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Posts posted by Novaking

  1. Ha ha - recoil, that undefinable force some feel and others don't. Depending on which 12 I'm shooting, I'm not bothered by recoil. BUT, Some women find the UL has no recoil, others find it kicks horribly. Same w/the Montefeltro, Beretta, well... you get the picture. I haven't had a chance to shoot the UL, but it is the only gun I've handled, including those I've shot, that just felt good. I figure a limbsaver should help with recoil.


    I 6 pound gun will recoil more than 7 or 8 pound guns. Thats just the way it is. Gas gun recoil less but MOST of them weight more them others to. People (just not woman) are sensitive to recoil. Some more sensitive,some less. The gun as the same amount of recoil.


    If you shoe fits, wear it. Buy a really good shooting vest and I say blast away. If I could I would buy a UL in the heartbeat and I would shoot the h$%$ out of it.


    Good luck with your purchace and let us know what out buy.




    texan I've ever talked to hates illegal immigrants


    I think they have a season for them to. ;)


    If deer in such a problem where you live then do your part to control the population. Shelters here will take the meat if you don't want it. We donate a deer every year to the local shelter. Remember deer and other wildlive are here for a reason. We may not always know what the reason is. but if you (we) don't control the population, There will be more deer/car hits, more deer will be eating your garden, Etc.


    Just sometime to think about.



  3. Couldn't have said it better myself. How about we get back on topic and find me some good rifled slugs? :)


    Are you shooting 3 shot group before adjusting your scope? Are you letting your barrel cool down inbetween group? Are you shooting from a good rest? Also try dry firing a few times to practice trigger control. You could be flinching. Slug tend to do that to people. These four things WILL help with your groups. Try them. If you are, they your running out of slugs to try :(



  4. Does anyone know if you can switch barrels from slug to field w/out modifications like it says on the web site? Also can anyone give me a price on one. thanks:confused:


    A price on what? The gun? which barrel? Gun with both barrels?

  5. Yes, I consider an animal that does not attack me and does not have means of defense, defenseless. They freeze in headlights, they stand still sometimes when you shoot at them, and they are just not very smart. I work with plenty of hunters, and they all say the same thing. He-ll, I've been on the skeet range blasting away, and deer have walked out of the woods 75-100 yards away and started to eat the grass on the range field. Tell me these animals are smart. I've had my crosshairs on plenty of deer, but see no point in repeatedly killing something that is of no value to me.


    But I could care less about deer. I see them all the time, they are a problem in this area, and if I wanted to kill them, I easily could. I don't see the thrill in killing something that isn't exotic or dangerous. I especially don't see the thrill in wasting a whole day sitting in a treestand waiting for some dumb animal to come bumbling along so I can gun it down. If I was to hunt, I'd want to actively track and stalk things, not sit around waiting for some foolish deer to walk beneath my treestand.


    I don't expect a forum full of hunters to agree with me, but that's where I stand. The only reason I'd want to kill a deer would be to out of annoyance, or if I wanted to eat it for some reason.


    Dove or bird hunting, I totally understand, and would love to do. As I understand it, you have to actually move along and always be ready for things to fly out of the brush. You're not sitting stationary for 5 hours waiting for something to come to you. The thought of deer "hunting" puts me to sleep.


    Hardly relevant to this thread, or my post at large.[/quote



    huh. Hunting deer and the deer itself are valueable. But you don't understand now. You won't understand later. I don't hunt from a stand. I stalk hunt. I think hunting from a stand is boring to. You said you don't see a thrill in killing something that isn't dangerous but you thing bird hunting would fun.



    People are hunters and people are not. Your not even close. And thats fine. But the lease you can do, is respect animals and what hunters do.



  6. Deer hunting seems like just about the most boring prospect on the face of the earth to me. NY is absolutely overrun with deer, I see multiple deer daily in fields or almost getting hit on the roads. If I wanted to kill a deer, I could just sit on my deck any given morning and wait for a herd of them to come into my yard by my pond. Would killing a bunch of dumb defenseless animals give me reason or authority to talk about accuracy?



    Who's the moron. DEFENSELESS DEER. Thats funny. There is multiple deer in NY because humans are overtaking the land they live on. Dumb animals. I bet they think the same about you.


    Hunting is not as easy as you think. Your neighor could "snipe" you off when your sitting on your deck.( I bet you have a tactical plan for that to.) I guess that makes you a dumb defenceless animal to.

  7. I hunt in Menard Co., IL during shotgun season, McDonough Co., IL during atlerless only season (Late Winter Hunt), and any place I can find for bow season.


    I use a Remington 870 12ga. and shoot Hornady slugs.

    Browning rage for bow season

    Gerber Knife for field dressing


    Are you from Il

  8. I think your right about the 870 and mossbergs be "toy guns" to the benelli's. When I first brought my Nova I looked at an 870 super mag and it wasn't the same. I'm not knocking the m4 but and can't find the extra cost vs the supernova in personal home defence.


    Good luck,



  9. Whatever it came with.


    Is the tactical barrel fixed choke or inchangeable? If its fixed, It is most likely Cylinder. If its inchangeable, It is still most likely Cylinder. If you can change chokes, Try a Improved Cylinder choke. I might help tighten your groups.



  10. Well, i ran out of slugs to completely finish sighting in. After my last slug which was 2" high 1" left at about 35ish yards, i just did few elevation clicks and windage clicks to adjust for the error. It is the best it is going to get. 50yards out of that thing is pushing it, I wouldn't wanna try shooting a deer with that at 50 yards. 40ish max. Right before hunting i am going to run 2-3 through it to make sure it is holding where i put it. At 35 yards i WILL hit it, just maybe not exactly where i aimed. Gotta have some room for error with a 18.5" smoothbore.


    What choke are you using?



  11. I stand corrected by WInchester. I will be ordering a MOD choke. So far it has done very well with winchester slugs, I will test with Remington slugs as well and see how it does. I have heard Mod/IC for slugs all time time, with IC getting the nod. I will go with MOD as it allows me better patterns with buck (I think...).


    Question: What slug design should I be using in my shotgun?

    Answer: Winchester Ammunition offers two slug designs, the sabot slug or the rifled slug. Sabot slugs are designed to be used in rifled barrels or in smooth barrels with a rifled choke tube. Rifled slugs are designed to be used in smooth barrels. We have found the best accuracy when using rifled slugs in a cylinder or modified choke.


    So does that mean no full choke for slugs?

  12. "Duncan" commented on liking the lack of a "real safety", not a "real trigger". By real safety, I mean one that has to be turned off prior to pulling the trigger, not one that automatically turns off when the trigger is pulled.




    Its late. Thats what I meant.


    I've always been drilled in:


    rule 1 - safety on until you are ready for fire.


    rule 2- a gun is always "loaded", so treat it that way.


    rule 3 - look at rule one and two



    You said that you don't use the safety unless the gun is loaded. My first reaction is the gun is always "loaded".


    I just had handguns for about 3 years now and my rules change with handguns.


    rule 1- keep your finger off the trigger until your ready for fire


    rule 2 - a gun is always "loaded"




    And yes I know there are trap guns( and other guns) that have no safety at all. Rule change again.







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