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Posts posted by Novaking

  1. There is no hunting season that you can use a rifle in Illinois?



    Just vrments. (yotes, squirls,rabbits)


    Deer hunting in limited to handgun that produces 500 foot pounds of energy with at least a 6 inch barrel, shotgun with only slugs, or bow. ( cross bow for handycap).

  2. what kind of gun oil are you guys using for your semi- autos? i just purchased a SBE II, and have plenty of rem oil. will that work?





    Almost everyone on this site will tell you NO. They will tell you CLP breakfree or a higher end lube.

  3. I am highly interested in getting a collapsible stock for my Supernova. All of my searching hasn't yielded anything with the exception of one or two private sellers. Is anyone aware of any after-market stocks that will work or does anyone have information that will aid me in my search? Your response is greatly appreciated.


    the Benelli collapsible stock is the only stock available for the SN. If you really want one. Your going to pay for it. There is no aftermarket stocks for the SN

  4. In a recent posting, it was mentioned that one disadvantage of the inertia system is that if fired while holding the gun against a concrete wall, the action will not cycle. Is this just internet rumor, or has someone actually tried it?


    Could anyone please explain to me why I would care if my M-2 will not cycle while holding it against a concrete wall, or any other immovable object? I don't mean to sound like a smart**s, but can anyone give me a possible scenario when this "fact" might be of any importance to anyone? Curious minds would like to know!


    inertia guns will not fire on my shoulder for the same reason. Its like a concrete wall.:D

  5. hello all, i posted on the general forum but figured i should here also. I patterned my supernova today with 3.5" high velocity remingtons with a jellyhead choke. on all 10 shots, the my most dense area was about 3-5 inches left and a few inches down. i tried some with the jellyhead and some with the factory full choke. i evern tried a 2.75" inch load and a 3" load, same result. i had some else shoot and they were also in the same area. up and down i can live with but it was 3-5 inches left every single time. what should i try? i tired 5 shot and 6 shot no change. should i get a rear sight? should i try 4 shot? im stuck, thanks for the help


    change your shim

  6. what types of things will take off my camo. also is there any thing camo friendly or that will protect it. lastly is it ok to use remoil wipes on it for like when im in the field for a quick wipe down before i get home



    Why remoil? the camo gun shouldn't rust (as easy) and remoil wouldn't help if it did start to rust. Just wipe any water or dirt off with a dry towel. done.

  7. I won a Ducks Unlimited Super Nova last night in Max-4 HD. I know it's a nice gun, but I have a SBEII and don't think I can get used to a pump.


    A guy there won a Mossberg 4x4 win 300 with a scope and wanted to trade straight up. If I did, I would sell that one for sure.


    Does anyone know what a DU Super Nova in Max-4 HD might go for? I think the Mossberg might be worth more. I am capable of looking up prices on the internet, I just wonder if the whole DU thing might bring some more value.






    If you want the mossberg. Then trade.

  8. you guys will kick me for this but look at a mossberg 500 not the highest quality gun and they can get a bad rep but ive had one for 28 years and not one jam and it is a great gun well weighted. look at it serisouly




  9. just use a rifled slug and some adjustable optics..will get about 80% the distance out of it vs the rifled barrel guns.


    So your saying with a rifled barrel at 100 yards, you will get the same group at 80 yards with the field barrel? I would like to see some more data and some pictures of both groups. I highly doubt what you are saying is accurate.

  10. Team Gunners,


    CCEMAN again, i am still going to get the SBE 2 as my first auto loader. Thanks to all your advice but i do have a question. What is the main difference between Franchi and Benelli other that price?




    CCEMAN (new guy on block)


    Benelli is more refined than Franchi. Its a you get what you pay for thing.

  11. thanks for the imput i still havent made up my mind on either one...id like to find someone with a stoeger so i could shoot one first cause ive seen how well the benelli shoots...that $100 bucks is made up in quality for sure with the benellie tho...


    p.s. what shells where u shooting when it jammed?



    Three words





  12. If it's versatiliy one wants then you have to own a Remington 870 Express Super Magnum (2.75 - 3.5") solely for the fact that there are more aftermarket parts/accessories for it than any other shotgun out there! ;)



    not to mention cheaper.

  13. I am new to turkey hunting and looking for a little help. Right now I am using a Benelli Nova and I want to buy a new shotgun but am unsure of what to get. Here are the two guns that I am thinking about' date=' the Benelli Super Black Eagle II and the Stoeger Model 2000. Do both guns offer a steady grip and regular stock, or do you have to purchase them seperate or specify which stock you want when ordering. I know that the Stoeger only shots up to a 3" shell whereas the Super Black Eagle II shots a 3 1/2". I have never shot a gun with the steady grip, so one of my questions is does the steady grip make that big of a difference in comfort or accuracy? Next question, would you recommend buying a gun with the steady grip for the soul purpose of having the steady grip, and will you use only a gun with the steady grip for turkey hunting? I know that the Benelli is about 3 times as much as the Stoeger but I would rather pay the extra money and have a gun that lasted than to buy a gun and have to replace it 2 or 3 time during my turkey hunting career. Also would purchasing the recoil reducer be a good investment or just a waste of money, I have owned my Nova for about 6 years and have newer been hunting with it I have shot a few turkey shells (less than 2 boxes) through it, something about spring time bass fishing I just can't get off the front of my boat to turkey hunt but this year I decided that I would give it a try, fish bite all year turkey season is only 1 month. Any help would be greatly appriciated[/quote']


    I say stay with your nova. You have a great turkey gun now. (Unless you have money burning in your pocket) I don't know where you live, but in Illinois (my experance) you can only shoot 1 bird with 1 tag in 1 season with 2 birds per year. I brought a box of hevi shot 4 years ago (10 shells),patterned 3 shells, and shot 3 birds. In other words, you don't need a semi auto for turkey. If you want it, than by all means, go for it. 3 of my buddys hunt turkey with single shots.


    As far as the steadygrip, all personal. I have one on my supernova for turkeys and love it. It would be good for deer and coyote hunting as well.


    Recoil reducer, nah. Recoil pad, yup. If we are just talking turkey hunting, again (my experance) the most I will shoot out of my turkey gun is 2 shells a year. Trust me, If your on aim on a turkey and you press the trigger, you won't even feel it.


    I will make the sbe II purchase one of these days. But I will still keep my super nova turkey gun for turkeys.



  14. Mac, I know for quail 20 would be fine but pheasant is what I would be concerned with. I say this because I have very little experience pheasant hunting but I plan to get more into it starting next season. I have a good turkey gun (12ga) but it is to heavy to carry in a field all day. What is the story with barrel length? How much does barrel length affect pattern or distance?



    Almost no differance. Remember most all 20 gauges can use 3 inch shells.

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