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Buckshot & Turkey Chokes???


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Has anybody done any extensive testing to see what the good Buckshot/Turkey Chokes are. I know a lot of these after market chokes are a lot of hype and advertising.

I have a stand that I will get shots at 50-60 yards sometimes on both Turkeys and Deer. I usually shoot deer with a DSA FAL SA-58 Tactical Carbine, but I would like to use one of my 11707's this season as well.

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Ask unobtanium, he bought quite a few of the "best chokes" and tried them out, some were good and some sucked, I forget details, ask him.



I have tried Kick's (all different constrictions) and none worked very well past 25 yards.


I bought a Primos Dead Deer choke and with OO 3" remington Buck I was getting 40-50% of my pellets on a 14x18 target at 50 yards.


So far the BEST buckshot choke/combo I tried was Remington3" 000 Buck and a Trulock MOD choke. At 40 yards I was getting 70-80% patterns on 14x18" targets consistantly. By 50 yards the pattern had fallen apart, but 70-80% with OOO buck at 40 yards aint bad.

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I am using Patternmaster tubes(w/3 1/2" Federal 00) and getting 50% in a 12" circle and rest close @ 50 yrds. I have tried this choke in many guns and about half shoot great, the others not so good. They have a return policy, worth a test.

Edited by OldFlick
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