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Who's ready for deer season?


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Opening day was yesterday morning and I got deer lined up taking tickets to see who gets to stay in the compound with the dogs. Yep, we feed deer and turkey and once the shooting starts, then know where to come to keep out of danger and get a good meal of corn. I counted a total of 23 yesterday but only 2 nice shooter bucks in the bunch. A 11 pointer that would go 160 and this 8 pointer with about 140 on his rack.;):cool:

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  • 5 weeks later...

Its always good to hear how things went. Rifle season opening weekend was unusual. Weather was overcast and windy such that the deer were not moving much. Not much shooting heard. I saw a few deer in the morning. One decent buck but no chance for a shot. Pretty cold, slow, frustrating.......but as I have learned over the years, you never know what is going to happen next.

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I am really biting at the bit. I can't wait for the up and comming deer season. I'm spending copious amounts of time looking through sports catalogues like Cabela's etc. I'm planning strategies and dreaming of monster racks. In the meantime I am enjoying the wonderfull aroma of cooking venison from this years harvest.

Yep, only 11 and one half months to go to next deer season.;)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

sgj2025 - I read somewhere that a whitetail rarely travels more than a mile from its place of birth in its entire life so you just may be in luck there.

You'll have to go out and find some sheds this spring and next season do some scouting. Also use buck atractants to get them to hang in a certain area.

One other trick Gramps taught me when he was alive. 3 weeks or so before season take a unwashed sock and hang it where you plan to stand. Change the sock every week. The deer will become accustomed to your cent and stop fearing it.

Good Luck

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Are you kidding me. Me and the boys are chomping at the bit top get out there. I've been watching hunting shows all winter to tide me over. My bloodhounds are getting all pent up too. They're starting to act up since they haven't been able to hunt.


If any one has knows of any discounts, coupons , bargains or sales on hunting gear please let me know. My gear is getting old and my boys need some too. Thanks.

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