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Posts posted by ROCKETW19

  1. Hey guys,

    I got 2 questions. First, I got an M4 14" entry model M4 on order but I would like to have choke threads in the barrel. Is this possible to get or get done? If so by whom?



    I'm thinking that it might be a good idea to have a full 18" barrel as well. As a spare maybe. Again, not sure about this, just thinking about it. I'm assuming I can get one from Benelli, is that right? Anyone know what they run?


    yes I think it is a good idea to have a 18.5 barrel. I opted to buy a 14" barrel for 1000 buck other than buying a new gun cuz I wanted both lengths. buying a barrel is gonna cost alot from what I see probably the same $1000 I spent on a 14" If you have the cash just buy a new gun. I was a lil to cheap to do that plus the price to deck out both with the toys was to much to me.

  2. Wrong - it could very well be worth more especially with the ATF's current consideration of sporting shotguns like this. The trade will be done plus or minus cash based on the other party's offer.


    silly posts like this are what drove the price up in the first place (panic buying) didnt buy one when they were 350 sure aint gonna buy one now.

  3. However, if the laser increases your confidence and lessens your anxiety allowing a better shot then it's worth it. I think of it more as a plus for the person who isn't as well trained. Imagine, you might go to the range and be really good at target practice, but can't control your adrenaline (like most people who probably haven't been through real training or have combat experience).


    I realy agree with this. I have never been in a shoot or get shot situation and I can only guess it is nutz.

    I have been in a cage in front of 4-5 thousand people getting ready to just do a simple MMA fight and honest truth it is suck a rush that I get like a foggy vision when the are saying my name , city ,record ect. I am gonna guess putting a gun in my hands would be 100 times worse.


    saying all that I do have a surefire X400 (with laser) for a few reasons first it was just as cheap as a X300 and second I think it is fun just to mess with it

  4. They are helpful, but certainly not necessary. Insert a screwdriver into the center hole and pry up one side. Then switch the opposite side and finish the job. Cup your hand over the cap in order to catch the cap and spring.

    If you need instructions for reinstalling the spring then you probably have no business owning any guns.


    thanks for the tip on the screw driver I might try that before I get some snap ring pliers.


    But was the last sentance really needed? I never said I needed instructions I asked for tips. My M1 spring goes in pretty easy and has a different washer type thing to hold the spring in. Belive me I can shove the spring in the tube but I was just curious if there was a trick. I notice you didnt offer any help there so either you dont know or I just shove it in.

    saying all that I wonder if I was trying to put kips extended mag tube spring in my short tube, I better check that.LOL

  5. Ok, we all know I cant spell but now you guys will know I dont have a clue about tools either,lol. I have zero clue how to take the cap thing outta the mag tube that holds the spring in. I was also trying to put the spring in the tube just to mess around and see how easy/hard it was. It was hard for me,lol is there a trick to it. I can take the entire gun apart very easy but these two thing have me dazed and confused.


    I had the gun coated in a skull camo pattern looks pretty cool but came out a lil more silver than I thought it would and its a bit shinny. Not very tacticool but just cool. Ill post pictures when I can still jumping threw hoops for the 14"

  6. Sickhouse!


    I thought long and hard about it. One of the MD's at work is working with local LE and could surely help me rubber stamp the way through the red tape, but giving up 2 rounds to lop off 4" of barrel, I just couldn't justify it really. Still, it wins for CDI factor!


    yup I had a hard time giving up the extra rounds but in the end I did just so I would have a cool gun,lol

    Im not going to war or anything and if I was I would take my AR so I went for it.

  7. Hey all. Im looking to get a M4 11724. Yes, this is the 14" model with a C-stock. My question is, are you seeing that big of a shot pattern difference verus the civilian model with an 18" barrel with buck shot at 30yards or so? I know its only 4" that is being cut off from the barrel, but I want to make sure Im going to get my $$$ worth before I get it.


    Also, what are the pros and cons of going with the M4 11724 model? I know ALOT of you guys have them, so lets hear it :)


    The only real "pros" to me are cool factor. I am not LE i dont kick in doors and I dont need to hide it so its just cool. (that is enough for me though I have one) "Cons" the low amount of rounds it holds, I like big round count but 5 is it in the 14"

  8. You're best bet is to speak with the Class III dealer you are going to have do the transfer paperwork. They will know what you need to do. I'm working on a Benelli M4 SBS right now and as far as I know, we haven't run into anything yet regarding the fact that it is imported.


    no worries about being imported and no worries about 922 after you get your stamp.

  9. Actually I would rank a person capable of reading,writing, and spelling better than a person that could not do those basic elementary activities. Just my opinion.

    Ok you can spell better than me. But I have a question for you, Where are you right now? work? LOL I have been retired for 7 years and I am only 42 . Spelling is over rated

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