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Opinion on Federal Ammo - does brand matter?


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I have read several posts which talk about using Federal ammo and having problems with guns.


I am trying to understand if that is a "cause and result" or if it's just a coincident that people happen to mention Federal ammo or if I only (for whatever reason) remember Federal as the brand of shells.:confused:


From what I have seen in stores around here (Wal-Mart, BassPro, Academy, etc.), Federal is always cheaper than others, but I am hesitant to buy any Federal 20 gauge shells.


Your opinions and basis for the opinion :D would be greatly appreciated.

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I finished a 4 day shotgun course last month and ran hundreds of rounds of Federal birdshot (from Walmart) through the SuperNova. No problems.


I also shot about 75 rounds of Federal Truball slugs without any issues.


My shooting buddies use the same cheap Federal birdshot for shotgun practice and drills.


None of us have any complaints.

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I shoot Winchester in all my handguns, rifles and shotguns.As for Federal shotgun ammo specifically I used a few different types and went to all Winchester. One thing I really disliked about the Federal stuff was the wet fireworks smell the powder left on any clothes and in guns.

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