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texas skeeter

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Everything posted by texas skeeter

  1. hey ZEE, if you're speaking of the DMW oversized safety that interests you, ive got an extra one you can have if you want it. just let me know. skeeter
  2. hey RKE4, friendly advice here. next time you take something apart for the first time, take a bunch of digital pics as you dismantle it. ive been where you are at, and it sucks. hope you get the info you need!! im a simple m4 guy.
  3. yup found the GGG bolt pad. ill pass, its too damn big. looks like a shoe box on there. ill wait til M1014 starts selling his IMPROVED BOLT RELEASE BUTTON!!! come on M, what do ya say?
  4. heck UNO, i dont even know what that checkered button was originally made for. therefore A- whats it called / made for? B- where would i get one? and C- hey M1014, how the hill do i attach it?
  5. hey m1014 this bolt release is awesome!! how do i go about getting/doing the same for mine?
  6. dang UNO another one?? how many m4's ya got now??
  7. shoot hookster, to dial it in like some of the previous pics, you better have a pile of money!!
  8. i picked up an awesome black nylon tactical scabbard on feebay for 39$ shipped. w/ the scabbard i can keep it under my side of the bed for defense and keep the dust off as well. no zipper or strap to undue to get it out in a hurry.
  9. i laughed so damn loud, my wife walked into my bunker and wondered what was soo funny!!!
  10. i know what you mean UNO!! the guy i bought mine from w/ all these cool parts moved out of state. and the best part is, here in texas, you dont have to sign anything or record a private citizen sale!! and to be honest, i cant recall his name!!
  11. im not sure exactly which GUN NAZI JACK-A$$ DID!!!
  12. i couldnt be so lucky!! nope, the m1014 w/ flag does fall into the 922 NAZI category!!! due to it was made after they passed it.
  13. they imprinted that flag on the 2500 greatest shotguns ever made!! mine is #848 and shoots like a dream!!
  14. if you want real silver, go to bling-bling.com.
  15. i always love seeing these museum quality guns!! to bad they'll NEVER see the field!!
  16. i can hit clays all day long w/ my beretta o/u. i tried my luck w/ my m4 at them, and he!! NOOOOO!! i couldnt hit a damn thing!!
  17. just watch folks, ammo stores will pop up on the AZ & NEVADA borders to CRAZIFORNIA!!!! just drive over, get what you need and drive back. they dont have the $$$ to watch their agriculture border check points any more!!!
  18. after 40 yrs of CRAZIFORNIA, i moved my family to n. texas 2 yrs ago and its been the GREATEST MOVE EVER!!! jobs are plentiful not that i needed one, and the gun laws? well, you CAN OWN ANYTHING HERE!!! full auto,silencers,grenade launchers, bazooka's,cs grenades as well as REAL GRENADES etc.!! basically EVERYTHING!!!! I LOVE IT HERE!!! so good luck w/ whatever you choose!!
  19. sent you a pm just in cs you are not interested in it.
  20. you are right there sir!!! a shotgun w/ a 50 round tube still aint enough, !! it would be nice, but not enough!!!
  21. yup, and all the JACKA$$E$ on AR15.COM said it would never happen!!!
  22. thanks for the link. but i dont understand WHY these frickin sites dont put prices!!!:confused:
  23. by the way, where by chance did you find a benelli m4 sbs for sale? do they have any more cause ill buy a factory 14" and pay the fees!!
  24. if you are already buying an SBS an filling out the paperwork, you can put anything you want on it after its registered w/ the feds to you. stock, ext tube etc.
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