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Benelli M4 Collapsable Stock Auto Collapses when Fired in Mid (2nd) Position!?


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Bought a brandy new LEO Benelli M4 with full working collapsible stock.  Functions great, very reliable and a good shooter.  Only one issue, when in position 2 (the mid position) the stock auto unlocks and collapses itself when rapid firing 4 - 6 shells.  I'm not even talking high powered stuff, just light birdshot will do it.  Putting it in the mid position and rapid firing 4 - 6 shells, the stock auto unlocks, and collapses while firing.  By rapid firing I mean pulling the trigger close to as fast as you can.

I called Benelli customer service, they asked me to send the shotgun in.  Did so, the tech said nothing was wrong with it.  It turned out that he just fired 2 to three rounds normal speed (not rapidly) figured I had the stock in the "disassemble" notch (I didn't) and said it was fine.  Called up to complain, they sent me a new stock, said maybe the old one was faulty.  Put it on, tried it.  Experiencing the same issue...

Has anyone else ever experienced or heard of this issue happening before?  What can I do now at this point? 


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I am testing the shotgun and putting it through its paces.  I discovered an issue that is not supposed to happen with this gun, so it needs to be fixed.  If it happens during this scenario, it could possibly happen some other time.

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Agreed.  What a "welcome" to the forum. 🙄

The gun has an issue that needs to be toruble shooted.  Would love some info on this.  Someone must have experienced something similar before!  

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10 hours ago, Blain said:

Bought a brandy new LEO Benelli M4 with full working collapsible stock.  Functions great, very reliable and a good shooter.  Only one issue, when in position 2 (the mid position) the stock auto unlocks and collapses itself when rapid firing 4 - 6 shells.  I'm not even talking high powered stuff, just light birdshot will do it.  Putting it in the mid position and rapid firing 4 - 6 shells, the stock auto unlocks, and collapses while firing.  By rapid firing I mean pulling the trigger close to as fast as you can.

I called Benelli customer service, they asked me to send the shotgun in.  Did so, the tech said nothing was wrong with it.  It turned out that he just fired 2 to three rounds normal speed (not rapidly) figured I had the stock in the "disassemble" notch (I didn't) and said it was fine.  Called up to complain, they sent me a new stock, said maybe the old one was faulty.  Put it on, tried it.  Experiencing the same issue...

Has anyone else ever experienced or heard of this issue happening before?  What can I do now at this point? 


1. I think it would be beneficial to get a small video from you, locking your stock into position clearly showing what you are doing so we can see exactly what is going on, with a detailed shot of the buffer tube where your buttstock is.

2. Are you certain you are not in the "off" slot?  Meaning, you think you are locked into a position but in fact you are half way on the off slot, and when you fire the stock jolts off the slot and back onto the flats and collapses?  

3. Does the stock rotate to the right when it collapses or does it remain in the correctly timed position?

4. Are you using the legacy stock or the new supernova stock?

IMO the rate of fire has nothing to do with this issue.

Edited by RxArms
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18 minutes ago, Sukhoi_fan said:

I wish someone, ANYONE, would post why rapid fire from a semi-auto shotgun with a loaded capacity of 8-9 rounds has any practical application in the real world. I can think of only one situation, and that's in extremis, and frankly I'd be surprised if anyone can accurately describe that situation (because it takes actual experience to be able to come to that conclusion).

'Practicing' rapid fire is just plain stupid IMO because all that does is burn up ammo, that doesn't contribute to effective training, and in fact causes one to have bad habits.

Says the  person with "speed is life" in their signature! 🤣

Not sure if these are actually serious questions, or if you're just a troll.  The M4 is a combat shotgun...Might as well ask why anyone would want a semi auto shotgun or rifle at all?  Why would anyone need to rapid fire? All these semi autos should be banned!!!  "High cap mags" too!  Nobody needs more than 5 rounds for any legitimate serious use.  I DARE anyone to show me what situation that an HONEST man would need to have more than 5 rounds in their gun!  🙄  🤡

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I have rapid fired my M4 before just for the experience and to see if I could outrun it (I couldn't); pretty fun but not something I'm going to do everyday. I've also pulled both triggers at once on my Baikal SxS coach gun, there's no padding on a Baikal, not doing that again either.

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17 minutes ago, StreetSweeper56 said:

I have rapid fired my M4 before just for the experience and to see if I could outrun it (I couldn't); pretty fun but not something I'm going to do everyday. I've also pulled both triggers at once on my Baikal SxS coach gun, there's no padding on a Baikal, not doing that again either.

Exactly.  Like racing a car, or anything else "with no practical purpose" it can be fun to mag dump, and it's a good way to put a shotgun through it's paces and ensure that is is properly cycling.  If my AR, or glock, would choke when rapid firing, then it's an issue, same with a semi auto shotgun.  During combat, one may need to fire off a few rounds in rapid succession.  Though some don't "believe" in semi auto shotguns and think everyone only needs a pump.  But this is AMERICA, we are free to choose what we wish.  Let the Fudd's keep their pump guns! 

The other issue is, that if the stock is collapsing when it is not supposed too, there is likely something wrong that is not a design flaw.  That issue could present itself during another situation, IE if one is firing stout recoiling magnum loads.  Obviously, have the gun do anything it's not supposed to do it cause for concern. 

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22 hours ago, RxArms said:

1. I think it would be beneficial to get a small video from you, locking your stock into position clearly showing what you are doing so we can see exactly what is going on, with a detailed shot of the buffer tube where your buttstock is.

2. Are you certain you are not in the "off" slot?  Meaning, you think you are locked into a position but in fact you are half way on the off slot, and when you fire the stock jolts off the slot and back onto the flats and collapses?  

3. Does the stock rotate to the right when it collapses or does it remain in the correctly timed position?

4. Are you using the legacy stock or the new supernova stock?

IMO the rate of fire has nothing to do with this issue.

1. I don't know about video, but I could take pictures if that would suffice?
2. I am certain.  I am aware of both slots, and the dissassembly slot allows the stock to spin freely vs being locked in place.
3. It rotates to the left.
4. Legacy stock

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Blain, I know that the folks at Benelli are very interested in helping you resolve your issue with your C-stock collapsing while doing rapid fire. And I know that you sent your M4 into Benelli with that issue and the Benelli gunsmiths were unable to replicate that problem even when rapid firing. They would like to see a video of you or anyone else rapid firing your M4 and having the C-stock collapse. So I suggest you record of a video of this happening and send it to the folks at Benelli so they can help you get a resolution.

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I've been unable to reproduce this issue.


After thinking about it, I suspect the most likely reason would be the OP actually having the stock in the disassembly position instead of a middle position.  

I've read that there are 2 position stock tubes out there.  A discussion here said that Numrich was selling 2 position recoil spring tubes:


If they have a 2 position tube, they might be mistaking having the stock near the middle as the middle position.


I had wondered if they had possible been pressing the adjustment button with their cheek when shooting, but even if they had the stock would be more likely to rotate the other direction.  I also think it would be more likely to happen with the stock completely closed.


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