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texas skeeter

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Everything posted by texas skeeter

  1. come on UNO, i never claimed the m4 to be a toy. all i said was most people buy it cause its the best and hardly get a chance to shoot it. and that some guys will claim "you have to get a bizanium/kryptonite tube cause all the others will fail" is B.S. most all the 60$ tubes will work just fine on this weapon. i dont have a cheaper made tube on mine, if i was to get one it would be kips. but i dont want one. its funny, guys buy the m4 and then cant afford much accessories thus the 60$ tube.
  2. HEY THATS WAY TOOOOO MUCH!!! joke, just kidding, hahaha. this comment is for all the price haters!!!
  3. hey cody they even griped after he stated what he was looking for. and ive seen in the past youve sold items for a good price and thats just because you like to be a fair and honest guy to others which i commend!!! but that being said you are not like most and thats not necessarily a bad thing for others as well. my point is, people go to work every day and make their living and alot of people a good living at that. and they come home get on a computer a cry about guns/parts prices. i just find it funny and irritating at the same time. point-- if they dont like the price ,A-dont buy it, and B-dont flame just move on to the next thread. oh and for the record, im a refrigeration contractor. i charge as much as i can get from the grocery store chains and its waaaaaaaaaaay too much. but as long as they keep paying it, im gonna keep charging it!!!CAPITALISM, I LOVE IT!!!!
  4. so your telling me the average weekend warrior here that actually shoots their m4 MAYBE once a month, has a GOOD chance for their 60$$ mag tube to create an issue of failure??? BULLSH-T!!!! the odds are very slim due to the fact they are closet queens!!! now for a serious shooter or an LEO,militry etc. person who would honestly shoot their m4 alot more and use it to protect their life for work, yes i can see the more expensive better made tube a nescessity.
  5. goodness, another thread on full length mag tubes again???
  6. i keep reading and reading continued posts on this site and other sites regarding prices of sh-t people are selling. and i ask again, to ALL THE PRICE COMPLAINERS, what do you do or make or even provide for a living??? and what do you sell it for??? let me answer that question for you. AS MUCH AS YOU CAN GET FOR IT!!!!!!!! END OF WHINING!!!
  7. i think its ABSOLUTELY STUPID for ANYONE to argue/or complain about the price of a well wanted, hard to get, not imported to civilian any more benelli part!!!! if YOU dont like the price, shut the F%^K UP and dont buy it!!!!!!!!!!!!! capitolism made this country great!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and the fact people want to change that, our country is getting worse by the year!!!!!!!!!!! its a fact. you cant tell me what ever all you price complainers do for a living, you just give it away for a few dollars over market value!!!! BULLSH_T
  8. also what about that car headlight, i mean flashlight on the front there? whats the info on it?
  9. i wuz jus lookun out fur ya HOOKSTA!!
  10. damn NELLI, you dug this thread up from the graveyard!!
  11. well lets see if we can get HOOKSTER to take her out on a date shooting w/ his new piston upper?? and report back to us!!
  12. slow your roll there UNO, she might actually be a hottie!! but then again, she could be a dude!!!
  13. im sure you'll find someone who'll trade yours for theirs. just wait, he will come.
  14. thanks hooksta!! ill figure out posting sh-t sooner or later. i still wonder if this barrel is benelli factory though.
  15. trying to post the link with pics of barrel didnt work. i suck with super glue and sh-t!!! if someone will pull up benelli 10.75" barrel on gunbroker, his listing will come up. and in the listing is some good pics w/ numbers to check on factory or not.
  16. good idea UNO, just out of curiousity ill get the # and post it here. im sure someone can look it up. as i do not know who to call or where to look.
  17. yeah me too, but i sent him an email questioning who did the barrel shortening work, and he said it came from benelli that way.
  18. there is also a M4 10.75" benelli factory SBS barrel and mag tube for sale as well. guy wants 1650$ for both together.
  19. on sale right now w/ 4 days left on gunbroker.com. guy has its starting price at 350$ and with a reserve. god only knows what he wants for it. so for all you "gotta have benelli only parts", here ya go!!
  20. this guy above that hookster listed also has the benelli made full length mag tube for sale in his other auctions on gunbroker!!!
  21. ??????????????? hey ZEE, either you stopped taking your meds, or you took too many!!! either way, please get the dosage right!!!
  22. this is a nickname for tucker i havent seen before!! i lol. sorry tucker, not hating here, just thought it was funny. oh, and your RIGHT!!!
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