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Goose Decoys


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We hunt almost exclusively over water from blinds.

We generally put out 1-2 dozen floaters, a couple of goose magnets (if the wind's good), and five or six ducks.


I watch geese, even when not hunting them, and try undertsand their patterns and habits.

I try to set my decoys to closely mimic their natural movements and patterns on the water, while funneling them into shotgun range.


The goose magnets help to direct the birds into the spread in just the right direction, because they look like new geese landing in the zone.


Some days are better than others :D




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Yeah, it's kind of like a kite.

Hunting over water, I'd have to drive stakes into the mud or use anchors.


I like the looks of the RG decoys too, but the price is way up there.


If I may suggest, they should put a few on ebay with no reserve and see what they bring.

This would give them a good idea of what a fair market price may be.


Also, another cheap promotion would be to give away a few on refuge forums.


The giveaway would generate interest and put the product in front of their target market.

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Originally posted by GooseDown18:

the thing is how much did you spend on your ground decoys all together? i ask because with ours all you need is six and for non-believers, i say again, we provide one free hunt per customer

we also donated a some to ducks unlimited

I'll take you up on that. What's the catch? free hunt almost sounds too good to be true
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alright, to MOFOWLER, contact Rich Gilsdorf at Gilsdorf Canvas and Awning, located at 410 S Summit View Drive, Fort Collins,CO

(970)-224-2042, mind you, this is a hunt to demo decoys and show people see what we have, not to be rude but this is for potential clients, and there is no catch all you have to do is contact my father, Rich, and make an appointment for someday next season


to tucker, how many dozen did you buy? and you only need six of ours with no calling, all you have to do is wait and watch 'em come in

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if you ask me thats way to much to pay per decoy 62$. How much does it cost you to make those things like 5$... i would say 15-20$ is a fair price for these decoys. Good luck selling alot @ that price. I still use my old mans decoys and they bring in the birds no problem.

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ok again all you need is six decoys, thats it

no calling, no other ground sets, all you need is the decoys, a gun, some camo and a breeze

with that you are set


how much has the average hunter spent on groundsets all-together?


I have friends that are 16 and 17 years old and they've spent over $200 on ground sets already


and I congratulate you on being able to bring birds in

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what do you mean by ground sets? I think your catch that all you need is six of your decoys, so who cares that you will pay tripple for what they are really worth, isn't a very good one. I think what most of us are trying to do is help you by letting you know that if you lower your prices you may sell more product. You are charging way too much money for your flag decoys. Or maybe even offer a deal for half a dozen, since thats all you need. You guys need to work on your salesmenship a little bit more, sorry if you think i'm ripping into you, i myself work in sales and know whats a fair and not so fair deal. Well good luck to ya it does look like a good product but not a fair price. Also sorry to say but your camo cape is a really bad idea and looks pretty funny too.


[ 05-05-2006, 01:16 AM: Message edited by: simp ]

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Alright, I will take your criticism. First off, people don't pay triple what they are worth. Anybody that has hunted with them knows that they are worth what they pay. Just like Benellis slogan "Performance worth the Price," these are worth it. Benelli offer a SBE II at what price, over a $1,000 new, for some metal and plastic put together. I'm not critcising them, I own a Nova myself, but why doesn't every other gun maufacturer charge over a $1,000 dollars for their best gun. They can't. Why? Because it's not worth that. But Benelli's are worth it, just like Rich's decoys. We don't sell decoys for whatever price we feel like, we sell them at a price that is easily reached by the customer, we use the money to cover expenses set by advertising, a website and other necesities and if we're lucky, we make a profit. Rich has owned his own business for 18 years and knows what customers want and how much he can charge for what a customer wants. People that have hunted with the Control Tower Decoy system know that it is worth all that they payed and if you don't beleive me, let me know and I will schedule you in for a free hunt next goose season. And about the camo capes. I thought the same thing about them until I used them, and they work very well. Other people thought the same thing about the Control Tower decoys,too. "Oh, they won't work, they look funny, they are a bad idea," that is, until they saw that we drew geese away from other hunters over a quater mile away, they came in to us at about 10-15 feet off the ground, and then didn't fly again because we shot 'em. Have a nice day and anyone that reads this, feel free to e-mail me and schedule a free hunt next season.

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If the price is fair, and they're selling so well, then why did you come here fishing for an opening to post about them?


If you're barely making a profit at this sale price, then you've got some serious overhead and supplier management problems.


[ 05-05-2006, 01:45 PM: Message edited by: tucker301 ]

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i agree with tucker. Plus i don't need a free hunt i can hunt for free any day i want not including shell fees. I live in Canada and have many hunting spots including my own land, i will never pay for a hunt and spend a rediculas amount of money on some decoys that will do the same thing as the ones i have now. Calling is a part of the hunting tradition and i will never eliminate it from my hunting experience. I don't know about you but I like to keep it a fair game and stick with tradition. Also if you ever buy a sbe II and use it then you will understand why they charge what they do!

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I came here "fishing" for an opening to let other people in on them. I'm trying to get the word out is all. Yuo don't have to agree with me or like what I'm saying, I just wanted to show you guys "Hey, here's something new, give it a shot," and to see if anyone wanted to come and see what they are like. It is also true that a business rarely makes profit in the first three years anyway, so, since we are in our fourth year, business should pick up. You don't have to do anything, I just wanted to see who was interested. You don't have to be no big deal. Oh, and simp, it's the same with Rich's decoys, once you use them, you'll understand.

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