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Mag Spring Question


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Ok, we all know I cant spell but now you guys will know I dont have a clue about tools either,lol. I have zero clue how to take the cap thing outta the mag tube that holds the spring in. I was also trying to put the spring in the tube just to mess around and see how easy/hard it was. It was hard for me,lol is there a trick to it. I can take the entire gun apart very easy but these two thing have me dazed and confused.


I had the gun coated in a skull camo pattern looks pretty cool but came out a lil more silver than I thought it would and its a bit shinny. Not very tacticool but just cool. Ill post pictures when I can still jumping threw hoops for the 14"

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You need a set of snap ring pliers.


They are helpful, but certainly not necessary. Insert a screwdriver into the center hole and pry up one side. Then switch the opposite side and finish the job. Cup your hand over the cap in order to catch the cap and spring.

If you need instructions for reinstalling the spring then you probably have no business owning any guns.

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They are helpful, but certainly not necessary. Insert a screwdriver into the center hole and pry up one side. Then switch the opposite side and finish the job. Cup your hand over the cap in order to catch the cap and spring.

If you need instructions for reinstalling the spring then you probably have no business owning any guns.


thanks for the tip on the screw driver I might try that before I get some snap ring pliers.


But was the last sentance really needed? I never said I needed instructions I asked for tips. My M1 spring goes in pretty easy and has a different washer type thing to hold the spring in. Belive me I can shove the spring in the tube but I was just curious if there was a trick. I notice you didnt offer any help there so either you dont know or I just shove it in.

saying all that I wonder if I was trying to put kips extended mag tube spring in my short tube, I better check that.LOL

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Do yourself a favor and take a trip down to Home Depot or Sears. Buy a pair of snap ring pliers. I was able to find an adjustable pair. It came with a number of different pins that can be swapped out. Should handle a wide variety of snap rings. All for under $20. Having the right tool makes life so much easier. Remember, you have to get the ring back in once you get it out. Not quite sure how you do that (easily) with just a screw driver. Peace

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Can anyone think of any disadvantages to not replacing that magazine spring seal ring over the mag spring (other than launching the magazine cap)? I got my m4 from someone who'd put one of those cheesy aftermarket mag extensions on it and in the process they had discarded the magazine spring seal ring.

Edited by Sukhoi_fan
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My M4 never had the spring retainer when I bought it, so I never knew it was missing. I bought one from Brownells a few years ago. You simply have to keep your hand over the end when unscrewing the magazine cap. It does give a small amount of additional room for the spring itself to collapse. So some of those longer 2 3/4 shells might fit easier.

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