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Posts posted by Novaking

  1. Oh, that makes me happy to hear, because I just ordered some myself for my own (brand new) SN Tactical. One question: were those the "full power" or the "low recoil" variant?


    He is deer hunting with them so I hope full power.

  2. That may be your goal.

    I'm thinking that he has gone to all the trouble of getting into my home for a reason.

    He doesn't get a do-over with me or anyone else.


    All I'm saying is if someone whats something in my house, They can have it. As long as that something doesen't hurt someone or my family

  3. Sighted in my SN TAC with slugs that actually decided to hold a GREAT grouping! Federal Tru-Ball slugs and at 50 yards was getting 3" groups! It's about time a find a slug that works well!


    good for you. just in time.

  4. "racking the gun" ////// You also need to make your attacker aware that you are armed, they wont be able to see anything with the light in their eyes.


    Isn't racking the gun a good sign that your armed? Its also a good sign to the attacker that the gun was just loaded?


    Also, how many shells do you need? If you can't hit someone with the first two shells, what makes you think the rest will make a differance. And if you do hit someone with the first two shell, again what makes you think you will the rest.


    I have a stock nova, 4 rounds in the tube. I think thats 2 extra, plus a handgun for back up. If you can't get rid of a thead with that, get yourself a draw bridge with a moat.



  5. I am thinking of getting a 10 gauge semi-auto & wanted to know if anyone had recommendations. I am thinking Remington SP10 or Browning Gold Light (which I believe are the main two 3 1/2" capable semi options). My primary use is actually for ducks & I suspect it's overkill, but I wanted some others' thoughts. Thank you


    A little much for ducks.

  6. I am probally going to get flamed for saying this, but my first shotgun was 870express. Now 17 years later it is still a tank, never had a issue of any sort. I now own 3 other 870s, a M590A1, and M4. Had a nova, felt like a toy, and had issues out the box with chambering 2 3/4" rounds. I know lemons exist (mostly in VWs), so I sold it and never looked back, true it can shot 3.5" but who does? Really... very few. There are 870s that can shoot 3.5" as well but the magnums are just 3" receivers/ barrels, but this is good since you do not need to work the action as far on the 3" compared to the 3.5. If I have to take a shotgun with me incase the end of the world or a home invasion, it will be the 870P pictured below. However, one of the ARs and CX4 (for the girl) stays loaded for this case. Over penetration is a mute point since all bullets will go thru a few walls, recoil is much better on these 2, they are shorter, and I am comfortable with either and the girl really likes the CX4.


    The Benelli M4 however is one of 3 shotguns I have ever said that I "WANT", have 2 of the 3 the 3rd is a AOW but maybe soon.


    The bottom (870P) is my newest and most favorite to date.




    Thoughs are nice. I don't have any guns that look like that. Most people don't. Most people have "hunting" type shotguns which means that they only have hunting type ammo around. What if I have only 3 1/2 turkey loads in my house if someone comes in. Thats what I mean. I don't want to shoot 3 1/2 ether.


    I don't have a problem with 870's. I grew up with one. And the acc. are endless, easy to find and cheaper than the Nova So you have my there.

  7. Aluminum will not rust.


    As to weapon-shield, I have tried it, and it is a pretty good lube and I love the smell of it.


    That being said, as a rust preventative it isn't so hot (then again, this rec. is aluminum, but the bolt carrier is still rust-able). I am a fan of RIG+P with a few drops of BF CLP floated on top of it. THis will not gum up very much at all compared to most greases you are familiar with. When RIG heats up, it almost turns liquid.


    I just know how big of a difference pinning a barrel will make, and wonder if this tolerance opening up will make a difference too. (not in a good way).


    Aluminum will oxidies ( I didn't spell that right) which is what rust is. It just won't turn that rust color or "rust away" like steel.

  8. First of all, I think you bought the best gun period. The gun is a tank. You can run anything though it and it will blast it out.


    Second, The nova is a 3 1/2. I think all police 870's and mossbergs are 3 inch.


    Third, what are you using it for? I've never needed more rounds than the gun can handle stock so??? I know acc. are a problem. My nova is stock. I bought a 25 shell belt that I will put over my shoulder if I need it in HD. You can buy 5 shell nylon stock holders for 5 bucks at walmart. Do they look cool? not really, but they work.


    Fourth, you type pretty good for drinking!!!



  9. Tim is right. The gun doesn't fit it you right. Gun fit is the number 1 thing to increase or score. I know, I shoot skeet with a gun that doesn't fit me, but thats all I have right now. Iv'e made it work but its not as comfortable as a gun that fits.


    What gun are you shooting? there maybe some ACC. that can help you out.



  10. As stated in previous post, just got my M1 super 90. See on some places where Benelli can tell when made, etc... I cannot find a way to ask my serial number is M399307. Also, I only have what came with the gun. How can I tell what choke, and how many rounds I can load in this? Sorry for such a juvenile newbie question, but I have been a handgun guy for a long time and very new to shotguns. Thanks!!


    I don't know anything about the m1 but the chokes should have a mark on the top of the choke.



    II-IM. mod


    IIII-im. IC

    IIIII- cylinder


    If you don't know now many rounds go in the mag., go to the range and put shell in it until it doesn't let you any more. then add one in the chamber and there you go.


    Thats all I know.



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