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Factory 14" M4?


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I have a full size 18.5" M4 that I've had for about two years. I want to get a 14" one model # 11723 as well. I have other NFA items so I know the process. Who has factory new SBS's for sale? I'm having trouble finding them. I don't mind having to wait sebveral months for obe to come in...I'm not in a hurry. I'm active duty military if it matters for ordering sources.




Edited by calviroman
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I have a new in box Benelli M4 ENTRY/CQB 14" SBS #11724 LE model with the 3 Position Collapsible Stock and Ghost Ring Sights for $2700 (cash or postal money order only). It's on a Form 3 and ready to ship. I live in Houston ,Texas. Feel free to Contact me at 832-573-0493 or at [email protected] if you have any questions or for details. Remember this is a Class 3 item so All NFA rules apply.

Edited by rhane71
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Did you bother to ask them if they have it in stock? Most places will order you one if you don't mind waiting 6-18 months, if they get one at all. That is why most stores/people are asking $3000-3500 for those they have in stock. But I guess you already knew that. Since the price increase earlier this year the going price is now around $2000+ for a standard pistol grip stock plus shipping. Again you may have to wait 6-18 months for it. But obviously you know a store that is still selling them at 2009 prices. Seeing they quoted you $1600 for one with a collapsible stock. If I were you I would buy it at that price. But make sure they have it in stock before you order it. Most places will take your money and tell you month after month that it's still on backorder. Good luck.

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You are correct that most shops do not have the item in stock and the wait time can be lengthy. I don't mind waiting a several extra months to save a couple hundred on the shotgun.


I paid $1238.22 for a new 11707 in late 2010 ($1418.22 from Botach Defense plus $20 transfer fee, minus $200 rebate). I enjoy it but it is a beast! I would prefer a 14" model to lighten & shorten up that front end.

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I'm waiting for my transfer to go through right now. Looks like it will be a few months but the paperwork is in and now it's just sit tight. I bought my 11724 from Impact guns and it took 15 months from start to ship to my class III dealer. lol I guess a few more months isn't really that big a deal.


In the end I paid $1769 w/shipping and it will be every bit worth the wait.

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  • 5 months later...
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Update: today I sold my 18.5" 11707 and bought/ordered a 14" 11724! I should have hands on the 14" in about 7 months (tax stamp). I bought it from Dixie Ammo Dump as recommended by pboneal. I don't want to quote the price out of respect for the seller but will say that it was cheaper than the $2K Impact Arms charges. I'll post pics when it hits my CL3 dealer in a few weeks.

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