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Choke Tubes ???


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Hello Gentlemen: I own a M2 with Crio barrel/choke tube combination. In the manual it states when using steel shot, use a mod. choke or larger. Is this absolutely necessary when using steel shot? I would prefere to use full choke tube most of the time. Also, on the supersports, they use the extended tubes, are these any better and why. With the extended tubes, are you also limited on tube size when shooting steel shot. If possible, I would like to try the extended tubes in my M2 and see if there is a difference????? Thanks for your input! :)

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Yes, there is a reason that you shouldn't use anything tighter than modified with steel shot, and if you ever bulge a perfectly good barrel ignoring the guideline, you'll undertand why it is that way.


The primary advantage to extended tubes is that they are easily changed by hand. This is convenient for those weird people who like to shoot those funny little birds that you can't cook.


Briley, Carlson's, Primos, and others make extended tubes to fit your gun, so go buy some and be happy. ;)

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The primary advantage to extended tubes is that they are easily changed by hand. This is convenient for those weird people who like to shoot those funny little birds that you can't cook.


Briley, Carlson's, Primos, and others make extended tubes to fit your gun, so go buy some and be happy. ;)


I havge a set of Briley's X2 Extended chokes for my M2 and Briley says the same do not shot other than lead through chokes tighter than MOD. They went a little farther and said that heavy shot was ok in an IMOD though.


Those funny little birds are quite tasy when smoked with hickory or mesquite. But you are correct in that it makes the chokes easier to change and to also easier to know what choke you have installed at clays shoots. As to patterning better, that is a push. Some say yes others are not so sure.


Keep up the good work Tucker.



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Guys, this is my first day on this board. I'm about to buy a nice shotgun and have my eye on the Bennelli Super Black Eagle 2. I currently have a Mossberg pump 835 which I use for turkey hunting. My Q for ya'll is will the SBE2 handle heavy shot in a 3.5 inch shell? If so, any restrictions on the choke? (I use a super full on my other gun and downed one at 55 paces this past spring.)

I have a nice Ithaca 20 gauge that I've owned since I was about 12, but I need a nicer 12 guage for doves / ducks / gese/ quail AND turkeys if possible.


Lastly, am I buying the right gun? That is, does Benelli have a better gun for HUNTING than the SBE2?





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  • 1 year later...

c10250, just because a choke tube is marked "Full" does not mean it is actually a full choke.....look at your factory benelli chokes they are often marked "Mod" for lead / "Full" for steel and it's the same choke so is it Modified or Full??? It's Modified because we use lead as a std for measuring choke constriction but some choke makers who produce a special choke for steel will offer a more open choke but mark it "Full" for steel. hope this makes sence???

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SBE2 handle heavy shot in a 3.5 inch shell?


If so, any restrictions on the choke?


Lastly, am I buying the right gun? That is, does Benelli have a better gun for HUNTING than the SBE2?






1.) Yes, you can shoot HS in 3-1/2"


2.) Yes, you should not use a choke smaller than .675" for HS (in any gun) but having said this lots of people do use tighter chokes but it is hard on your gun, choke tube and shoulder! Ask the HS ammo makers and they ALL say to use more open chokes for High Density loads!


3.) Maybe, if you like the SBE2 and can afford it.....you are buying the right gun! If your killing turkey's at 55yds now with a Mossberg I wouldn't switch to an SBE2, but that's just me.


Good Luck.

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NK, I'd never use the word "ALL" when talking chokes & steel shot!

this was taken from Carlson's website.....


"when shooting steel shot ALWAYS shoot a more open choke than you would with lead because steel patterns are tighter, at the same distance, than lead shot.


Use the following rule:


Cylinder Lead = Improved Cylinder Steel

Improved Cylinder Lead = Modified Cylinder Steel

Modified Lead = Full Steel


CARLSON'S Extended Steel Shot Choke Tubes and Sporting Clays Choke Tubes pattern better with steel shot and throw 10-15% denser patterns than flush mount choke tubes. NEVER shoot BBB, T, or F steel shot through ANY flush mount choke tighter than Modified. BB and smaller size steel shot may be used through full choke constrictions. Hevi-Shot, Bismuth Shot, and Tungsten Polymer may be used in all lead shot choke tubes, Tungsten Iron shot should be treated the same as steel shot.


CARLSON'S Turkey Choke Tubes have tighter constrictions than standard choke tubes and steel shot should NOT be used with ANY turkey choke. Hevi-Shot, Lead Shot, Copper Shot, Nickel Shot, Bismuth Shot, and Tungsten Polymer Shot can all be shot through CARLSON'S Turkey Choke Tubes. We have had the best pattern results with #5 and #6 shot sizes; #4 shot generally patterns better with a more open turkey choke diameter."


here is the link;


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I said all chokes could handle steel.I didn't say what shot size or what I recomend. I believe that you extended what I said with more words



Someone of lesser knowledge than you or I might assume when you said "all Carlson chokes handle steel" to mean ALL Carlson chokes.......the info from Carlson's site clearly states ALL Carlson chokes DO NOT handle steel......that was my point, not shot size, I didn't extend any of your words, I actually corrected your "ALL" comment....."ALL" Carlson Extended Chokes are NOT suitable for steel.


Re-read their paragraph on Carlson Turkey Chokes (they are extended, too)....and yes, some people shoot steel for turkey's! Steel has been mandated in some area's just as it has for waterfowl.

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i'm not trying to ruffle your feathers NK.....i just don't agree (nor does Carlson apparently) that "ALL extended Carlson chokes cyl-xfull can handle steel". I could not find that statement anywhere on their website with respect to benelli chokes (maybe it can be found elsewhere)....they do has a set of 3 Extended Steel shot chokes that are made for....steel shot!


hey, i just hate that word "ALL" with respect to shotguns, chokes or loads!!!


i'm done, case closed and no hard feelings. :)

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