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Posts posted by Novaking

  1. Maybe you should just leave your weapon unloaded that way you can keep making your...what did you call it "CLACK CLACK" until they leave. Perhaps use a megaphone so it can be heard throughout the house and if possibly the intruder or intruders can hear if they dont think you are home and are making too much noise tearing your house apart. A "ninja" style robbery is when 2 or 3 men break into a house and they are ARMED. If I could spot a weapon in someones hand in my house and there are 2 or three men. Im taking them out...plain and simple. No clack clack BS...youve seen too many movies....and this is where that extra ammunition comes into play.


    It sound like you think we will wait until we see the intruder before we load the shotgun. NOT true. Yes if I saw someone with a gun in my house they better have a badge around the barrel or see yah. But we are talking about the second we here the sound of someone in your house.

  2. After reading someone of the thoughtful replies, I wish to announce that I have changed my mind on the issue.


    Here's what I'll do to insure that the intruder has little to no incentive to do my family and myself any harm whatsoever.


    1. I have a recording of some racking an action. This will be played for the intruder, but not so loudly so as to damage his hearing and open myself up to possible litigation for damages.


    2. I will always keep a freshly baked pie and a hot pot of coffee at the ready, so as to make the intruder feel as though he/she is welcome and not in any danger.


    3. I will always keep my valuables in plain sight, so as to not delay the intruder in his quest to relieve me of everything worth a darn in home.


    4. I will keep my guns in plain view, with trigger and action locks in all of them. I will also keep the original boxes and manuals and warranties in close proximity, in case the intruder needs to take them from me.


    5. I will post glamor shots pictures of my wife and daughter on the front and back doors of the residence. This will help the intruder to decide whether he'd like to put forth the effort in assaulting them or not.


    Thanks to the (|)'s who have posted in this thread, for I'm quite certain their sage advice has saved me the aggravation of having to hire and expensive lawyer, should my home ever be invaded.


    Sounds good. I don't think you would fight off a snail anyway.

  3. Ok, for starters you are obviously NOT getting the point. I NEVER said I would seek out and engage the enemy. I was addressing the simple issue that calling out to an intruder and racking a shotgun is a bad idea when you do not know what circumstances you are facing.




    AGAIN, this is what I posted. Where in the heck do you see that I am SEEKING out the intruder?





    AGAIN, I am simply addressing the point that calling out to your intruder and racking a shotgun is not something that would work in EVERY situation.


    I agree that sometimes racking the shotgun WILL work, I even said that in my last post. I don't know why you are calling me RAMBO and appear to being taking a hostile tone in your post. Calm down, I thought we were just having an exchange of ideas on the forum, there is no reason to start calling people names and getting hot under the collar.


    Please read my post again



    Ok, I never called you Rambo. Amost everyone here as a good idea on this forum. Thats why I'm here. I get way more info than I give which is why I'm here in the first place. There is never any harm done here and I hope the same for you.


    Yes, your right, "racking" the shotgun WILL NOT work every time. I didn't say it would. Neither will my alarm.


    I never said YOU engage anything. The ''engaging" the enemy refurs to your Military idea which I didn't understand.



  4. Maybe I am a traditionalist but I still view the man as the protector of the family, and my opinion is born out with a simple study of psychology and physiology.


    I think I've said that in another post. I'm not going to look for it, but I think I said "I would do anything to protect my family. "


    First, don't let them in my house. (alarm, dogs (barking), double dead bolt.


    Second, scare them away. ( alarm, dogs "racking" of a shotgun)


    Last, and only last, pull the trigger.


    If I've haven't said this,(I think I have) in this thread, Then now I have.



  5. Think about it, does the military engage the enemy without any intel at all? Would a lone police officer run into a house that could potentially have an entire gang inside? Why would a gun owner not use tactics to their advantage? I just don't get the whole idea of calling out to an intruder and racking a shotgun when you do not know what type of threat you are facing.


    I'm not in the military. Besides Rambo, I've never heard of a one man Military. When is the last time you saw your military defending themselfs on there own ground. In home defence you don't "engage" the enemy. I'm not a cop. I also don't know a lot of cops that can run period. But if they could I don't think they would go into a dark house with out back up. So I don't know what you mean. The only only tactics I have is to get them out of my house. Going after someone even in your own home is a bad idea. waiting for them to come to you is the best thing to do. If you read all my post on this thread, you would read that it will take a lot for a person or people to get to me and my family. But it goes both ways. It takes a lot for me to get to them to. I don't want to know the type of thread I'm facing. Just get out of my house! is all I want. If they want to come after me. Come and get it. If they don't better for me.


    Maybe I will keep my alarm off and have my dog put down. I don't want to scare the bad guys away before I "Rambo" gets a hold of them.


    Got to go. My M60 needs cleaned.





  6. I hope that I never have to kill anyone either, and I agree that I would never shoot anyone in the back, but I disagree with the idea that scaring someone away is a good idea.


    I personally want to maintain the element of surprise, and frankly, I want to wait in a dark area where I can make a positive ID on the intruder as they turn the corner, and I will nail him right in the chest.


    Think about it, if you make your presence known and you have a very aggressive intruder, or worse yet, what if there is more than one? Imagine what they will do to your wife and daughter if you die.




    What if your wrong, and go to jail. what will your wife and kids do then. shooting someone doesn't keep them out of danger.

  7. first post here.

    i just bought a new nova h20 and according to the manual and the website it should be able to holed 4+1 but i can only get 2 rounds to go in. i purchased the gun in georgia if that matters. please help. thanks


    have fun with your new nova. thoughs h20 are cool looking. For what reason did you go with the H20?



  8. I trap shoot with one of my Novas. Am I the best with it. NO. I shoot in the low 20's at the 16 yard and 20> as a move back. If I shoot it all the time, I could do better. But, I will shoot a round of trap, then a round of skeet with a different gun. The biggest thing is to know where the gun shoots and patterns.


    Good luck and have a blast.



  9. I guess a big luck to all.


    One day this will happen to one of us. Some of us will be happy the person left before we even saw them. Some of us will see them, hold them up and the person will go to jail. And last some of you will be going to jail.


    I'm not scared to pull the trigger. I'm scare to lose my family. I will do whatever it takes to take care of my family. I hope you all think the same.


    Be safe to all.



  10. I'm not totally sold on that being fiction.....or, I should say that were it me, I do know what I am going to do.


    I am going to get up from my chair, get a gun, and shoot the bad guy.


    I have three dogs, all pit-bull terrier crosses, totaling over 200 pounds of K9 muscle. Any one of them can take you off your feet. Three of them can take turns bringing me your limbs, if it comes to that.


    While they are busy keeping you occupied, I'll decide on the appropriate firearm to use to help celebrate your last home invasion party. ;)


    I will not know exactly what is going to happen. Maybe the person that breaks into your house knows you have a dogs like that. Maybe they have a plan for that. I am not alway close to a gun. And if it were as easy as you just said it, noone would have a problem in the first place.


    The problem is its not that easy. You will have your hands between your legs while the person is kicking in your door. People on drugs and have guns don't care if you have a big dog. A .357 will do the same to the dog as it would to you.


    You do have to have a plan. I think being cocky will just get you killed.

  11. What do you think would be better for shooting skeet? A 26 or 28 inch barrel in 20ga.?


    hmmmm, the the barrel length question. Your going to get a lot of answers on this one.


    It all boils down to what you like. I shoot 28'' with skeet. 26'' in fine. 30'',24'' 32'', what ever. The longer the barrel, the more "natural" the swing will be.


    I think your longest shot is like 17 yards. Some people say a longer barrel helps with the pattern. People also say it doesn't.


    With the longer barrel you will have a long sight picture which helps you aline your eye to the front of the barrel better.


    If you have a cool place to shoot skeet like I do, than all the ''big time'' skeet shooter will let you try there guns to get an idea what you want. I think your biggest problem is not going to be the barrel length or chokes or gauge, its the pump gun. Shooting skeet with a pump gun in fun, but it doesn't help you out at all. If you have a 500.00 bucks to spend, think about getting a ''cheaper'' auto or o/u. There are alot of great guns out there that will help you and the kids get better faster.



    ''Cheap autos and O/U's:


    remington 1100


    remington 1187


    s&w 1020


    charles daly


    escort guns


    remington spr 453


    remington spr 310 O/U


    stoger O/U


    mossberg silver O/U


    Check them out. I know you said a pump but your shorting yourself when shooting skeet.

  12. splashdance,

    NJ is right.

    Simple physics dictate that if the projectile delivered that much impact force, then the recoil would split you in half.



    Send over a skirt.

    I need a new cover for my duck boat. :cool:


    I got nothing, You win for now.

  13. Women's size XXXL is going to be too much for me.

    Got any daughters who don't spend as much time at the trough? :p


    I knew you would find something. Maybe after of beach your wife ;) , We can start back with the post at hand.



  14. Looking to buy a 20ga pump for occasional skeet shooting but do not want to break the bank. I've narrowed my choice between the Browning BPS or the Benelli Nova pump. Anyone have any good or bad experiences with either?

    Thanks for your opinions.


    I will give you a +1 on the nova and the bps. I own a 20 gauge nova a love it. Zero problems. Great upland gun.


    I don't own a BPS but I have shot one for a few years until I bought the Nova. Again great gun.


    Have you compared prices? How many chokes come with the gun? brass bead or high-viz sight?


    Ether way you won't go wrong.


    O, P.S. the BPS ejects shell out of the bottom.

  15. At the risk of speaking for Novaking, I suspect his opinion isn't based on misplaced humanitarianism, but on a correct assessment that not shooting someone means not risking trial for aggravated assault, or worse. And I'm with him on that. At the end of the day, what matters to me is my family and myself coming through the incident unharmed, and ideally, I'd like to achieve that without subsequently risking a trial. If that means the bad guys get away, so be it.


    Thanks Euromutt, Everything you said, but I will add at the end of the day, I DIDN'T KILL SOMEONE. which is the goal.


    i would hate to kill a homeless man that broke into my house just to get some food, he is buttering some bread with a knife, I see the knife and pull the tigger. ( I know this sounds stupid). Now, same thing, but I "rack" my gun, he hears it, and all I'm out is a peanut butter and jelly. Can it be worst, YES. Can you asume worst. YES!!


    To get to me, my wife, and my kids, you will have to get though something,(outside door,window) whatever, two stair gates, (one you can't step over and as a bell on it.) and two locked doors. If the bad guy can get though that without me or my wife hearing it, I guess I'm screwed. But, I think I will have time to "rack" the action to start a fight. The last thing I would want to do.



  16. Wow. Just wow.

    Post up the inventory. I promise no one will get hurt.


    I'm not to worried. You'll just take all my wifes clothes. Whats your favorite color? I'll lay a skirt out for you. ;)


    P.S. I can't promise the same.

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