAH PALIN has more experience in her pinky finger when it comes to running ANYTHING than your idol OBUMMER!! and you guys made the election between SP and OBUMMER not the repubs. last but not least, SP ran a city, a state and had at that time one of the highest approval ratings in the country. just out of curiosity, what did OBUMMER do to have the experience you claimed he had?? 1# never any real job running anything, EVER!! 2# senator in which he won mighty scantily, with so many votes as PRESENT!! one never really knew which side of the argument he was on!! OBUMMER-- sounds like even you have BUYERS REMORSE!! by the way, thanks for voting the man into office that will go down as the worst president in U.S. history!!
  6. just making a joke. you dont have to explain sh-t to me!!
  7. why you selling it? you run out of FUNKY COLD MEDINA?
  8. i wasnt referring to the welfare losers using m4s. i meant us having to clean up the system. due to the fact our gvmnt NEVER WILL with this administration!!
  9. didnt anyone read the title?? yeah, they may actually need an m4 to go around and stop welfare as we know it in this country!!!
  10. nope to the vacation!!! it was a perma-ban!!! go figure, another mod on the rag!! im trying to get a hold of a senior mod to get my sentence reduced. we shall see?
  11. titanium/shmitanium!! with the slow response/delivery from all these so called tube builders, wouldnt it just be easier to get some black iron pipe from h-depot and make one yourself??
  12. YUP!! and if im not mistaken, didnt they attack us blindly on pearl harbor and kill thousands of INNOCENT AMERICANS!! so we finally threw a bigger rock than them, and we're the bad guys??? yet he, "THE ONE" keeps apologizing!! WTF???????
  13. sorry to hear this. but you now, MUST give back your man card!!!
  14. i love this place too!! but waaaaaaaay too many uber sensative "you hurt my feelings" jackar$$eS on the net lately!!!!!!
  15. good to see your back to normal there ZEE. now dont snap on us again!!
  16. thanks for all the ideas!!! im going to have my buddy create an account on the site first cause im locked out. that way i can contact another site moderator to see if i can get my old user id back. i mean really ,1 bad name??? the coc rules state short bans for 1st time offenses!! i think that moderator was having a bad day!! ive been on that site for 3 yrs and have almost 2000 posts. id like to try and keep my old id first. if not, ill create a new account. and thanks again!!! the funny part is, ive seen waaaaaaaaaay worse language in their general forum about other members!!! i tell ya, POLITICAL CORRECTNESS will end this country one way or the other!!!!!!!! TS
  17. ok, 1- you might as well just said this stuff in arabic!! cause i STILL dont understand, remember im a computer RETARD!! 2- i do not have anything else connected to my computer other than the silver modem bx and my computer. 3- my modem style # is MSTATEA and some other #'s above 2210-02-1002 & 001D6B09BCC0 hope this helps. also couldnt i call ATT and request a new static IP due to my teenage kid said some horrible stuff on th e-net?? and that ive placed password kid safeties on my comp now to not happen again. ts
  18. no comment!! im trying to get TUCKER to help me w/ an IP problem!!
  19. DAMN, i knew i could count on you tucker!! ill never pick on you again!! i have att dsl service and a m-torola modem. im not very computer saavy and my son in college always sets up my new computers. but i cannot reach him due to school right now. as far as the router, im unsure what your asking me. iam useing firefox though. but ill try to answer more ???
  20. funny story?? i called a guy on AR15.com a JACKARSS in which he was, and they banned me and him for good. no warning or temp ban, permanant!! just seems EVERYONE is going P.C. now a days!! come on, a bad name on a HILLBILLY gun web site!! give me a break!! i tried to resign up but i think they ban your IP address? cause i tried w/ gmail, hot mail, etc. and they still wont let me create a new account. how can i create a new account? and am i wrong about the IP lock/ban? i used to buy alot of cheap gun stuff there and would like to again. thanks skeeter
  21. first you quote the above price, and now you want to give him 250$ for it? thats a little lopsided dont you think?
  22. now this sh-t is funny right here!!! i dont care who ya are!!
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