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New Dave Smith hen turkey decoy....


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  • 2 weeks later...

Isnt it funny how we get trapped into "thinking" something new on the market is exactly what we need....


I'm not knocking the decoy. Its probably the most realistic deke I've seen, even comparing it to the new ones like Pretty Boy, Pretty Girl, or the Primos decoys. Would like to see a full body pic of it also.


Just think for a second how gobblers go nuts when they see the foam decoys. I killed my first turkey with one Feather Flex hen decoy. Plus they are inexpensive. Now think of modern technology and manufacturing. They can spit out these decoys like pop cans. I wonder how how much cost goes into making a $120+ decoy? But, people buy them.....


Nice deke btw, glad it was able to assist in bagging a turkey already!!!

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  • 8 months later...
Isnt it funny how we get trapped into "thinking" something new on the market is exactly what we need....


think of modern technology and manufacturing. They can spit out these decoys like pop cans. I wonder how how much cost goes into making a $120+ decoy? But, people buy them.....


I ran across this post while searching for jake reference pics. I- I-I- was almost speechless- this may be a new world record. I think I will keep bumping this up for the next year or so- LOL. Congrats to LORCUX (what's a Lorcux?), just when I thought I had heard it all...:eek:

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Hey Dave,


I'll mail you guys a copy of a California NWTF Yelper regional magazine with me and a DS hen turkey decoy on the cover.


Anything new for this spring? I have heard about some new positions.


I hunt with Ben Williams in Willows, he sure seems to like your speck decoys :)

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  • 4 weeks later...
I ran across this post while searching for jake reference pics. I- I-I- was almost speechless- this may be a new world record. I think I will keep bumping this up for the next year or so- LOL. Congrats to LORCUX (what's a Lorcux?), just when I thought I had heard it all...:eek:


Just when you thought you had heard it all?!?!


Come on now Dave, surely you have heard by now you sell a $120 decoy to try to fool a lovesick gobbler that has been fighting every jake in the flock just to get that one chance to breed a hen, his one time a year?!?!


Im not knocking your decoy, but I am surprised you took the stance you did. You make awesome decoys, very realistic. All I was saying is that hunters do get drawn every year into buying gear. Heck we all do. But, my point was you can very easily harvest a tom with the aid of a $15 foam hen decoy as well and sometimes you may need something more realistic.

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I bought a hen deke last year from Dave. I call her "Violated Violet" and for great reasons. Opening day of our spring gobbler season, she was violated three times, two of the violators were taken down quickly and brought to justice by my two good friends. On the fourth day of our season she had to experience several rounds of dominant hens kicking and pecking her. The first Saturday.....she, along with her beautiful looks, lured in two dandy toms that my brother and dad took. It wasnt until the second week I finally had the chance to chase a nice bird myself. She pulled through for me on a very educated bird...he took one look, and came a running. He made his last run.


I can attest from hunts...the DSD hen decoy is far superior to the traditional foam decoys. I hunted with both last season, and every bird decoyed to the DSD. I have bought two more since then, giving me three to work with this coming spring.

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