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Everything posted by shotgunNoob

  1. Hah..If anybody needs to send ANY gun back to the factory just for a "lube" job, they probably shouldnt own the gun in the first place!! This is basic stuff that even a noob like me understands. As with ALL new firearms, thoroughly cleaning and lubricating of the weapon is strongly advised. Coming straight from the factory, most guns have a crap load of grease and/or lube on it..for preservation purposes. However, this amount of "preservation" is not conducive to reliability. Now, Im not for sure if the original "poster" is facing the same situation here. But, its good advice nonetheless!!
  2. Try this link: http://www.ableammo.com/catalog/default.php?cPath=9935_16854&sort=3a&filter_id=201 If this doesnt pan out, try calling Mann & Son at 618.357.2911. I believe they offer many parts for Benelli shotguns. This should at least give you a starting point. Hope this helps!!
  3. Interesting points, Euromutt. The "racking" of the fore-end on a pump shotty is equivalent to an intruder seeing 6 or 7 "live" hollow-points resting within the cylinder chambers of a .357 Magnum...pointed at him. Its all business, with potentially deadly intent. With the shotty, I believe most people think that even a blind old man could hit with it and blow away body parts as a result. Not entirely true, but the stigma remains. These things still take a deal of accurate aiming, although nowhere near what a handgun requires..obviously. Either way, the potentially brutal nature of the shotgun will always be legend and something to be feared. The proverbial "clack-clack" of the pump shotty can essentially be compared to the intimidation method of the rattlesnake. Of course, just because you hear it, doesnt mean you are dead. But, it certainly means that you are playing around with the reaper and that unless you are Bruce Lee or something, you had better re-adjust your strategy and proceed with extreme caution. However, if you encounter a home intruder who is not intimidated in the least by this sound, be VERY afraid. At this point, I hope you have resolved within yourself the issue of taking a life if necessary. If not....well..............
  4. A "stiff" safety mechanism may not be a bad thing. Particularly if small ones are around! If it works, I wouldnt worry about it too much. I certainly wouldnt start throwing any "voodoo" methods at it. A stiff safety beats an inoperable safety!!
  5. Now thats just insane. Personally, Id rather just go out and buy a new car with that kind of cash!
  6. I agree 100% with those who mentioned, as I did, that you need to completely disassemble the gun and thoroughly clean/lube it. When I received my SuperNova, I did this. It was amazing how much crap came off of this gun. When you re-assemble the weapon, make double sure that EVERYTHING hooks up properly and is lubricated. Then you will have at least narrowed the field of "probable causes", if nothing else.
  7. Then, you would grab a handgun...assuming you have one. But, in this guys case, I think its more than likely related to ammo issues or user error (no offense).
  8. I think you missed the point on this. This entire "rant" of mine was originally posted on the Obama forums. By "those who think that banning guns will make for a safer America, etc., etc.", I was making a reference to supporters of this idea, in particular, the Obama camp and others like him. I simply copy/pasted what I wrote on that website. Again, this topic was NOT written specifically for this forum. The reason I posted it here was to garner opinions concerning my blog. Nothing more.
  9. Well yes, it is a "right", as you mention. However, I consider it not just a right, but also a privilege...thanks to the Second Ammendment. I dont think any of us "earned" the right to bear arms, we were GIVEN that right. To me, that falls under the heading of "privelege", no?
  10. Ok, I will concede your point. However, Im sure there are many "in power" who would love nothing more than to "modernize" the Constitution and thus essentially, re-write it. Would it be probable? More than likely not. But, possible? Perhaps..... Anyway, you can stand behind your Second Ammendment rights all you want but, if these "null and void" laws say you cannot own a gun or that you can BUT with many ridiculous conditions attached, you will still pay h*ll for bending these laws. Will you win out in the end? Maybe..But, more than likely, at a HUGE cost. Personally, I would rather not take that chance.
  11. Well, I get your previous statement if you happen to consider yourself a criminal! If I missed your point, please explain it to me. Either Im just tired or your sentence structure was a bit off. Oh, and even though I think the "country being in safe hands" is a comment from a different person, I will address your response. You have to understand, nobody here, at least not me, is arguing about anything other than gun control. For this forum, this is my only concern. I will save war, wages, health care, taxes, etc.,etc., for other forums. So, I am not saying that just because I disagree with, lets say, Obamas possible gun control issues, I automatically think that everything else he stands for is bunk. I am simply speaking about one topic alone. Not the state of the country!!!
  12. The only reasons I have heard of that cause a "click" instead of a "bang" are the following: bad ammo (in your case, hard primers maybe?), firing pin issues or the "slide" (in this case, fore-end) not being in full battery. If it happened 3 times with the same round, I would assume it was your ammo. Also, have you disassembled the weapon at all? Maybe check and see, per the Benelli owners manual, if the bolt is properly seated within the action bars. Im certainly no expert on weapons, but I would think about stripping the gun down and carefully reassembling it per the instructions. When doing this, be sure to clean and lube all vital areas. Then, try a different brand of ammo and go from there. Hopefully, all of this will help you isolate the problem before having to send it back to Benelli...and possibly waiting for over a month before you see your shotty again.
  13. Well, I wasnt really interested in acquiring another barrel just to have one around. Now, for my Sig Sauer, thats another matter. Anyway, I was just curious about this due to the fact that one day, hopefully later than sooner, Im sure I will be needing to replace my current barrel. If so, I dread the thought of essentially buying the gun all over again, in terms of cost. Most peeps buy guns thinking they will last forever. No man made item I have ever heard of is capable of this. Nothing I own is, at least.
  14. Personally, I think the only issue you should have with the SuperNova or its kind, is with the action release lever. Being right handed myself, the location of this seems "natural". To a lefty such as yourself, it may not. As far as the safety goes, I really see no problem either way. It seems, to me at least, shotguns are more "ambidextrous" than pistols. I wouldnt worry about it too much.
  15. First, the "laws" that govern you and I owning firearms have little to do with how criminals acquire them. We do so through legal, regulated means. They do not. So, to think that as long as they are able to acquire firearms, you will be able to as well, is naive. Second, as I have stated before...I realize this is not the place for such a topic. Yet, it just might be...After all, we are all gun owners, are we not? If you read the other posts, some believe that while this may not be the best avenue for such a discussion, it should not be ignored nor deleted nonetheless. I have mentioned several times that I acknowledge the true meaning behind this forum and that in the future, no more posts such as this will be written by me. I am simply interested in the opinions of others regarding this topic. Personally, I find this topic rather interesting. Im sure that, in no time, this thread will work its way to the end of the line. Thats fine...Until then, Im just interested in opinions. You seem fine with the way things may go. I however, do not. It is these differences that makes topics such as this interesting, regardless of whether or not they "belong" here. BTW- Im not trying to sway people to think as I do, I am just simply sharing my .02 worth. Please dont pass me off as someone who is clueless or thinks that its "his way or the wrong way". My single vote may not make much of a difference, but it certainly cant hurt my particular cause. Fair enough?
  16. I agree that this is not the place for such a thread, as I acknowledged in my first post. However, I could not find another "appropriate" venue on this forum. I only posted here because this is a topic that, I believe, transcends the usual "mechanically related" issues this site was truly meant for. As I mentioned earlier, I will not be posting another topic such as this. But, to think that a candidate who, as you stated is very anti-gun, may just make it in to office is very scary indeed. Thank God he has Congress to go through. I can only hope that they remain staunch supporters of gun rights. Hopefully, if anything, those of us currently owning firearms will be Grandfathered in. If not, I hope that the "powers that be" will at least allow for the ownership of shotguns for self-defense. On that note, some states currently will NOT allow handguns in the home BUT will allow shotguns. This, even though shotguns are potentially far more deadly. Just goes to show the ignorance at play here.
  17. I appreciate your thoughts. I also was not particularly concerned about whom most Oklahomans would vote for. I figured that most of us are Republican by nature. However, Im not sure I agree with your statement about the "flavor of change." Never before have I been more concerned about my choice of candidate. Sure, Obama seems smooth, well educated and convincing. But, his views seem somewhat, umm, dubious to me. You may have looked far beyond gun control, and thats great. But, imagine if you will, a world where neither you nor I am allowed to own firearms. Now, the economy may thrive and world peace may reign. But, if that masked man breaks into your home and you have nothing to even the odds..what then? I sure hope that you are EXTREMELY fast and are a master at disarming techniques. Otherwise......well, you know. Personally, Id rather be broke than dead.
  18. None yet. But then again, I am among several thousand blogs on that site. I truly dont expect much in terms of a response, unfortunately. Also, I just posted the blog this evening..so we shall see. It is my hope that I will stir some things up, who knows. Thanks though.
  19. Hey everybody, I realize this thread isn't quite as useful as a "why the h*** isn't my gun working" or "how do I do this or that" thread. But, assuming most of you live in the US, this election just might effect you in more ways than you realize. Then again, it may not. But, certainly its something worth worrying about and as a result, worth commenting on! Take a break from your shotgun woes and jump in with the comments!! After all, Im sure this thread wont be around too much longer.
  20. I live in Oklahoma, which is for now, a gun friendly state.
  21. Recently, I created a new blog on Obama's website. Below is the blog. Now, I realize this forum is only for mechanical issues and I truly am not trying to "impose my will" on anybody, nor am I trying to bend/ignore the rules. I just figured, with everybody here being a gun owner and if living in the US, might be interested in this. After all, election day is approaching very soon. I give my word here, this post will be the last of its kind from me. I take no offense whatsoever if the admin locks or deletes this thread. I completely understand. But, until then, if you feel like it..Id love to hear your opinion(s) regarding this issue. It just might be interesting.... "First off, let me say that as of yet, I am an undecided voter. I have been raised in an otherwise Republican family, yet my decision this time around is not set in stone by any means. However, one issue that has yet, to my knowledge, to be addressed publicly by the candidate is gun control and the right to bear arms. Based on reliable sources, however, it is my belief that Obama is of the "gun control" crowd. This scares me...a lot. I'm not going to get into the nitty gritty of things by posting quotes or rambling on about the Second Ammendment. However, I need to get a few things off my chest. First, these people who insist that those of us who own handguns/shotguns are just mindless, gun crazy hicks are narrow-minded, to say the least. I am betting that very few of these people have ever been a victim of a violent crime and understand what it feels like to be truly helpless. I, however, do know what this feels like. Quite a few years ago, a friend of mine and myself were held at gunpoint by two juveniles **** bent on stealing my friends car. This happened at a local car wash. I will never forget the feeling of having a 9mm shoved in my face and being ordered to lie face down on the pavement. If this had happened in my own home, the feelings would have been far more palpable and dire indeed. Face the facts people, the police can only do so much. More often than not, the police show up AFTER a violent crime has been commited, not before or during. They simply do not have the necessary man power nor capability to respond quick enough. Personally, I am not willing to bet my life or the lives of my family on the "possibility" that help may or may not arrive fast enough. Are you? A message for those politicians who say that you can keep a firearm in your home as long as it is 'unloaded, locked or disassembled". THIS IS BLATANT STUPIDITY!!! Obviously, you know almost nothing about firearms. Regardless, imagine if you will, trying to fumble around for the precious key which will unlock your firearm lock, then loading it..not to mention, if necessary, re-assembling the weapon. All of this during the dead of night and with a home intruder bearing down on you and your family. Do you really think this would be possible? Do you really think any criminal is going to give you a chance to make your otherwise inoperable firearm operable? Not a chance. An unloaded and severely locked or disassembled weapon is nothing more than a useless paper weight. Would YOU defend your family with a paper weight? I doubt it. For those of you who believe handguns or the like, when taken out of the home, would reduce domestic shootings or horrible accidents resulting in the end of innocent life..I offer the following. In the first place, guns dont kill people...people kill people, whether through careless negligence or merciless malice. As with all dangerous or potentially lethal things in life, it takes a great amount of responsibility and care to ensure that things, such as guns, are handled and maintained properly. If improperly handled or misused, almost ANYTHING can become a deadly/maiming weapon. Take a look in your garage, tool shed or kitchen drawers...you will find MANY such items. Gun ownership is not just a privilege, it is a responsibility. Now, for those who think that banning guns will make for a safer America...OPEN YOUR EYES!! By taking away peoples right to defend themselves, particularly in their own home, you are essentially leaving their fate up to the person or persons currently threatening their lives. Criminals do not see society the way law-abiding citizens do. They live life by a different code..more often than not one of selfishness and greed. Do not think for a second that a home intruder cares anything for your values, rights or your family. To think this is a potentially lethal fairy tale. Criminals, being forever resourceful, will ALWAYS find a way to acquire guns....ALWAYS. To think otherwise is blatantly naive. So, dont think for a second that by banning guns in the home, this will make any kind of a "difference". IT WONT!!!! You will merely be taking away one of the few "leveraging" tools available to the law abiding citizen and giving it to criminal. Ridiculous...and lethal. In closing, I shall admit, that I see no problem with strong background checks for those who wish to purchase a weapon. Nor do I see any problem with, say, requiring those who wish to acquire a conceal/carry permit to attend a week long course on handgun safety and the responsible management of such said weapon. However, to strip Americans of their right to protect their family or to, in the very least, considerably handicap them of the means to do so, is not only un-Constitutional....it is un-American."
  22. I see...Well, I figured it might be an "import" thing. Just one more reason why I think Im going with a Remington 870 Police MAX next time. Dont get me wrong, I like my SuperNova and am in the process of loading it up with all sorts of "goodies". But, when it comes time to start replacing stuff, like the barrel, it may just no longer prove to be very "cost effective". I mean, ****, replacing the barrel, assuming I can even find one like I have, is going to cost me as much as the gun itself!! O well....
  23. I was looking at replacement barrels, just in case, and noticed that the majority of them cost almost as much as my shotgun!! For instance, a barrel w/ mounted Ghost Ring sight costs roughly $420 or so. My SuperNova tactical set me back $450 or so. It almost reminds me of the cost ratio/sales method of razors vs razor blades. I looked at other barrels, such as the Remingtons, and they go for $300 or less on average. I guess its a supply vs demand situation. The lesson learned here, for me at least, is that it isnt always about just getting the weapon. Its about how much it will cost to replace damaged parts on the weapon. Not to mention, how readily available these parts actually are. Blah. If I can get at least 10 years or more out of this shotgun w/o any major replacement issues or problems, then I guess I wont complain. Until that day, I will always be waiting for the "s*** to hit the fan"...so to speak! Any thoughts?
  24. That stock mounted shell carrier from Mesa just might be what Im looking for. Actually, I already have a the SteadyGrip stock installed. It just never occured to me that this particular Mesa item existed. Kinda makes me wish I had gone this route initially, had I known about it. My receiver mounted SureShell carrier is already giving me thread problems. Oh well, thanks very much for the idea. I will definately check it out!
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