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rail mounting holes


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I recently bought a brand new Benelli Super Nova. I am trying to mount an accessory rail. The manual shows tapped holes but they aren't apparent when looking at the top of the receiver as shown in the photo. Are the holes beneath that camo colored strip? Or did I just end up with a model that doesn't have the holes. If they are under  a cover strip, how do you remove the strip? 

supernova top.jpg

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I think I answered my own question. I found a table on the benelliusa site  showing the specs for all the Supernova versions. There is a column called "drilled and tapped" and under my version it says "no". So that sort of sucks.

I don't really need the rail on the top. I am just looking for a shell holder on the side. So if anyone has any ideas....

I have seen some saddle mounts that use the pins through the body like this https://www.trinitysupply.com/Benelli-Nova-Shotgun-mount-and-shell-holder-p/1330.htm

but that puts the shell holder on top rather than the side. Other than some Velcro mounted products, I have not found a side mounted shell holder that uses the pin holes.

The only alternative for the Mesa Tactical product would be to either drill and tap mounting holes myself or get a gunsmith to do it.

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OK. Good points. Can you guys recommend a decent velcro mount product? Stock and/or receiver mounting region.

FYI, the intended application is not actually hunting but home defense. However, when I went to get it a month ago, none of  tactical models were not available. I have already obtained a shorter barrel. I know its not ideal but I am making due what what can be obtained these days.

On the other hand, now that I have this Supernova, I plan to due target and skeet shooting.

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I am using ESSTAC cards. There are many others out there as well as generics off amazon. Just get the appropriate side velcro from the hardware store and mount it up. As far as your finish goes I wouldn't even use the velcro. I would just buy a generic shotgun stock shell caddy and use it. They are generally made out of expandable fabric or neoprene and slip on over the stock.  I like the Beartooth products ones. 

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Rhodes -

You mentioned that the extra shell capacity is for home defense, not necessarily for hunting.  In that case, for rapid reloads you may want to reconsider the velcro option on the receiver as a faster way to pull a round and feed it up into the mag tube with the support hand without having to dismount the gun.  I suppose that one could do the same with a stock mounted shell holder as well (assuming you bought the Beartooth Gun Jacket model) .  Not sure.  Once you get it, I'd play with it a lot and consider things like speed and economy of motion during re-loads, keeping the gun at the ready (as much as possible), eyes down range, etc.  Best of luck!

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sure. Thanks. I have also ordered a velcro type that hopefully I can mount on the receiver. The version of Supernova I have is not particularly flat on the side of the receiver (like an 870 seems to be). So not sure how well a velcro card will mount there. Just have to see. I will play with both. I ordered one from Brown Tactical. It seems like the ESSTAC are out of stock.

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  • 8 months later...

@rhodesengr How did you make out here?  I'm in the same boat with the 28" barrel 'field' model.  I'll use this barrel for clay/trap shooting come springtime, however I intend to change it barrel to a shorter 18" Carlson's barrel (that I already installed) for Home Defense.   I was disappointed today when I disassembled the gun to install a Mesa Tactical Pic-Rail/Side Saddle and found there were no punch outs.  My plan now is to find a gunsmith to drill & tap the Mesa Tactical mount in, and then use the rail to mount some rear sights and/or micro red dot.  Did you wind up settling with the stock shell holder? @Birdog19 had a good idea there... I may get one myself!

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I found a gunsmith to mount the Meds Tactical part. It came out fine. I will post a photo tomorrow.

I tried the slip on stock mount holder but that tended to bunch up when shooting so that's lives in my parts bin. I do like the velcro mount type.

Then, after all that I  was eventually able to get an 11052 M2 Tactical which is drilled and tapped. It takes a different Mesa part but it bolted right on. So at some point I will info everything I did to my Supernova and put it back to stock field configuration.

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So here is how my Supernova field to tactical conversion came out. As I mentioned above, I did find a gun smith that was able to mounte the Mesa tactical rail and shell holder. I put a compact red dot sight on the rail. I used the Carslon's 18.5 barrel. One advantage of of Carlson's barrel over the Beneli one is that the Carlson's one is threaded for chokes. I added the Carlson's muzzle break breecher choke. One the right side of the stock, I added additional shell storgae with a Bearcoat Tactical velcro card.

For a flashlight mount, I tried two different schemes. The one shown is the GG&G mount. The other scheme requires a magazine extension plus the L&M tri-rail. I trended away from using that scheme because the magazine spring gets released every time you want to change the barrel or take the barrel off for cleaning. It's not that big a deal but with the GG&G mount, I could put the stock spring retainer back in so the spring stays put when I remove the barrel. I also added a sling that has even more shell storage capacity.

Interestingly, the M2 model 11052 that I now also have comes with a magazine extension so on that gun, I am using the L&M mount and the spring gets released if you take the barrel off. There is no avoiding it.

Barrel: Carlson's 87014

Choke: Carlson 85006

Shell holder: Mesa Tactical https://www.mesatactical.com/products/sureshell-carrier-and-rail-for-ben-supernova-6-shell-12-ga-6-in.html

Stock shell holder: Bearcoat Tactical  https://www.browncoattactical.com/product-p/h-shell.htm

Light mount: GG&G https://www.gggaz.com/benelli-nova-super-nova-sling-and-flashlight-combo-mount.html

Mag extension: Carlson 04502 https://www.midwayusa.com/product/1005267676 

Light mount for mag extension: L&M Triple rail https://www.mountsplus.com/l&m-shotgun-magazine-tube-rail-mount.html

note: With Carlson mag tube, you need the 1" version. With the M2, you need the 26mm version. Slight but important difference. They are not interchangeable.








Edited by rhodesengr
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