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I went out and shot my m4 for the first time. Very nice. I do have one question though. Is there a break in period to get her loosened up enough for some speed shooting? When pulling the trigger as fast as I could about every three shells the bolt would go to the rear to reload.

is this normal. I've only put 42 loads thru it to date. Afterwards, I broke it down, cleaned, and oiled. I'm going to try again tomorrow.

i should mention I didn't oil it when I assembled it, the bolt seemed already well oiled

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My M4 is new as well. I have probably put 75-100 rounds of the Remington Buck thru it. I have also tried Federal target loads and I get a FTE with almost every round sometimes two. I thought they would be able to run those thru without problems. I have tried it dry and with SlideGlide (red) on the bolt. I don't recommend using slide glide...A pretty tough cleanup will be waiting for you. So now the only thing I use is Militec-1. I use it to coat the firearm inside and out then heat up the gun to get it into the metal and also as lube.


This is still now allowing me to run the Federal target loads.





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I don't want to high jack jk6672's thread. but I was using the same shells as he was and mine ran flawlessly.


As far as speed, I'm still trying to get used to shooting fast so I don't think I would have noticed what he is speaking of. The only thing I did notice was that my face was sore from grinning ear-to-ear!!!

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