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Any Way to Lessen FELT Recoil on the M1??


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Hey all,


I went out today to shoot my M1 with a 21 inch VR barrel and +4 Nordic mag tube. I took 100 rounds of the bulk pack Federal 7 1/2 shot and shot it all. My shoulder was definitely feeling the results of my day with my M1.


What I would like is to find something that would lessen the felt recoil. Do you all know of a good buttpad replacement I could put on it? I don't know if the Comfort Tech stock would fit my M1 and if it did knowing Benelli it would cost a fortune.


Do you all have any ideas for me? Has anyone else had this problem with their M1?


I have had a couple suggestions that I should swap this for a good gas operated auto. That would be a last resort kinda thing and I hope I don't have to go that far.


Thanks for your time.



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The ComforTech stock will not fit the M1. Limbsaver makes replacement recoil pads for the M1. That's about the best you're going to do there. Otherwise, you'll just have to live with it, or go with another system. Personally I've never had an issue with the Benelli recoil but I know it's an issue for some. Borrow a friend's gas gun and go out and do the same thing you did with the B and see if there's really that much difference in how you feel at he end.

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