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Everything posted by Freelancer99

  1. I suppose you're right, I mean I have 1911s that are not Colts, and ARs that are not ArmaLites, what do I care.
  2. I'm in Hawaii, I can do this all night!
  3. Just so we're clear, it was guy singular doing the name calling.
  4. There you go! See how nice a civilized discussion can go, and you even refrained from calling me asshole. Sorry to hear about your Mossy, I hope you didn't pay for it. You are absolutely correct, there is a difference between POS and I prefer... In hindsight I would have used the later in my original post, It would have been much more accurate. The reason I said POS, even though I had not published a full review, as some would have liked, is that it felt like a blatant money grab, Benelli does all the heavy lifting and innovation and these guys slide in and just copy it? Doesn't sit well with me, but not because I'm a snob, I just don't like it. I now look forward to someone else doing an honest review.
  5. Thank you, that is a good point. What I would say is that the Turks have a long history of making beautiful firearms, so they are very capable, I never implied that they can't. Yes, Norinco has been very successful copying many other people's designs, absolutely. I'll remind you that the whole basis for my position was that I prefer the original and not the copy. I'm sure that there are things in your life that you don't prefer or consider inferior, I wouldn't call you a snob for having those opinions. I appreciate this discussion with you and you've raised some valid points.
  6. Did you realize you were so passionate about this shotgun before now? This all started because we were discussing a shotgun. People have different opinions, I wouldn't imagine the conversation would've gone like this if we were face to face.
  7. I'll agree with you and that's fair if as you say all you care about is that the gun goes BOOM, and I will also agree with you that it is a viable alternative to other things that go boom. I appreciate your input, but I fail to so any snobbery from me or anyone in this discussion. I clarified my initial comment by saying that the Panzer was just a copy of an already successful product, and as someone who appreciates innovation in engineering I prefer the real deal.
  8. You are free to quote anything I've in order to support your point.
  9. I find it interesting that based on nothing presented here you've determined that there's a "Snobbish" undercurrent to many Benelli owners. You both open and closed your contribution to this conversation with the word, please expand, because I can't be the only one who's missed it.
  10. Never denigrated anyone, please review my comments. just someone who appreciates great innovation, design and engineering, none of which is comes from this cheap knock-off. How many do you think they would sell if it didn't look exactly like an M4.
  11. That's just your Benelli Social Status talking!
  12. My bad, I thought I was enjoying the Benelli Forum, not the cheap knock-off forum. Panzer had the choice to create something unique (like Benelli did with the M4), but decided to take the easy way out and cash in on a proven entity. At least it looks just like a Benelli! Snobs? Benelli Social Status??? Really, what is this, high school? No, mature adults don't feel threatened they are just fans of the platform.
  13. Let's consider creating a sub-forum for cheap POSs, we'll repost this thread and everyone who considers this as a viable alternative can continue the conversation there.
  14. Wow a whole lotta bitching lately. Legitimate concerns are one thing, but once you all start whining about hurt feelings, really!?! Why don't you guys that are unhappy call customer service and cry to them, because seriously you're not likely to find any sympathy here.
  15. Strange, I've used this product and my gun is not destroyed or ruined. TTI has sold a ton of these, the pile of destroyed shotguns must huge.
  16. Ordered mine this morning and It shipped this afternoon. Thanks again Benelliparts!
  17. Well mine arrived last night! Not the ninety day wait I was prepared for, just a day over three weeks! Thanks Benelliparts!
  18. Just got confirmation, mine's on the way! Thanks Antoine!
  19. Well ahead of the 90 days!!! Thanks Antoine, and thank you for always being available to pick up the phone to answer questions. Look forward to my order!
  20. Freelancer99


    11707s are on Gun Broker all day long for under 2k. Just start watching for them, and you'll find something fairly quickly. Just the other day I say at least two Buy-it-now auctions for $1899 and $1999. Good luck
  21. Sorry everyone, not sure why this image isn't loading. Picture a really cool blue M4 receiver with some typical mods!
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