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Slugs /Scope


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After contacting Zeiss and being assured that their Conquest 3x9 scope was fully capable of taking the pounding of 12ga slugs; I installed one on my SBEII w/slug rifled barrel. It has taken over 50 deer and hundreds of slugs while performing magnificently. I have other Zeiss/Swarovski/Leica high end optics and this VERY reasonably priced Zeiss scope stacks up quite nicely when compared. For the price of a better Leupold or other brand of scope, you will have the breathtaking clarity of a Zeiss. As to the 9x power being too high on a 200 yard gun, my theory was “you don’t have to use it if you don’t want to.” Turned out I’m very glad I have it. The extra power is great on 150yard shots and very useful for checking does heads for “hidden spikes.” I run it on 3x unless I’m set up where 5x distance is more likely ‘first sighting distance” ... and on the longer ranges I usually have the time and movement capability to crank it up to 7x or 9x.

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I have a Swarovski 3 -12x56 on one gun and a Nikon 5.5-16 on the other. If you are looking for a real good mid priced scope look at Nikon. Leupold scopes I have owned have had a glare at dusk and are operpriced.


I personally feel Nikon is better than Zeiss as long as the Nikon optics are made in Japan. Some of their lower end stuff is being made in SE Asia and the quality takes a big dip.


A bit of Trivia;

Nikon is pronounced (Knee-Con)

Nikon is a sub-division of Mitsubishi Optics Group, yup the same Mitsubishi that makes cars.

Mitsubishi is actually the largest bank on Earth. (Bank of Tokyo- Mitsubishi UFJ)

Mitsubishi started business in 1834

Mitsubishi literally means 3 Diamonds

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OK so that answers my question some people do use regular rifle scopes on shotguns. I also like the idea of being able to zoom in if need be. As far as recoil goes there are some rifles calibers that recoil way more than a 12ga with slugs.

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I personally feel Nikon is better than Zeiss as long as the Nikon optics are made in Japan. Some of their lower end stuff is being made in SE Asia and the quality takes a big dip.


A bit of Trivia;

Nikon is pronounced (Knee-Con)

Nikon is a sub-division of Mitsubishi Optics Group, yup the same Mitsubishi that makes cars.

Mitsubishi is actually the largest bank on Earth. (Bank of Tokyo- Mitsubishi UFJ)

Mitsubishi started business in 1834

Mitsubishi literally means 3 Diamonds


Some additional trivia:

Mitsubishi is also the outfit that produced the Jap Zero that took part in the Dec 7, 1941 murderous sneak attack on Pearl Harbor killing 2,400 innocents and brought us into World War II.




Nikon has an appalling reputation for customer service. Zeiss on the other hand is stellar in that department as well as their optics.

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Some additional trivia:

Mitsubishi is also the outfit that produced the Jap Zero that took part in the Dec 7, 1941 murderous sneak attack on Pearl Harbor killing 2,400 innocents and brought us into World War II.


This was in direct response to FDR blocking all of Mitsubishi's trade ships in the Pacific, crippling them from doing business. Since the national archives released FDR's plans during this time, we know now that the brutal attack on Pearl Harbor was anything but unexpected.


FDR, who at the time was blatantly curtailing the Neutrality Act, has been quoted as saying that a Japanese attack would allow the United States to fulfill “two of the most important requirements of our policy,” – to engage America in the war despite his pledge to keep us out of it.


So let's stop bashing our strongest ally in the War on Terror and get back to talking about all the fun we have shooting Benelli's

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This was in direct response to FDR blocking all of Mitsubishi's trade ships in the Pacific, crippling them from doing business. Since the national archives released FDR's plans during this time, we know now that the brutal attack on Pearl Harbor was anything but unexpected.


FDR, who at the time was blatantly curtailing the Neutrality Act, has been quoted as saying that a Japanese attack would allow the United States to fulfill “two of the most important requirements of our policy,” – to engage America in the war despite his pledge to keep us out of it.


So let's stop bashing our strongest ally in the War on Terror and get back to talking about all the fun we have shooting Benelli's



So ... you're taking the side of the Japanese?? Quite the patriot aren't we? I think you'd discover that the 2,400 dead and 1,200 wounded along with the devastating effect on their families and friends was "indeed" unexpected on December 7th. Read up on the inhumane treatment of POW's by your beloved Japanese ... 40% dead ... vs 8% in either German, Italian or Allies care. I’m not even addressing the unspeakably brutal treatment of the slave labor supplied by the army and utilized in MITSUBISHI mines and plants during the war! Mitsubishi is even now still trying to fend off slave labor lawsuits from countries around the globe. Of the 28,000 Americans captured and interned by the Japs, only 16,000 ever made it home. We have one ally we can count on ... the British Commonwealth. I'll be glad to get back to Benelli when we finish debating your unsolicited tossing of orchids at the Japanese.

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I guess it's all a matter of how far back you want to carry a grudge.


As I recall, America had to get into quite a spat with the British over that whole Independence thing.


Also, your beloved Benellis are made by Italians.

You may want to do some research on the Italians' role in WW II as well.


As I see it, we pretty much squared up with Japan when we dropped the two big ones at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Somewhere close to a quarter million people, with about half of that number being taken out on the day of the bombings.

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So ... you're taking the side of the Japanese?? Quite the patriot aren't we? I think you'd discover that the 2,400 dead and 1,200 wounded along with the devastating effect on their families and friends was "indeed" unexpected on December 7th.


I am taking the side of historical fact... It sure was a surprise to the victims but completely expected and welcomed by FDR according to his own records released by the national archives. FDR provoked the attack and suckered the American people into a war they wanted to have nothing to do with. As far as I see it FDR and the Democrats are responsible for all the lost of American lives during W***. We should have been fighting the Russians. But hindsight is 20/20... well for some of us anyway...

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As I see it, we pretty much squared up with Japan when we dropped the two big ones at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Somewhere close to a quarter million people, with about half of that number being taken out on the day of the bombings.


I think Truman was an ass for dropping the first one, he shouldn't have dropped it in a civilian area. However, the 2nd one was their fault, Tojo shouldn't have been so stubborn and just surrendered after the first one.

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Wow I just wanted to know the best optics for a shotgun with slugs...lol....lol, but I will add my 2cent on the war topic and where things are made.


I believe it was Lenin who said "The West will provide the rope to hang themselves" I think you could tie a lot into what he meant by that. I think it has every thing to do from selling out our jobs to cheap foreign slave labor, to selling out our technology in two ways, one by letting there people come over here and get the very best education and take it back to there home country and number two has to do with the first by letting them make our high-tech stuff over there and then they reverse engineer it.....wow I could go on and on, but this the wrong forum for that.


Happy shooting while you still can!!

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I've got to stop and give kudos to Benelli. Not only can you get superb technical advice from some very knowledgeable members; and not only can you receive excellent honest, thoughtful reviews of real world field experiences both positive and negative from helpful participants; but you can also have a spirited, even pugnacious debate over a myriad of subjects and the BENELLI Administration rejects censorship and lets the subject play out. (within limits of course) You gotta love this place!


With that said; let's not lose sight of the fact that the Nazis & Japs were empire building and killing millions of innocents BEFORE we were sneak attacked. I know this question can open Pandora's box, but do we have ANY moral and/or ethical obligation to mankind and our fellow human beings being slaughtered and bullied around the globe? Just for the sake of curiousity, Pearl Harbor aside ... just how do you think the whole scenario was going to play out if we continued to try to be an Allies supplier and not fight? Do you have the slightest belief that Hitler was going to stop after the Britain & the British Commonwealth fell? (Canada)... and Tojo after he reached Hawaii? After they divided up South America including Mexico? If you ever have the opportunity, talk to a Pacific Theater World WarII vet and see how they feel about the Nipponese. Roosevelt's allowing Pearl Harbor to be a sacrificial necessity or not ... THEY still attacked us! WE did NOT attack them.

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I've got to stop and give kudos to Benelli. Not only can you get superb technical advice from some very knowledgeable members; and not only can you receive excellent honest, thoughtful reviews of real world field experiences both positive and negative from helpful participants; but you can also have a spirited, even pugnacious debate over a myriad of subjects and the BENELLI Administration rejects censorship and lets the subject play out. (within limits of course) You gotta love this place!


With that said; let's not lose sight of the fact that the Nazis & Japs were empire building and killing millions of innocents BEFORE we were sneak attacked. I know this question can open Pandora's box, but do we have ANY moral and/or ethical obligation to mankind and our fellow human beings being slaughtered and bullied around the globe? Just for the sake of curiousity, Pearl Harbor aside ... just how do you think the whole scenario was going to play out if we continued to try to be an Allies supplier and not fight? Do you have the slightest belief that Hitler was going to stop after the Britain & the British Commonwealth fell? (Canada)... and Tojo after he reached Hawaii? After they divided up South America including Mexico? If you ever have the opportunity, talk to a Pacific Theater World WarII vet and see how they feel about the Nipponese. Roosevelt's allowing Pearl Harbor to be a sacrificial necessity or not ... THEY still attacked us! WE did NOT attack them.


Where did you learn your history? Comic strips? Tojo had no intention of taking over Hawaii, according to his own journals it was just to send a message to piss off and keep out of our trade routes. Obviously Tojo played right into FDRs hands, and unwillingly got sucked into a war with the US.


As for imperialism, Japan was fighting to END imperialism through out Asia, they liberated Shanghai from the British, liberated Indonesia from the Dutch, and the list goes on... There were also fighting to kick Russian communist influence out of Asia, if we left Japan alone, we would have never had to worry about fighting a war in Vietnam and Korea... Something to think about.


Using the Nazis in a strawman argument doesn't work, I don't even know why you brought them up. Who we should have been fighting is W*** is the communists the Russians. But Democrats like FDR have alway been sympathetic to their cause...


I have been to Yasukini Jinja and have spoken to plenty of W*** vets each and every one of their stories will make you cry... I have been to the Yushukan and looked through 1000s of journals and records, I have been to the national archives and looked through 100s of files where every other line is blacked out... It really makes your wonder who has the more honest intent towards history.


I am truly sorry you have an irrational hate for the Japanese, when there are so many other worthy candidates through out Asia to unleash your hate on. The communist Koreans & Chinese... The Islamic pirate Philippinos , the Islamic Terrorist Indonesians, Syrians, The Taliban, Al Qaeda, The Armenian arms dealers who sell weapons to Al Qaeda, the list goes on and you can find all these gems in Asia, yet you waste all those powerful hateful emotions on one of our best allies, the Japanese...

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Well, even my penchant for comic book historical research doesn’t bring me to the convoluted logic justifying and blatantly disregarding Japanese militarism & territorial annexation, Japanese atrocities, Japanese invasions and Japanese behavior during the last world war. You’re pretty casual about Tojo’s attack on Pearl Harbor et al., by labeling it a “message.” Osama bin Laden sent a similar message to the USA and received a similar reaction. Are you going to make an argument for his atrocities too? The Japs were fighting to END Imperialism??? Better back up a tad before you completely destroy your credibility! And I don’t need no strawman to refute your position.


As to an “irrational hate for the Japanese” I’m afraid you’re misinterpreting to your own devices. I have neither a love of nor a hatred of the present day Japanese. I spent 5 years 5 nights per week in a Karate school directly run by Shiguru Kimura fresh from Japan. What I do have is a realistic appraisal of how the Japs behaved up to and during World War Two. YOU brought up Mitsubishi and offered up accolades to them. I only pointed out they have a dark past. My particular “hateful emotions” are directed at World War Two Japan, and I don’t find them to be “wasted” ... rather well earned and deserved I would say. I will readily admit to having a ruthless and unmerciful sentiment on how we should react to any attack on our country. I don’t know if you can qualify obliterating retaliation as “hatred”though. But ... then again I’d consider myself a Conservative American patriot. It’s puzzling why your romantic perspective on the Japanese triggers this refusal to hold them accountable for past atrocities. You sound proud of the Japanese war memorial Yasukuni Jinja, I on the other hand get angry every time I see the American USS Arizona Memorial because it reminds me of the 1177 sailors who died on it, quickly followed by thoughts of all the other horrors that resulted over the next four years from Japans attack on us.


We DO agree on a few things. Most of your last paragraph; although I’d replace the word “hate” with “ire.” And we agree on FDR and the Democrats. Although I sometimes wonder if the Republicans are much better.

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We DO agree on a few things. Most of your last paragraph; although I’d replace the word “hate” with “ire.” And we agree on FDR and the Democrats. Although I sometimes wonder if the Republicans are much better.


No Republicans are far from perfect but Democrats have a vested interest in keeping us a poor as possible, they feel the govt. is always a better decision maker when it comes to our children, they are consistently making bad decisions for no other motive than their personal gain, they are 99% of the time wrong and dangerous for America.


FDR wanted to enter the war at any cost, he provoke the Japanese into attacking us, and after showing great restraint they finally did.


Yes the Japanese were fighting to END imperialism in East Asia, The British were imperial occupiers of Shanghai, the Dutch were imperial occupiers of Indonesia.The list goes on and on and on. Japan also wanted a safe buffer zone between the dangerous and destructive communist Russians and Japan. Japan is one of the very few nations to defeat Russia more than once, they new the ruthless evil of communism the Russians were spreading and wanted to keep it as far away from them as possible. I can't blame them one bit for that.


On the other hand we had a nutter like Truman who looked upon Stalin as a father figure and was a sympathizer of the communist ideals, just as there is today among liberal Democrats who praise Hugo Chavez, Che Guevara, and Castro.


In the 1800s Emperor Meiji restored power to the Imperial Family, he hunted down and crushed the Tokugawa shoguns and samurai that kept Japan in a backwards feudalistic closed society. He rapidly and successfully modernized Japan into a free market, capitalist society. During WW2 the goal was to do the same for the rest of east Asia. Since WW2 the Japanese have consistently elected conservative leaders from the LDP, with one brief exception in the 90s.


Their goals, there values, their momentum is for a society based on hard work, integrity, quality, family values and honesty.


After the US unleashed the bomb on them, they didn't cry to the government for help, they took it upon themselves to clean up see what could be salvaged, organize and move forward.


A little bad weather in New Orleans, all **** breaks loose, looting, shooting at rescue workers, rape, violence and the months of bitching why the govt. did help out quicker. What happened to taking initiative?


So, we have a lot to learn form Japan, we have a lot in common with Japan, and we shouldn't have picked a fight with them in the first place.


As for Bin Laden, Clinton's lack of interest in retaliation make Al Queada bolder and bolder after each attack. Too bad Clinton's people (Sandy Burger) stole documents from the national archives and shredded them. So we will never know just how many times Clinton had Bin Laden in the crosshairs and wouldn't pull the trigger. Once again a democrat is responsible for the loss of American lives.


I'll take my chances with Tojo running the country before I would dream of letting the Clintons back in the White House.

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I leave the room for a minute,and look what happpens,,tucker,,I left you in charge to keep order in my momentary absence and look what happened,,your fanning the flames ,,,,one guy asked a simple Q and we got a good history lesson too,,,good job people,,,lunch

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I'll take my chances with Tojo running the country before I would dream of letting the Clintons back in the White House.


Now THAT'S funny! I see we're coming around to some common ground. LOL


AND ... anybody leaving Tucker in charge of the store when they leave the room; had best be prepared for a little mayhem when they return. Kinda like trusting your Labrador Retriever to leave that pizza unmolested on the floor while you run to the can. It MIGHT happen, but so might Hades freeze over ... you’re kidding yourself if you EXPECT it to happen.

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