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texas skeeter

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Everything posted by texas skeeter

  1. Just curious exactly where you bought it from and how much? Thanks skeeter
  2. ok the, how about colonel clink?
  3. on a lighter note, doesnt tucker look like an exact twin of michael moore?
  4. well now theres alot here so lets get started. i did vote for bush twice as well. and also not happy w/ everything he and his lackeys did. but that being said at least 6-1/2 of his first yrs we had a great economy and after congress went all libtard w/ 2 yrs left on his parade, imagine the economy went to sh-t. so obama has cleared up a bailout mess? B.S.!! he's givin sooooooooo much $$ to a bunch a ******** co's that SHOULD HAVE just gone out of business!!! AIG,GM ETC. NOOOO business is too big to fail and tax payer $$ SHOULD NOT keep their BAD BUSINESS ETHICS AFLOAT!!! the war?? which one?? he and ALL his cronies said they were against both of them and wanted immediate withdrawls!!! WHERE'S the immediate withdrawls now that he's boss??? he's rebuilt relationships w/ allies? he's made a laughing stock of america w/ all the apologizing he's done!! i cant even think of one nice comment he's made about the U.S. at any overseas apology tour or any speech ever. and he sure does support our biggest allie isreal?? um nope.. he stopped human rights violations??? those ******* camel jockeys killed innocent americans on our home land!! so WHATEVER tactic is needed to get info on how and where to stop more of these ******* nutjob islamics, then so be it!!! come on, waterboarding?? yeah that really hurt them didnt it?? what a f-cking joke to call waterboarding torture!! they attacked US remember?? no you dont, most libtards DONT REMEMBER 911 and all the tragic deaths that occured!! they just want to give human rights to a bunch of ******* wacko nut jobs that are still trying to kill americans!!! i call that just plain stupid!!! and it was clinton that fell asleep at the wheel and ignored ALL the signs about us getting attacked. it just didnt take them 8 mo's to plan the twin towers, it took them almost 2 yrs +. all the signs were givin to clinton and he ignored them. the guns issue?? they werent in the whitehouse more than 2 mo's and his lackeys were already talking about gun bans. dont you think they had better things to do w/ a bad economy at that time than to talk about gun bans? ill bet you anything, when things settle down w/ his lame ass NO-CARE bill and his TAX/TRADE bill guns will be next. all his libtard friends want guns gone, and he has jumped to their every whimmm. and last but not least. THE POOR IN THIS COUNTRY??? most people in the U.S. are poor for one of 3 reasons. 1- some sort of handicap/mental problem, 2-lack of education/know how and 3-pure laziness. so for 2 out of 3 reasons something can be done to make yourself rich!!! end of story!!! ANYONE CAN WORK HARD or GO TO SCHOOL to make themselves rich, but they choose not to!!! AND WHY IS THAT??? ive owned my own business for yrs, have worked in the same trade for 24 yrs and got real good at what i do as well as you. im in no way rich but i choose to be where im at in life, very comfortable. think about it, a kid from the ghetto can get a job at mcdonalds in any bad city. learn EVERYTHING THERE IS to know about the operation. make mgr w/in 3-5 yrs. and then go on to buy their own branch and be successful. but NOOOOOOO they dont want to start at the bottom like most of our generation!!! thats why ALOT of people voted for CLOWNBAMA, for all the FREE SH-T!!! and why is it that the poor society in this country just expects EVERYTHING IS OWED TO THEM NOW??? ive been trying to give obama a chance, but w/ ALL the CRAZY people and tax cheats as well as embezlers he's added to his administration, all the lies, doubletalk and campaign promises broken. its hard to believe a word he says now!!! and dont make me list the lies cause there's probably 2 dozen of them i can think of. TRANSPERENCY???? and lets see some more cat pics. pretty cat!!LOVE SKEETER
  5. yeah? the same respect you and your libtard friends gave bush right???:rolleyes:
  6. well it still doesnt change the fact, republicans still ended slavery!! While dumotards fought to keep it. Um, check the voting records. And at least these people you make fun of are trying to voice their opinions about how this country is being ruined by mr spendbama and the idiots that voted for him. And dont be hatin, we still like to hear from libtard idiots here. Thats also why i moved from ca. To texas a few yrs ago, to get away from the sluggo's and tuckers that ruined crazifornia!!
  7. its also most funny when the libtards drop to their last resort when debating anything, RACISM!! rememeber folks, it was republicans that got rid of slavery!! democrats fought it EVERY STEP OF THE WAY!! read your history books.
  8. your last sentence is by far the stupidest thing ive seen all year. which shows me how st-pid you really are. but then again you voted for the big zero. so there was never a question about your intelligence!!
  9. not quite mr slugo, its a learn how to read thing. once you've learned to, you'll understand.
  10. ok ill admit this thread is starting to get boring now. lets have a debate on leaving butter out on the counter. or a good ole fashioned debate on toilet paper, over/under?
  11. now that is much better tucker!! hey i see in your sigline you like sean hannity!!! good to see a libdem actually wanting to see the truth!! even if it hurts! hey, you should have your cat type in some rebutles here, we might then see some actual intelligence from your part of the world!
  12. actually tucker i dont like the "same ole same ole" that rush rants on about everyday so i dont listen to him. and come on now, you can do better than the above weak ^$$ comment." i expect more from you" as your COMMANDER-IN-THIEF would say!! but dont let the actual facts slow you down. come on tucker, lets have it!!
  13. yeah no kidding!!! its still all the last presidents fault!!! it will probably only be CLOWNBAMA'S term ONLY when something goes right!!! but, it will probably be at least a couple more yrs before something good comes forth!!! ya know, when they vote out the libtards in 2010 and the new conservatives fix some of this BROKEN SH-T!!! OBAMA=FAIL!!!!
  14. so unemployment which is at 9.7% which CLOWNBAMA promised wouldnt go over 8% if we passed his SPENDULOUS BILL?. and the fact our country is broke and your BOY is still trying to spend/pass a HCB when NOTHING our gvmnt runs actually is running efficiently and going broke as well?? hey i have a good idea, why dont you ask your BOY to fix MEDICARE, SOCIAL SECURITY, THE POST OFFICE AND ANY other busted up gvnmnt runned poorly program before he takes on another GVNMNT RUN ANYTHING!!! and ill get you GB'S/SPENDBAMA'S $$ AMOUNTS?APPROVED/SPENDING TO DATE.
  15. FIRST THINGS FIRST, i like the t/f hat on your cat!! pretty funny!!and i wont argue w/ your comments on that DUMB^$$ the repubs decided to go with!! ther were better choices!!but you are trulely wrong about the HCB polls, the polls show more in favor of not passing that worthless bill. and the only people that actually support CLOWNBAMA, HIS IDEAS AND THE H/C BILL are the "slacker i make no $$ and want more free sh-t from my gvnmnt" people!! lets be real here, not very many smart people voted for our current pres. which goes to show you it was actually all the ignorant broke^$$ slackers that put him in the whitehouse. and most of those voters now have BUYERS REMORSE as the CHOSEN ONES poll #'s are showing!!
  16. its truely funny the only thing you mention is the spending!! and you're kidding right???? not to mention GWB's $$ went to 2 wars wether one approves of them or not. and SIR SPENDBAMA'S $$ have absolutely fixed NOTHING!!! and at least in the 2 war's very bad people are no longer around!!! where as CLOWNBAMA and his libtard cronies are still trying to spend EVEN MORE $$$ this country doesnt have for a STUPID GVNMNT CONTROL HEALTH_NOCARE_BILL that the people have spoken out and dont want!!! but you keep supporting a poll failing jack^$$ PRESIDENT if it makes you feel better!!
  17. its nice to see a gun loving liberal in the benelli forums!! but its also funny when they throw stupid remarks about the previous administrations spending when the current one has spent more money in less than 1 yr than ALL THE PREVIOUS PRESIDENTS COMBINED!! lets also be real about the so-called stimulous, YEAH ITS WORKING REAL GOOD HUH? unemployment from 8 to 9.7 %. yeah it sure is working?? this administration you sure seem to be in love with, is the biggest JOKE in american history!!! nothing theyve done has worked, absolutely nothing. they wanted a black liberal leftist president, well look how bad its worked out so far!!! yup, you can definately call this change, change for the worse!!
  18. ill agree SPENDBAMA is our president, but that being said i did not vote for the man and want to thank any and all &^%*^$$&$ that did vote for him!! thanks for helping ruin this country!!! he'll clearly go down as the WORST PRESIDENT in our country's history!!! and not because he's BLACK, simply because he's an incompetant LEFTIST JACK^$$!!! 2012 just cant get here fast enough!!!
  19. um, m1014 he meant reliable handguns and not any ole P.O.S!! as for me, kimber commander 4" in .45acp!!! great carry and awesome accuracy plus knock down power!!
  20. easiest/cheapest way. candle/duct-tape and hope like **** it does'nt get windy!!:D
  21. not to rain on your parade, but ive been hearing this about surefire lights for m4/m1014's for 5 years now. im sure someday in oh, 10 or so yrs they'll come out w/ one!!! ive already been waiting 5!!!
  22. not good for me then!! my m4 w/ flag on receiver was made in 2004 i believe. thanks for info though. skeeter
  23. hey SHADOW SHOOTER, do you know what yr the AG made this 922/10 parts law? what im getting at is, could i have owned my m4 w/ collapsible stock before this law? thanks skeeter
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