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texas skeeter

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Everything posted by texas skeeter

  1. hey M1014, can you tell me what approx price this should sell for? he has a reserve and im just trying to figure out if its with-in my range. i dont want to waste his time if he's looking for 10,000 bucks!! thanks skeeter
  2. even if i was bill gates w/ an endless $$$ supply, i'd shoot the sh-t out of these lovely benellis above!!!!!!! cause otherwise, it would be like owning a 1 of 500 FERRARI and NEVER starting the engine or driving it!! WASTE of money!!
  3. um, HECK NOOOOOO!!! im going to shoot it till the screws fall out!! i dont believe there's any gun out there that shouldnt be fired. WHY own a gun you wont or cant fire?? thats just a waste of $$$!!
  4. yeah, agreed with the above statement.
  5. yeah, ive always wanted a 30-30 and found this limited edition one and bought it. it fits in the stable jus fine here!! not to mention i couldnt afford a gazillion dollar 1 of 1 benelli made of gold and platinum like yours!! but still beautiful!!
  6. NEWS FLASH,,, there are STILL other states that let you actually own guns w/ no restrictions!! one can always move!!
  7. its a new in box never been fired 2004 NRA marlin 336 xlr 30-30 stainless. 1 of 1050 w/ grayish laminate stock!! figured my m4 needed a brother.
  8. well at least he's another LIMITED EDITION!!!
  9. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! hope you teach her to hunt GRAMPA!!!!
  10. i dont care!!! they are gorgeous and i am JEALOUS!!!!!
  11. HOOKSTER, both of these weapons are illegal and NOT compliant w/ any law!! send them both to me for proper disposal!!!
  12. see my brain was wrapped around my S&W MnP-ar15. STUPID ME!!!! GO PACKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. well said mr BIG!! and AR15.com will have anything you'll ever want to know about m4's. as to the PS90, i just dont like em, and that DONT mean sh-t!! lots of people have had good luck with them and thats great. but they are ugly!! and ill bet most experts will agree. like i said earlier, you dont go to a steak house and ask for a peanutbutter and jelly sandwhich!! thus BENELLI FORUM and PS90 = stupid comments. and i do hope your turkey weekend was a good one!!! TS
  14. no worries mr STEVE!!i love debating anything on this site. it makes me laugh when certain people get sooooooo bothered by a stupid comment i may have made!! in the end, its just a stupid little black box we are all typing comments into!! we aint curing cancer here. and it has definately been fun debating the PS90 here, even if i dont know SH-T about it!! thanks for the post!!
  15. maybe if you took your own advice and went to a PS90 forum, maybe then you could get your ego stroked there!! oh, and the gun IS a POS!!
  16. NOPE, the H&K USP is a fine weapon!!! the P90 is the POS!!:Dand you're right!!! as to why this question was asked here!! do you go to a chinese food restaurant for mexican food, UM NOPE!! i believe benelli is a shotgun manufacturer, thus we talk about and know about shotguns. so of course you'll get a bunch a stupid comments regarding the POS PS90!!
  17. OK then, the consensus is in, ITS A POS!!!!
  18. no need to get OFFENDED there mr BIG!! and it looks like i may be wrong about U.S. agencies using this POS!! i had just not seen nor heard about it probably cause the weapon IS a POS. not to mention ive been wrong before and probably will be again. oh and HAPPY TURKEY WEEKEND!!
  19. no ones upset here mr STEVEY. i like debating various gun topics. and getting back to this weapons acting role in society, is it used in any criteria or by any leo,military,cia,spec ops etc. in the U.S. consistantly? i believe the answer is no. and since the U.S. is the status quoe for having the best training tactics and equipment used in the world for the most part, thus its a POS!!
  20. dang ZEE, you make it sound like you flew with the WRIGHT BROTHERS!!
  21. just because a weapon is developed and made, DOES NOT mean there's a place for it!!! it can still be worthless!! and no one is saying YOU have to think its ugly, i just personally do. ive never owned 1 but it sounds like STRANGER DANGER summed it up pretty well that it seems to be a POS!! and once again, it belongs on the set of PLANET OF THE APES!!!!!you asked and it seems you dont like my "thoughts" on it.
  22. yes but an AK still resembles a normal weapon.and if you'll notice, i stated to each their own!! and you were asking for opinions!! but to be truthful, it may shoot well and have all the umpa loompa good design elements, but it is UGLY!!! and everything ever made that is or was great, are most usually always the same looking for the most part. cars, tv's, drills, hammers etc. this gun is nothing like any other weapon made and belongs on the planet of the apes set!! it usually is always bought by that guy who wants to be different!! ill stick w/ my trusty ol m4!!
  23. as TUCKER said, go to the range and practice. no one is good at their job instantly either!! so spend some time and practice blasting some clays at a trap & skeet range. trust me, once you get comfortable and figure out where your gun hits, you'll start hitting everything!!
  24. i do have to say, this gun is the most stupid, worthless, ugly waste of money one can buy!!! but to each their own!! i truely cant believe people spend their hard earned money on useless obsurd designed weapons!!! they're good for the movie business and thats it!!
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