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I like mine better.





Nice toy you have there Duggan :eek:. I really need one of these but unfortunately, they are restricted out here. Damn politicians...


Same for M1014 but your gun just misses something... It doesn't have enough black on it.

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Of course I like all those tacticool AR-15s but I really like the idea of a classic carry handle AR-15 with wooden furniture for backyard plinking.


Got the papers proving that I succeeded my restricted firearms security course today. I'll probably get my restricted firearms licence in a couple of months so I'll be able to buy some nice toys. I'll begin with a Glock 17 and I'll probably buy an AR-15 later.

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Glock 19 man, 19. So much better.


Glock 19 is prohibited stuff here. All firearms with barrels shorter than 105mm (4 1/8") are prohibited. You need to buy a gun with no barrel and then buy an aftermarket longer barrel (I don't really like this idea but it's the only way to get these guns). I'll start with the 17 but I plan to buy a 19 and maybe a 26 later.

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Gun laws really suck around here. All centerfire semi-auto long guns are limited to 5 rounds in the mag. Pistols are limited to 10 rounds. All pistols with barrels shorter than 105mm (4 1/8") are prohibited, all .25 and .32 pistols are prohibited too, full-auto firearms = prohibited and worst of all : Benelli M3 = prohibited (don't ask me why). All pistols and ARs are restricted firearms meaning that you have to succeed a 1 day security course and be a member of a shooting club to buy them. You can ONLY transport your restricted firearms from your house to your shooting club (meaning that you can't hunt/shoot at your private range with them) and you need to call the Canadian Firearms Centre to obtain a transport permit to do so. You must store and transport all your restricted firearms unloaded and double-locked (trigger lock + locked gun case). Hollow point pistols bullets are illegal since you are supposed to use your handguns only for target shooting (no hunting/personnal defence). If you want to store ammo with your firearms, your ammo must be in a separate locked compartment. etc.


Conclusion : YES, Canada's gun laws SUCK!!! I wanna move to USA...

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