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SBE II Point of Impact issues


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This is my first post on the Benelli forum so I'll take a brief moment to introduce myself. My name is Kyle and I'm a Virginia native. I eat, sleep and drink turkeys. I typically start my season in MS and then hit SC, VA, MD, VT and I occassionally venture into Rio territory as well(Oklahoma).

I've been shooting an 870 SPS with a Super Mad Max Choke and 3.5" Hevishot 5s at turkeys and smacking them out to 55 yards but I have always wanted a Benelli. I'm about one phone call away from getting an '08 SBE II steady-grip but I have always heard about Benelli's and their issues with point of impact vs. point of aim.

I'm assuming that many of you shoot the SBE II, so I pose this question to you. How far off of your point of aim was your gun shooting when you shot it out of the box and what have you done to rectify the issue?

I'm not a fan of optics on a turkey gun, but I don't want to have to put a rear apperature (sp?) on the gun and adjust it so far to the left or right that I have to throw my face across the stock.

Your thoughts and experiences will be greatly appreciated.

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Mine typically shot high.

I discovered that European guns are set up for a slightly differently sight picture than are US made guns.


As soon as I learned to sight the gun showing a bit of rib and putting the entire target above, not behind, the beads, I was on target.


There is of course some adjustment in the shim kit.

I think I read somewhere that the Benellis are designed for a man of 5'9" in height and of average (165 lbs.) build.


If you're 6'4" or 5'3", you're more likely to have problems right out of the box.


Personally, if I were going to set up a gun exclusively for turkeys, I'd mount a nice red dot on it.


Other Common Issues:


Loud Safety - Some novice gunners have a problem with the Benelli safety. Given your level of prior experience, you'll figure out pretty quickly that using a little reverse pressure from the opposite side will let it slip off with a whisper.


The Benelli Click - The term commonly refers to the sound a Benelli makes when you were expecting it to go BOOM.

The Inertia bolt does not positively lock up when in full battery. It can be subject to Murphy's law if the hunter is not consciously aware of the matter and does not take proactive measures to guard against it.

You'll soon learn to make a quick visual check to make sure the bolt is fully rotated into battery before getting too close to shooting time.

A slight bump on the heel or trying to ease the bolt closed quietly will almost always result in Murphy ruining a good thing.


Stovepiping, Jams, FTF's - The inertia system relies completely on recoil to cycle the weapon. A loosely held or improperly shouldered gun can result in a failure to properly cycle. Light (girly) trap loads can also not produce enough recoil to cycle the gun. I doubt you'll be shooting trap loads at turkeys, but stranger things have happened.


Rust, Chipping, Fading -The black finished guns will rust if not properly cared for. A good CLP like Hoppes or Breakfree will keep it in excellent shape for a long time. Ignore it, put it up wet, case it cold and leave it, and you'll see rust. It's steel, after all.

The camo finishes will chip under what I consider normal use. If you want the gun to stay new, leave it at home. It's a tool, not jewelery.

DEET-based insect repellents will cause the camo films to fade. Be careful when using them.


Extra Barrels, Accessories, and Parts - The gun and the parst are made in Europe. While the website boasts all kinds of goodies for your new SBEII, the reality is that many are darned hard to find, and they're pricey.


Service Turnaround - While it's never been a problem for me, some people put all their stock into one gun. When the rare problem occurs that does require a factory return, turnaround times can be devastatingly long. This is especially true in the Fall through duck season.

Don't get caught without a backup plan (that old 870).


I'm sure some of the other regulars can add more, but these are my thoughts off the cuff.

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i would seriously consider putting a red dot scope on your turkey gun. even if you dont have point of aim/impact issues, they are a tremendous advantage in the turkey woods. your new SBE should be drilled and tapped for a scope mount so with a little more investment you would be set up for a sure enough turkey killer. i was dead set against putting optics on my turkey gun, but after hunting from south alabama to northeast kansas with mine i will have one on my gun for the rest of my days in the field. my M1 shot a little high, i put a aim-tech saddle mount on and added a red dot , after sighting it in it was as easy as put the dot on the turkeys head and....dead turkey. i will be having it drilled and tapped for a mount before next season. try it you will like it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you want to keep 'smacking' turkeys out to 55 yards, I suggest you do not buy an SBE II. Stick with the blunderbuss that has been serving you so well thus far.


Benellis are underbored and generally cannot hold a patttern tight enough long enough to ensure regular 'smackage' out to 55 yards.


I have a 10 gauge Browning pump with a 3 oz Nitro Hevi Shot load that I use for long range 'smackateering'.


My SBE II shoots exactly where I want it to for turkeys, just a bit high. I can then aim at the base of the neck and hopefully the pattern with hit right in the head and neck area.

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I bought the Burris Spped Dot and I'll never go back to a bead on turkeys again. The tight chokes and mega loads we use today are a far cry from the full chokes and loads of even just a few years ago. We don't have the margin of error that we did in the days of the hail mary patterns, but we have gained tremendous range capabilities.


I shoot an SBE 2 with a Rhino choke and 2 oz. Nitro Ammunition triplex loads. At 60 yards it shoots a 24" pattern with 5 shot average of 32 in the kill.


My shortest range kill to date has been 42 yards.


This year I took a bird at 54 yards and 60.


A stock benelli will not perform off the shelf like that but with a small investment (choke, shells, and good red dot) you'll have an excellent turkey gun!

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Not shooting dead on is a risk you will run with any production gun. Benelli is probably not much different than any other market gun...... close you eyes and pick one out... I'd say you have about 80 % chance of picking a winner. There are some things to do if it doenst shoot dead on , like bend the barrel, buy eccentric chokes but that is hardly worth the moeny or bother.

In my opinion, most off shooting guns relate more to magnum loads that we push thru them, and

a lot of problems relates to that.. Buy a gun that you can shoot comfortably but most important,,,,, learn to turkey hunt and realize that 55 yrd shots isnt a prize. sure, its nice to kill a stubborn old field bird but most turkey hunters can call them in their laps.......

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