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Posts posted by Novaking

  1. I wasn't Montefeltro some kind of General?


    Federico da Montefeltro, also known as Federico III da Montefeltro (June 7, 1422September 10, 1482), was one of the most successful condottieri of the Italian Renaissance, and lord of Urbino from 1444 (as Duke from 1474) until his death. In Urbino he commissioned the construction of a great library, perhaps the largest of Italy after the Vatican, with his own team of scribes in his scriptorium, and assembled around him a great humanistic court in one of the great architectural gems of the early Renaissance, the Ducal Palace of Urbino, designed by Luciano Laurana and Francesco di Giorgio Martini.

  2. Nothing says get out of my house in the middle of the night like a pump shotgun being racked.



    O NO! not the racking of a shotgun post. This will get everyone flamein.


    ( I keep just the mag loaded to)

  3. Reliable

    1 : suitable or fit to be relied on : dependable

    2 : giving the same result on successive trials


    Pretty much describes the M4, ask an Operator, OK - My answer is Yes.



    It's obvious that you prefer the Nova, I'm sure that's the reason why you named yourself "Novaking". That aside, the mechanical functioning of the Nova was not the original poster's question. The post was then hijacked by your opinion, not by the answer he came to the forum seeking.


    It's obvious by you're continuing posting that you're pretty uptight about your opinions / skill /experience level, so go for an unbiased answer, it helps the most. Don't bother to respond, I've moved on.




    First, My post is based on a post about the ''pump shotgun". Nothing more. Second post was reponding to your post about my opinion. I don't think that is hijacking but if I did I'm sorry.


    I named my self Novaking because "king" wasn't taken, and yes I own a few Nova's. I don't perfer novas over and m4. I couldn't afford a m4 if I perfered it over the Nova. (have kids).


    You posting back with your opinion, (trying to knock me) must mean (in MY OPINION) that your pretty uptight yourself. If you are worried about my hiijacking post from the orginal poster, Then why did you repond .



    anything esle you need to know, maybe just ask, Instead of making your own opinion.

  4. Check out SAM's Wholesale Club, they carry a Winchester or Remington "Name brand" that is fire and security rated, and is really resonable, and looks good.



    $649.00 24 guns safe

  5. Ok I'm new here but I'm not new, so to speak.


    GTPSC - You're off and on in your statement. Any pump shotgun will allow you, if you are precise enough to eject a shell or do a rollout without actuating the cartridge release. The problem is that under pressure, your fine motor skills are the first to go and you will have trouble performing that manipulation. The M4 is designed to circumvent that problem and allow faster selection.


    The following are opinions... Everyone has preferences, my philosphy is simple... Can it to the job consistently and accurately? Is your skill level actual or perceived? Answer those honestly and many weapon systems fit the bill.


    Duggan - Overall, it gives you much more options and flexibility, not to mention speed, over the standard pump system. It just takes some getting used to, as it is rather different.


    Novaking - Pump guns are easier the understand, more reliable, and In the Nova's case, its chambered for 3 1/2. You can also unload the mag. without chambering a round.





    Novas are chambered for 3 1/2, fact not opinion.



    Novas can unload without chambering a round, fact not opinion.


    Nova's can release the shell in the chamber without chambering a round from the mag. tube., Fact not opinion.


    Novas are more reliable. Well maybe you don't understand reliable. This means that Nova Shotguns can fire and cycle ALL 12 GAUGE SHELLS. Most autos cannot., Fact not opinion.


    Pumps are easier to understand. Most of the time pumps have fewer parts than autos. (minus Benelli interia driven autos)., More opinion than fact.

  6. Here's an example from one of my last years Quail hunting walks. I was using my beloved Short Stock 20 guage Monty, S90 M1, with the cheap Wally World 7/8 ounce load in 7.5 shot (Winchester loads).


    I hunt by myself and don't use a dog. I was walking next to a field of tall browned out grass and just came around a bend in the dirt path and spotted a Pheasent also walking in the warm afternoon sun about 30 feet in front of me. The pheasent turned to my left and ducked into the grass as I pulled back the bolt of my Monty, ejecting the 7/8 oz. load onto the ground. As I quickly stepped into the grass to cut the Pheasent off, I slipped a heavy 1 0z. load of number 5 into the chamber and let the bolt slam home. At that instant the Pheasent rose out of the grass about 15 yards in front of me sqawking loudly. I had my Monty up in a flash and fired bringing the rooster done hard.


    I did the shotshell change on the run without looking, as I was trying to find and cut off the Pheasent. And yes, I went back and picked up the live 20 guauge shell I had ejected on the path.

    Love that Monty! :)


    Hmm, What does that have to do with anything. My Novas will do the same thing.

  7. Rodburner... had this idea a while back and didn't initially get much from my post inquiring about the idea. However, I can thank Novaking, who remembered that Mudhen had done this and I PM'd Mudhen and he coached me about what he did. After reading your post, I went to my shop and combined the C & D shims and will test it soon. Wasn't really all that difficult and now I can put mount the gun IN the pocket instead of having to mount it higher in order to look straight down the barrel. Hope I'm as happy as you will it. I'll report results later but my thanks go to Novaking, Mudhen, and YOU for the "confidence-building." I'm neither a gunsmith nor a machinist, just a "regular" guy with a fairly decent shop out back.


    Thanks, and have a good one!


    Glad to here you tryed. Please let us know how it works.

  8. You're not dense, you're just used to pump shotguns clearly.


    The idea is that you load a round into the chamber FIRST while the BCG is back and the gun is empty. You then release the BCG, which lets you load additional rounds into the tube. This way, you always have a round in the chamber so you can use it if you need it. It's superior to a pump in that with pumps you have to load rounds into the tube, then pump, in order to accomplish the same thing. The m4 is faster getting a round in the chamber when you have an empty gun. If the bolt is closed, it always allows loading of more shells.


    The setup is also designed so that you can change the shell that's in the chamber without affecting the shells in the mag tube. It works better than the pump way.


    The small lever is there to reset the system on command. It allows the BCG to be locked back regardless of how whether the chamber is loaded, not loaded, rounds in the tube, no rounds in the tube, etc. On the next BCG cycle, the bolt will remain locked back, allowing you to manually load or change rounds if you desire.


    Overall, it gives you much more options and flexibility, not to mention speed, over the standard pump system. It just takes some getting used to, as it is rather different.


    Once you get good with it, you'll realize how awesome it is.


    The nova does the same thing as the M4. You can load a shell in the chamber, close the bolt, then add rounds to the mag. You can also eject the round from the chamber without having a round from the mag come up.


    Other than speed, the m4 doesn't have a lot on the Nova and Supernova.


    Pump guns are easier the understand, more reliable, and In the Nova's case, its chambered for 3 1/2. You can also unload the mag. without chambering a round.



    I'm not knocking the M4, I just don't know where your info on pump shotgun.

  9. I am new to this forum, but I have participated for many years on several gun- and knife-related forums. My experience with forum etiquette is that you don't flame a guy's sale post, just because you don't like the price or the description of the item being sold.


    If you don't like it, you don't have to buy it. Just ignore the sale post and move on rather than hijack the seller's thread with your unsolicited and unwanted opinions.


    Give the guy a break.


    I have been perusing this forum regularly, and have just about lost my interest in it because of the "I am [superior] than thou" attitude displayed by some of the members. and the childish flaming.


    Welcome to the Benelli forum. "Flaming" is normal here.



    By the way, My house is for sale for 1 billion dollars. Please no Flaming.

  10. I rank the Saiga 12 right up there with bullpup converted 10/22's. Sure they look neat but after using one you soon find out they are crap.


    Like some girls the Saiga is good from far, but far from good.



    I think you mean butterface. Everything thing is good butter face.:D

  11. Hey folks, I have recently began Trap shooting only for the purpose of becoming a better Upland Game hunter. I do not premount the gun when I shoot. The book that I am reading states that in the USA the correct way to Trap shoot is to premount the gun. My question/concerns is: Will I upset the other shooters if I do not premount the gun? Will this effect them in anyway? Thanks for any feedback!




    You can do what you want. It will be you at a disavantage. Not them.

  12. M4 All the way. If our Military uses it, it's better. :D


    Military weapons are base on lowest bitter. Thats why there isn't a whole lot of M4's is the Military. mossberg 500's:eek:

  13. well i thought this forum was about questions answers ,hunts ,guns , pictures ,and having a littel fun , i have met a lot of verry interesting people and learned allot about Benellies in general especialy my m2 , but to say this forum is dissipointing i would say not , but that is only my opinion and if im wrong i guess im in the wrong forum and i will gladley find another one were my comments are not dissipointing , my appologies ,


    your kidding right. You better hang in , Other forum aren't as fun as this one.

  14. Why do you like a shorter barrel for upland if barrel length doesn't make a difference. It's hard for my to belive that a shorter barrel won't throw a wider pattern than a longer one. If the bb's come out sooner, I would think they would start to spread faster. Like I said before, I don't know much about this stuff but I do have a little common sense. I would definetly not cut the barrel off of a $1000 gun. (Maybe not worth a $1000 but sure cost close to that). But it was an idea.

    What do you guys think about the Hastings choke?


    I like short barrels because I can shoulder these guns faster for quicker shots. That may be different for one or someone else. I like longer barrels on doves because of the longer sight plane between my eye and the front bead.


    I know nothing about Hastings chokes. I've had good luck with briley chokes and carlson chokes.

  15. Hang on a minute Novaking... the Briley chokes WILL fit. All you got to do is tell them the exact model, year, and serial number of your shotgn, and they will fix you up exactly! You need not be concerned with crio, non-crio, or any of that. They WILL fit and pattern great! Down here in Texas, we all love the Briley guys (based in Houston) and really appreciate their services.



    I wasn't talking about briley chokes. I was talking about the factory benelli crio tubes. Your right, Briley does a little of everything and there good at there job.


    I haven't ever hurd of one cross threading problem yet.:D

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