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Apparently, splash has relatives in VA


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We were goose hunting from a small island yesterday morning.

The island is center river and downstream from the hydro plant, so it catches some floating debris on a regular basis.


Whenever we hunt it, we try to pick up and cleanup whatever we see, just in an effort to keep the area clean and pristine for the wildlife.


There was a small igloo cooler resting against a tree. It was old and faded and had obviously been in the elements for some time, so I was obliged to take it away when we finished our hunt.


When I reached the cooler, I noticed that there was an empty oil bottle wedged into it, serving as a makeshift lid of sorts.


Seeing that as something that was unlikely to have occurred by accident, dislodged the oil bottle to find a dead hen mallard inside.

Now, it's been relatively warm around here, so this duck hasn't been there no more than one or two days.

Our general duck season closed on January 24th, so this was obviously a poached hen.


In review, some scumbag shot a hen out of season, and as if that wasn't bad enough, they then stuffed her into a cooler to hide their crime from prying eyes. It's not very likely that had any intentions of coming back for it. :mad:

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not going to let it go are you JESUS CHRIST/ BULLWINKLE? in the first place i didnt "poach " the damn duck intentionly, and reported it to TPWD, and turned over the duck.im suprised as perfect as you are you need a shotgun for water fowl. just walk out on the water and catch them.:rolleyes:


because you found a poached duck tha perpitraiter is my kin??? get real. is Albert Einstein yours?? you seem to know everything.

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Hey splash I'll buy your shotgun from you dude, because obviously your to irresponsible to handle it.


.....maybe in a few years you can buy it back from me after your balls drop and you mature a bit. And hey that'll give you some time to actually read the regs and learn when duck season actually opens and CLOSES.


Hey splash let me ask you a question though:

Did you poach that mallard because you are incapable of killing a duck during duck season or what?

And just because you poached a mallard that was swimming across your pond, that doesn't give you the title of a "duck hunter" just to let you know...... ;)

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Hey splash I'll buy your shotgun from you dude, because obviously your to irresponsible to handle it.


.....maybe in a few years you can buy it back from me after your balls drop and you mature a bit. And hey that'll give you some time to actually read the regs and learn when duck season actually opens and CLOSES.


Hey splash let me ask you a question though:

Did you poach that mallard because you are incapable of killing a duck during duck season or what?

And just because you poached a mallard that was swimming across your pond, that doesn't give you the title of a "duck hunter" just to let you know...... ;)



i never made any claim to be a "DUCK HUNTER" . i hadnt really made any plans on killing one. i prefered to watch them swim around. my dad was the duck hunter.he used to hunt them for my mom, cause she loved them. i personally dont care for the taste. she called last christmas reminissingabout him,who died in 1987. and said it had been a long time since she had, had a duck dinner. i thought what the hay.


it was a fools move, i gave no thought to season being closed.admittedly not the brightest thing i ever did.i hadread somewhere that lead had been made illegal on public waters, but that was probably16 yrs ago.


i prefer to hunt dove, quail,[what the fireants dont kill first] and whitetail deer. sometimes mulies in deep s.west texas. but tell me 18 year old he man how do "YOU" cook your duck?? what recipes do you have.and as far as you buying my shotguns, its gonna take you a while to save that much allowance.:p

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i never made any claim to be a "DUCK HUNTER" . i hadnt really made any plans on killing one. i prefered to watch them swim around. my dad was the duck hunter.he used to hunt them for my mom, cause she loved them. i personally dont care for the taste. she called last christmas reminissingabout him,who died in 1987. and said it had been a long time since she had, had a duck dinner. i thought what the hay.


it was a fools move, i gave no thought to season being closed.admittedly not the brightest thing i ever did.i hadread somewhere that lead had been made illegal on public waters, but that was probably16 yrs ago.


i prefer to hunt dove, quail,[what the fireants dont kill first] and whitetail deer. sometimes mulies in deep s.west texas. but tell me 18 year old he man how do "YOU" cook your duck?? what recipes do you have.and as far as you buying my shotguns, its gonna take you a while to save that much allowance.:p


I breast every one of my ducks out:

I'll merinate them in a bunch of different sauses and spices for about 5 hours and then I wrap them up in bacon and throw them on the BBQ.

I also take some of my ducks down to my local meat locker and have beef sticks made out of them.


I have been hunting ducks and geese since I was 5 and I've been guiding guys your age for 2 years now.....I think I know what im doing :rolleyes:


Tell your mom if she wants a duck dinner that bad, then im sure it woulndnt be too hard for her to go down to the grocery store and buy one.

Because last time I checked, no where in the regs does it say its OK to go out and poach a mallard whenever your mom feels like a duck dinner. Maybe its different down there in Texas.....

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maybe your not as smart as you claim.the definetion of a poacher is some one that "knowingly" shoots or takes game out of season, or has no license, exceds the limit,our shoots after hours or by spot light, including hunting within 100' of a road or hiway. as well as hunting from a car . unless parapledgic.


here in Illinois, you have to have a waterfowl stamp on your hunting licence. When the seasons over,(even if you didn't know it was over) The stamp has expiried. If that is true in Texas, you didn't have a license.

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maybe your not as smart as you claim.the definetion of a poacher is some one that "knowingly" shoots or takes game out of season, or has no license, exceds the limit,our shoots after hours or by spot light, including hunting within 100' of a road or hiway. as well as hunting from a car . unless parapledgic.

A poacher is also a dumbass who either doesn't respect the game laws or is just TO DAMN STUPID to pay any attention to them and unknowingly take an animal out of season, thus this person should not be allowed to hunt any animal what so ever.

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REPEAT.........well you know how it is. most 18 yr olds know everything and never admit to ever doing no wrong. with very few "REAL" responsabiltys to anything more than having fun.i have a few more. house payment, 2 car payment,tags, registration, insurance on both, utilitys,a diabetic wife , a stepson with A.D.H.D., medication for both, food cost and a job that keeps me at work more hours than most people are awake. but no more than any other adult. ive made a lot of mistakes in my life and will make a few more im sure.so i shot a duck out of season... so what. if thats the worst mistake i ever made, i would be in good shape. and if there are anyone on this planet that can honestly say they never made any mistakes, then i bow my head to you. you are truly a supreme human being.



i turned it over to the authorites, and have said i was in the wrong and im sorry more times than i can count. so if you cant accept that and keep harpin on it. it only shows your immaturity.

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