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Everything posted by sdkidaho

  1. Check out this picture: You can read the post it came from here.
  2. Can someone please explain these to me? Around here, I don't know anyone that does this, so I'm completely unfamiliar with how they work, or how much they cost, etc. Thanks.
  3. Here you are required to show them the CCW permit when they stop you. If you don't, expect to have their gun drawn on you when they come back from checking out your drivers license and see that you didn't clue them into the CCW permit and possible weapon in the vehicle. Only guilty people have a reason to hide a gun from a cop when pulled over.
  4. Yeah, yeah. Your sheet hasn't come back from the FBI yet to show weather or not you're some kind of perv, so how can I say yes?? Only jesting, of course. Some time I may take you up on that, though this year isn't looking like my year to bag a turkey.
  5. All this talk of beads and you'd think it was Mardi-Gra.
  6. Ugly? Bah! Have you SEEN some of the guys from this forum? I mean, come on! But yeah, I'll go with the Uli reason. He is one handsome fellow after all.
  7. Amen. How did I luck out with all the tarded questions that I ask and not get blasted by Tucker? Is it my charismatic personality? My dashing good looks? The fear that my 20ga. Nova strikes in the hearts of other men? The world may never know. Of course I think I ticked off Mudhen once by asking everyone if they actually eat the ducks they shoot. But that's water under the bridge, again I'm sure that's due to reasons above. That and I'm one helluva guy. Yeah. Bite me.
  8. A CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) is sealed under pressure and at the yoke contains about 25,000 volts DC. I'm guessing when that voltage was released into the rest of the television that that is what caused the fire, as well if the tv is old enough there are some oil filled components inside that would make things go that way - not a lot of oil, but enough to give you the effects they saw. I'm really surprised that he was able to break the picture tube with BB's. TV tubes are "tough". Notice he's wearing a face shield for all the BB's that bounced back. Careful kid! You'll shoot your eye out!
  9. What do you call four lawyers in quick-sand? Cuatro Cinco
  10. FINALLY the website has some updates. Benelli link is above (obviously). Enjoy.
  11. Cowboys ain't gay. Granted there might be a few in Montana that have put the fear into a few head of sheep, but they ain't gay.
  12. Is that what the movie "Brokeback Mountain" is about?
  13. Seems like the best results were from the guys that put the 3.5's through their guns.
  14. I've seen several others recommend shooting the heavier loads to break it in. A box or two of the 3-1/2" shells. I believe the manual suggests how to break it in but I don't know what it says exactly. Congrats and good luck.
  15. From an email I received: Albino Fawn from folks who live on Bolivar Peninsula, Texas. A very eventful day around here... A once in many lifetimes experience! Mark saw this lil' feller run out in front of a car, thought it was a lost baby goat. Stopped to get it, and WOW. A real Albino Whitetail Deer. Just hours old, but doing fine. No Momma deer around. Another car nearly hit it in front of Mark... Well, he is THE neatest thing any of us ever saw. And such a 'freak of nature', that only 1 in more than a million are even born. He took his bottle of food, followed us around the house, doing great. So, we called the Zoo & Fossil Rim, who were both interested, but they were going to send him to a Rehab farm, (owned by a vet that we have never gotten along with)... So, one of Dad's best friends is our Game Warden. Kinda reluctant, but, I called him and told him the deal. He came right over, of course... and assured me that he wouldn't take it to that vet, that he was going to go to higher levels' than that with him.. So, he is gone now. We got a lot of pix, and something we will never see again probably, so it was very cool. Maybe he will make it in captivity somewhere and be appreciated. So rare... Sure wanted to keep him though but not the thing to do. And not LEGAL either; But, here are a couple of pix to show ya. He was snow white, pink eyes, ears, nose and hooves. Kids called him POWDER. He was SO small. That is my shoe lying beside him... WOW..how cool is that?? [ 03-09-2006, 03:26 PM: Message edited by: sdkidaho ]
  16. CARE INSTRUCTIONS: Care of a gun or bow after decoration is very easy. You will no longer have to oil the outside of the gun again, just wipe it down with a wet rag. You will still have to clean and oil the inside of your gun. Anything that will strip or discolor paint will have an effect on the finish. The most common chemical that will discolor the finish is Deet, which is used in insect repellant. Avoid any harsh chemical bore solvents from coming in contact with any finished area.
  17. I didn't draw for Turkey in my area. Major bummer. That means nearest turkey hunting is like a four hour drive away, and that's for so-so hunting. Anything worthwhile is probably ten hours away. Suck.
  18. -Very- cool. Wonder how expensive it is, and it's too bad it's overseas.
  19. Very cool. I just wasn't sure if it was common practice to strip the velvet off. I don't care for the velvet look and so was just curious. Would love to hunt Caribou some day.
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