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Trouble cycling 2-3/4" shells in the Vinci?

Uncle Russ

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Hi folks, I have a question:


I have been considering a Vinci for about a year and am now ready to buy one. Very few dealers here have them (in the 28", black stock) but the one with the best deal has told me every one he's sold (5 or 6 in all) has come back because they would not cycle anything less than a 3" shell. Period. No 2-3/4 of any kind, whether 1oz or 1-1/8 oz, and brand didn't make a difference.


Now, I am having trouble believing him. I have an M1 Super 90 in LH, 12ga 28" and have only ever had one problem with it - the plastic off the shells builds up in the feed area and sometimes results in a misfeed. Easy fix in the field - just clear it and keep on shooting. Easy fix at home - take a stainless wire brush to that area and scrub a bit. You can see the stuff come off. But my point is, I've NEVER had another problem with it, and that only happens after a week or so shooting doves - i.e., LOTS of shells.


So, what have you heard or experienced about 2-3/4" shells in the Vinci? I've read some of the posts and there seems to be no problem. What I've read seems to say the gun needs a break-in of maybe a couple-hundred shells just to loosen it up, but that's not a problem.


Any info would be very much appreciated.


thanks in advance

Uncle Russ

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Im about to find out the answer on friday when mine arrives. I have read some of the same things on the internet as well. I went out and bought a brick of 2 3/4" winchester crap 8 shot and some estate 8 and 7.5...Im sure you will have some sort of answers before then but ill let you know. Ive heard there is a break-in procedure in the manual so ill check that out and follow it as not to jack up the experiment so i can give accurate info. Where I live I have an extremely difficult time finding premium grade ammo of any kind of any brand...so im hoping my gun blows through the cheap stuff without issues, cause thats all thats available here.


I am sure that anything you buy with moving parts has the ability to be a "lemon" but the one dealer you talked to, if he really had all those returned to him...thats scary...but then again, unless you 100% trust him, id take it with a grain of salt.

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So, what have you heard or experienced about 2-3/4" shells in the Vinci? I've read some of the posts and there seems to be no problem. What I've read seems to say the gun needs a break-in of maybe a couple-hundred shells just to loosen it up, but that's not a problem.


Any info would be very much appreciated.


thanks in advance

Uncle Russ


My Vinci cycles 2 3/4" shells just fine. Just use 1oz, 3 dram or heavier shells and you'll be fine. Mine did not need a break-in. It worked fine with dove loads right out of the box.

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In answer to FliteMedic, I can get premium ammo but I much prefer Estate as well as the old Federal 1-1/8oz 3dr eq "field loads" from Wal Mart, or the 1300fps Remington stuff from the same place. And no, I really don't trust the dealer - he's one of those who knows everything about any gun you mention, and then pushes you to what he has in stock or can make the most profit on if he has to special order it.


I am going to go ahead and order one. I cannot believe they could continue to successfully sell a gun with that kind of problem, but as with my Ruger Charger, and M&P15-22 I have heard all sorts of stories of problems with these guns cycling and yet if you ask the guy what ammo he uses, you quickly find out it's leftovers from the Crimean War. Anyone shootijng halfway decent ammo has no problem with these guns at all, especially after they break in.


Big Al, thanks much for the reply. I think that's really the answer - just needed to hear it from someone who has one and actually has put some loads through it.


Again, thanks to you both.

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I like mine!


I haven't shot it that much yet, but the so far it's handled every 2 3/4" round I put through it. There have been 3 boxes of the 1300 fps 1 1/8 oz. Rem STS loads, 36 rifled slugs hip-shot just about as fast as I could shoot without the other people at the range thinking I was a wacko. A few more high brass 1 1/4 oz loads at roosters and rabbits. So far it's worked like a champ! I have the black 26" and at 6 lbs. 14 oz. and it's a nice weight for hunting. Really comes up nice, too!

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I like mine!


I haven't shot it that much yet, but the so far it's handled every 2 3/4" round I put through it. There have been 3 boxes of the 1300 fps 1 1/8 oz. Rem STS loads, 36 rifled slugs hip-shot just about as fast as I could shoot without the other people at the range thinking I was a wacko. A few more high brass 1 1/4 oz loads at roosters and rabbits. So far it's worked like a champ! I have the black 26" and at 6 lbs. 14 oz. and it's a nice weight for hunting. Really comes up nice, too!


RW...I love mine also, same one as you. I've put about a case through it mixed between 1-1/8 and 1 oz loads. Can't wait for Dove season to start.

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Ok...so here is what happened to me today. Im optomistically chalking this up to "it needs to be broken in", but was irritated to say the least.

I finally went out and cracked off a few in my new Vinci i got a couple of days ago. I know that there is a supposed "break-in period" but not really sure how many boxes would end up breaking it in, so i bought some cheap ammo ($9 a box--yes thats cheap here unfortunately). I wiped it down, put a few drops of the oil they included with the gun in various spots and got to it. I shot through 2 boxes of cheap light load stuff. Winchester # 8 shot 2 3/4" 1 1/8 oz 1200fps....through 50 shots of those i had 11 cycling issues. Some did not eject fully (9) and some didnt cock the pin even though the bolt had shut (2). I ran some reloads my buddy had done...quality Rem hulls 7.5 shot 2 3/4" 1 1/8 oz shot. Shot 10 of those with 3 eject problems. Shot 4 rounds of #4 3" steel..those did fine. Shot 2 slugs and 3 00 buck and those did fine.

That being said..when it did work it worked nice, kick wasnt bad, and when i got on it and it didnt F' up it cycled wicked fast. Still a bit dissappointed but holding out for a few more boxes. Im going to shoot skeet and trap at a club tomorrow so i hope that was a decent enough break in once i CLP it tonight ...if not I guess ill be embarrassed with my nice new $1400 gun (crossing fingers!).

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I am a believer in the break-in process. These guns are machined to high standards, tight standards, and they need to be shot with some heavy stuff to knock off the tight edges, if you will. Some don't need it, some do. Lube it well, including the bolt rails, shoot some heavy loads through it, keep it tight on your shoulder, and it should be just fine. If you don't run some high brass through it, it will be o.k., it will just take longer to get the break-in process over with. I have a Vinci, and it shoots great. Enjoy your new gun..Mike

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problem cycling is getting better..went to the trap/skeet range today, went through 5 boxes - eating up the rest of the cheapy loads - and things were better but still problems ejecting...5 boxes and maybe 7 fail to fully eject shots..better than yesterdays 2 boxes and 11 problems so i think it is working itself out.

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It would seem to me that people who report "won't cycle light loads" ... aren't just making up these stories. But ... that's just me.


I tend to agree. Besides, Benelli clearly states on their website to use at least 3 dram, 1oz loads in the Vinci. That's certainly light enough for me. If I want something lighter, I'll use my 20ga.

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im hoping mine will do better...im at better than 7 boxes of loads that are at least or exceed what they say will cycle and still having issues...sooo not sure how many boxes this b.s. break in period is gonna take. My buddy is reloading some hotter 1 1/8 oz loads so that may work better than the cheapy wins but when they state the minimum, i use it, and it still doesnt cycle every time its a concern.

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I've done some break-in work. I shot three boxes of 1 1/8 oz 1300 fps loads which were pretty snappy loads. Then I rammed 36 of my old rifled slugs (which kicked like a mule!) through it one day. I then put another half box of 1 1/4 oz high brass hunting loads through it. I really think you should follow Benelli's suggested break-in and shoot 4 boxes of some type of heavy loads through it, even if you just hip shoot the heaviest ones. I fired the slugs from my hip after the first couple and my Vinci cycled them all, but 12 gauge slugs have pretty brutal recoil, so they would probably cycle anything.

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I've done some break-in work. I shot three boxes of 1 1/8 oz 1300 fps loads which were pretty snappy loads. Then I rammed 36 of my old rifled slugs (which kicked like a mule!) through it one day. I then put another half box of 1 1/4 oz high brass hunting loads through it. I really think you should follow Benelli's suggested break-in and shoot 4 boxes of some type of heavy loads through it, even if you just hip shoot the heaviest ones. I fired the slugs from my hip after the first couple and my Vinci cycled them all, but 12 gauge slugs have pretty brutal recoil, so they would probably cycle anything.


My Vinci did not require break-in. I starting shooting light dove loads right out of the box with no problems whatsoever.

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That's good to hear, BigAl33! I did the break-in anyway just to be sure. Nothing sours me faster on a gun than malfunctions. Right now I'm pleased as punch with my Vinci! It has the same handling qualities as my OU and SxS guns. It's quite a remarkable shotgun.


Agreed! Give the Win AA Xtra-Lite 1oz, 1180 FPS shells a try at the skeet course. These shells cycle fine in my Vinci. Feels like shooting a BB gun.

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  • 1 year later...

The problem is real. I bought a brand new benelli super Vinci 12 G at cabelas for 1499.00 plus tax. Beautiful case. Beautiful gun finish. The rep couldn't brag enough how the gun shot thousand of rounds in two days *in Argentina . Some kind of a video promo *they made. I took mine to the hills of Columbia , mo. Is not Argentina, but what the heck... I bought at Walmart 3 brands of ammo each for 22 bucks box of 100. Remington , Winchester , and federal. 2 3/4 inch regular clay target ammo. I shot fist box it jam 12 times. I load one in the chamber and 2 in the magazine. It will fire the one in the chamber , no problem, second will jam at a 75 degree angle before entering the chamber. I thought it needs to break in. My disappointment started after 150 rounds I was shooting basically single shots because it was constantly jamming. I call the *guys at the shogun range, with years of *experience shooting at the range, first guy told me you have to hold the gun tight, not like a girl, ok I said, *you try it. He did, no change , gun still jamming. He called another *guy. He came over and told me, *it needs to be well lube. He lube it to the point the *lube dripping everywhere. He shot it with same results. It will jam on average every second *to third round. A old timer that was looking at us with a smirk in his face told me, you are using weak loads. He load *3 inch heavy load Winchester ammo. No change after 12 rounds it jam 4 times. He turn around and ask me , how much you pay for this thing? His smirk turn into a big laugh. There u go, if you think benelli can't release a defective product, get a super Vinci , once you fired it you can't return it. You can't find that there is a problem until you fire it. What a scam. When i bought a car in 1970 u was very carefully with the engine need since *it to break in for few thousand miles , 2011 and a gun can't shoot well out of the box? Don't buy Argentina marketing, *is just that, marketing.*

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