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I want to get started in skeet, target, and similar shooting... I'm not interested in hunting so much... I just would like to have fun shooting a gun. :D


Can anyone suggest to me the best gun to start with? I'm guessing Benelli, of course... but I'd like to hear what all of you think.



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Most clay target shooters shoot an autoloader or a double, the O/U being more popular then the SXS. The autoloaders will buffer the recoil some, especially if its a gas autoloader like the Franchi 612. What is most important for hitting anything with a shotgun is fit. If the gun doesn't fit, you won't be successful with it and it matters not what anyone else is shooting or likes. What fits you is all that matters. Some guns that don't fit can be fit to you by someone who knows what they are doing, but they are few and far between. Pull a shotgun up and shoulder it quickly, with your eyes closed, to a comfortable position and then open your eyes, you should be looking right down the rib without having to move your head around. If you see too much rib or if you can't see the front bead, then it doesn't fit. Keep looking.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Another fit tip:

Many shotgun stocks are too long and are a culprit in poor shooting. Here is how to check for the fit of the stock: Place the stock in the crook of your elbow (that's right - elbow) and place your finger at the trigger. The trigger face should fall between the base of your trigger finger and the first joint of that trigger finger. If it doesn't, the stock is too long or short. Judge at that point on whether you can have the stock fit for you, or move on. Stay safe. Tacman

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This is my second year of shooting trap. I found my gun, a mossberg 500A, at at pawn shop. u might want to look around alot before u find a gun that u like and one that fits u.

if u buy the first gun u see, trust me u will be unstaisfied and u will want to buy another one. look around before u buy. smile.gif

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  • 4 weeks later...

Another fit tip:


Think about what you are going to be wearing when you go shooting. Are you going to wear some type of vest or coat? Chances are the gun will fit a little different when wearing a coat or vest than it will when you try it out in a t-shirt. If need be, take your vest or coat along and try the gun out while wearing your gear. That should give you a good idea how things will work on the range or in the field.

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I shoot a Weatherby Orion (sporting clays edition) for skeet. It balances perfectly for me. But for trap and sporting clays I shoot the Benelli Super Black Eagle. It just fit me perfectly. High price tag though, but it is well worth it. If you ever get into hunting you will appreciate the SBE being able to cycle 2 ¾ - 3 ½ shells. Take your time finding a gun for you. Good Luck

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