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What first amendment....


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WASHINGTON -- Fighting homegrown terrorism by monitoring Internet communications is a civil liberties trade-off the U.S. government must make to beef up national security, the nation's homeland security chief said Friday.


As terrorists increasingly recruit U.S. citizens, the government needs to constantly balance Americans' civil rights and privacy with the need to keep people safe, said Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano.


But finding that balance has become more complex as homegrown terrorists have used the Internet to reach out to extremists abroad for inspiration and training. Those contacts have spurred a recent rash of U.S.-based terror plots and incidents.


"The First Amendment protects radical opinions, but we need the legal tools to do things like monitor the recruitment of terrorists via the Internet," Napolitano told a gathering of the American Constitution Society for Law and Policy.



In light of this, the scheduled militia meeting will be held one hour earlier behind the cowboy action thread.

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One way or another, big changes are looming on the horizon for our nation. Will the tree of liberty be refreshed by the blood of tyrants, or will the only sound of the collapse of our republic be the applause of our own citizens as they slap their knees with one hand while holding out their other for government monies? Sadly, I fear the latter.

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The scariest thing of all is the utter lack of resistance and outrage.


I truly fear that things will retain the guise of normalcy and control until the absolute breaking point, and then the downfall will be as swift and sudden as this world has ever seen.


Until that point, it will just be a slow, steady downward spiral into socialism, where even the "opponents" of the socialists are weak hearted conservatives at best.


That is my well educated guess.

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The scariest thing of all is the utter lack of resistance and outrage.


I truly fear that things will retain the guise of normalcy and control until the absolute breaking point, and then the downfall will be as swift and sudden as this world has ever seen.


Until that point, it will just be a slow, steady downward spiral into socialism, where even the "opponents" of the socialists are weak hearted conservatives at best.


That is my well educated guess.


The "Ultra Progressives" are already mad at Bam for not moving fast enough. States are starting to cut Union benefits to balance budgets. Should be an interesting summer.

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Obozo bans deep water *over 500'* drilling in the Gulf. PetroBrazil bids for unused oil rigs. USA gives Brazil $2 billion dollars for off shore drilling in Brazil *17000' deep*.


George Soros invested heavily in PetroBrazil, now this. What a big coincidence.

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Guest cleefurd

No worries. In related news Joseph Lieberman endorses a Chinese proto-typed "kill-switch" that Obozo may use to shut down the web. My bet is they high-balled for compromize;


.......that compromize would resemble selective black-outs where-in they "may" unplug threads or forums deemed counter-intuitive to their agenda. Free speech won't suffer.... the afflicted will just be communicating in a vacuum... where voices can't be heard. Nice.

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