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WTS--Sidearmor Mod 2 M4 Rail System and Shell Holders


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Love my SideArmor, Jeff makes great stuff. I have the 8 shell carrier and two forward carriers. I agree, I wished the side rails were removable, but I still use this with the surefire m80 and it works fine. If I did not have mine I would buy it in a New York minute. Great price.

Edited by Flascot007
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But if you have to run out the door, that's 2 more rounds up front for 2 more zombies!!


Seriously though I suspect the reason was it's better to have a lighter weapon and have the ammo on your person where the weight doesn't slow you down?




For me, and I speak for myself, I do not see time deminished or control of the weapon an issue set up as it is. A

smaller person might feel uncomfortable, but I have handled it both ways and would much rather have the extra

shells handy for a speedy reload than worry about a little weight.

I find it well balanced and very controllable. For me, it's just as fast in CQT situation.

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I hear ya on the form and function. I had the mod 1 SideArmor rail with the removable sides. The mod 1 weighed about half a pound less than the mod 2 if I recall due to the modular design. The 3gunnergear velcro shell carrier is the way to go. It adds no weight and isn't attached to those small receiver screws. If it takes a hit, no big deal. It won't sheer or shoot loose. Plus, you can buy several velcro shell carriers and peal the entire carrier on and off to quick reload. The design was set up so you could attach already filled carriers to a vest/pack/chest rig and peel and go as needed. With the shells removed, the carrier will squish flat. You won't have a shotgun that is essentially 4" thick at the receiver.


I didn't like the fact that the SideArmor rail was higher than the factory rail. This interfered with cheek weld when using optics.


My barrel clamp knob would shoot loose unless I tightened it with pliers after 50 - 100 rounds of high brass. They should have added a detent ratcheting system like the magazine cap has.


I ended up going to the carriercomp top rail and skipped mounting shells on the weapon all together. I bought two BlackHawk bandoliers that hold 55 shells each. They're looped over the shotgun in the safe for a grab and go situation.


Went from this:



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Finally to this:



Notice the height difference of the bottom of the LaRue mount on the top rail between the carriercomp and SideArmor rails. carriercomp is the only rail that I am aware of that mimics the factory rail height. I'm not sure about some of the handguard/top rail options from other companies though.


Sidearmor and Mesa = Big height difference.

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