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Everything posted by Hookster

  1. The M1 is looking good Smilodon! Thanks for the pics! Later, Hookster
  2. That's OK.....He's a bridesmaid with a silenced M-10
  3. My nightstand gun is a Glock 21sf .45 in my other nightstand is a 5" tactical XD in .40 Zombies Beware
  4. Vid-e-o!.....vid-e-o!.....we want vid-e-o!!!!!!
  5. Congrats Skeeter!!!! You're going to have some fun with that thing. I really have to get a little more serious about getting out of this state!! I used to have an M-10 in .45 (semi-auto) long ago in the early 80s, Even had that same holster! later, Hookster
  6. Hookster

    need help

    I know......As I said....My mind control experiments are going exceedingly well.........
  7. Hookster

    need help

    With enough of that Tight-Bond wood glue in Pic #1 you can get anything together! Good Luck Newb!
  8. My mind control experiments are going exceedingly well.......
  9. I figured it would be easier to have you buy one, give it a full rigorous field test and then report your findings back to me. H;);)Kster
  10. I bought this one, I believe it's made in Germany, it is a bit beefier than the Sears wrench and I didn't have to buy the whole set http://www.amazon.com/Wiha-35002-Wrench-5-0mm-5-5mm/dp/B000IBOOBM later, Hookster
  11. Hi Skeeter! I've had my eyes on that for awhile too http://www.rapidreticle.com/sopscauto.htm I've been hoping to run accross one at a gun show that I could check out first hand but haven't been that lucky yet. Would love to hear opinions if anyone has checked them out first hand. How does it compare to Burris, Trijicon etc.... later, Hookster
  12. Lots O' 3/32 Wrenches........ http://www.google.com/products/catalog?hl=en&source=hp&q=3+32+allen+wrench&um=1&ie=UTF-8&cid=11062448243765692179&ei=-USJS87qN4XasgPBzMWGAw&sa=X&oi=product_catalog_result&ct=result&resnum=3&ved=0CBIQ8wIwAg#ps-sellers Hookster
  13. Hi KMC, The 5.5mm seems to be the closest fit (standard or metric) although it still seems like a slightly loose fit. If it's too rounded to get off after heating it up you might need to get creative with a dremel Later, Hookster
  14. Hey! cut me some slack, I steered you to the right size wrench! U Likey Wrenchy?
  15. Yeah, I'll send you one too.....I have a bunch of 2.38125mm wrenches laying around.
  16. I'll get some more pics up soon. The camera is at my GFs work today. She's an emergency veterinarian and likes to take pics of the strange things she removes from dogs intestines like VCR cassettes etc Hookster
  17. I think that makes you qualify as an awesome dude too! Welcome to the forum
  18. Thank you sir! That looks nice! As Skeeter says "Me likey." I think I'm going to end up with a solid adjustable cheek riser. I'm trying to decide between the DWP and the Karsten model B with the recessed bolts (no knobs). Do the knobs on yours ever work loose from recoil etc.? The strap on one I got is nice but it still shifts a little side to side with the straps all the way tight. I think in the long run that'll bug me but I had to give the strap on option a try before I went for the drill holes in the stock option. Later, Hookster
  19. Looking good Taylaboy! Do you by chance have a pic of it on the M1A scout? Hookster
  20. Hey Taylaboy, How did you like the M1A w/T-1 combo? I saw your post on M14TFL. I finally got a cheek riser from Coyote M1A http://www.coyotem1a.com/ They were almost all sold out but I got the 1.25" riser in Crye Multicam. I've been thinking a T-1 on a Sadlak mount might be the way to go. Later, Hookster
  21. Hi Mike, You might want to put it in as a saved search on Gunbroker and they will notify you when one comes up. There is one on this M4 currently for sale http://www.benelliusa.com/forum/showthread.php?t=21718 Maybe you could contact him and buy the stock alone and throw whatever stock you currently have into the deal? Take Care, Hookster
  22. Well.... if he didn't specify, He'll have a few more months of foamy crotch waiting for Kip to send the correct replacement tube................
  23. Worry not John, It'll be worth the long foamy wait.
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